
1896 件ヒット (0.019秒):

  •   素粒子論特論 / The Standard Model of particle physics  
      高橋 史宜  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    The most microscopic theory that correctly describes the real world is the so-called Standard Model. The Standard Model is a class of quantum field theory, and gauge interactions (electromagnetic interaction, weak interaction, strong interaction) play important roles. I will review the basics of the Standard Model and its possible extensions.

  •   素粒子物理学Ⅱ / Introduction to Theoretical Particle Physics  
      山口 昌弘  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  


    Introduction to particle physics is given from the theoretical viewpoint. Based on gauge principle, the Standard Model of particle physics is desribed.

  •   素粒子物理学基礎 / Basic Course on Elementary Particle Physics  
      清水 格  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    Elementary particle physics is a discipline which explores the basic constituents of matter and their interactions to understand our universe. In this course, students will learn the basics of elementary particle physics, way of thinking, and experimental technique.

  •   素粒子物理学基礎 / Basic Course on Elementary Particle Physics  
      岸本 康宏  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  



    The science of particle physics is to understand our world by studying particles which constitute the Universe and their interactions.

    The purpose of this class is to explain the basic concept of the particle physics and important experimental facts, and to learn the basics of the particle physics.

  •   場の量子論基礎 / Introduction to quantum field theory  
      隅野 行成  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  



    The lecture will deal with the fundamental aspects of quantum field theory, which are essential for a deep understanding of particle, nuclear, and condensed matter physics.

    We will introduce quantum field theory using canonical quantization, by which subjects such as description of superconducting phenomena, quantization of relativistic fields, and derivation of Feynman rules will be discussed.

  •   素粒子物理学特殊講義Ⅷ / Flavor physics and CP violation  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    The quark flavor physics has remarkably contributed to

    establishing the Standard Model of particle physics and evolved through

    the dynamic interplay between theory and experiment. However, flavor

    physics tends to be less thoroughly covered in standard lectures on the

    field theory. This course aims to bridge the gap and deepen

    understanding of the phenomenology of flavor physics. Specifically, the

    Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism and its crucial role within the Standard

    Model will be discussed in the introduction. Then, I will explain the

    meson oscillations and decays. Additionally, the observables indicating

    CP asymmetry will be classified. The course will also introduce the

    effective field theory used in calculations of flavor physics. In the

    latter half, concrete topics such as the physics of K and B meson

    decays, lepton flavor universality violation, and the B anomaly aim to

    deepen the understanding of the concepts learned in the former part.

  •   素粒子・原子核物理学特別講義Ⅵ / Flavor physics and CP violation  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    The quark flavor physics has remarkably contributed to

    establishing the Standard Model of particle physics and evolved through

    the dynamic interplay between theory and experiment. However, flavor

    physics tends to be less thoroughly covered in standard lectures on the

    field theory. This course aims to bridge the gap and deepen

    understanding of the phenomenology of flavor physics. Specifically, the

    Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism and its crucial role within the Standard

    Model will be discussed in the introduction. Then, I will explain the

    meson oscillations and decays. Additionally, the observables indicating

    CP asymmetry will be classified. The course will also introduce the

    effective field theory used in calculations of flavor physics. In the

    latter half, concrete topics such as the physics of K and B meson

    decays, lepton flavor universality violation, and the B anomaly aim to

    deepen the understanding of the concepts learned in the former part.

  •   素粒子・原子核物理学特別講義Ⅲ / D-branes and Quantum Field Theory  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


















    String theory is a candidate for the ultimate unified theory that

    unifies all elementary particles and their interactions.

    However, since the second revolution of string theory started

    in the late 1990s, its profound relationship with quantum field

    theory has been discovered in various ways and has attracted

    much attention.

    For example, string theory provides a very useful framework for

    understanding the properties of quantum field theory, which leads

    to some unorthodox analytical methods to analyze strongly coupled

    quantum field theory such as QCD. Under certain circumstances,

    quantum field theory is conjectured to be equivalent to string theory.

    Based on this conjecture, attempts have been made to formulate quantum

    gravity using quantum field theory.

    The main purpose of this lecture is to provide students with the basic

    knowledge necessary to understand such developments and to deepen

    the understanding of both quantum field theory and string theory.

    We start with an overview of string quantization procedures and

    explain the low energy field contents in type II superstring theory.

    In particular, by considering the open string degrees of freedom,

    we will show that gauge theories can be realized on an object

    called D-branes. We will then explain how to realize various gauge

    theories within the framework of string theory by combining various

    types of D-branes. Some new insights into the quantum field theory

    gained by applying known dualities in string theory will be discussed.

  •   原子核物理学Ⅰ / Basics of nuclear physics  
      田村 裕和  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  



    It is known that the protons and neutrons that compose atomic nuclei are composite particles made of elementary particles called quarks. Although quarks cannot be extracted from protons and neutrons (hadrons) as single particles, it is believed that immediately after the creation of the universe by the Big Bang, the universe was in a quark gas state with quarks flying around freely. As the temperature dropped due to the expansion of the universe, quarks were confined in protons and neutrons, which formed light nuclei and then created atoms by clothing electrons. After that, gravity brought the atoms together to form stars, and heavier nuclei (i.e., heavier elements) were synthesized within the stars. Finally, supernova explosions and neutron star mergers produced even heavier nuclei and dispersed them throughout the universe to create the variety of elements that make up the matter in our present world. Understanding all these processes in a unified manner is a grand theme as the starting point of material science, and this is the mission of modern nuclear physics, i.e., the physics of quark many-body systems such as hadrons and nuclei governed by strong interaction.

      In this lecture, I will give an overview of nuclear physics starting from quarks along the history of matter evolution. The lecture will also touch on what kind of experimental facts have led to this understanding, and the state of the art of research (e.g., accelerator experiments to elucidate unknown matter in neutron stars).

  •   素粒子物理学Ⅰ / introductory course of elementary particle physics  
      岸本 康宏  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  





    Understand the properties of elementary particles and their interactions, which are the ultimate basic constituents of matter.

    Starting from these points, we reach understanding of the universe.

    In this lecture, we will give an overview of elementary particle physics, which has developed through the close intertwining of experiments and theories.

    In class, we will explain the current and future particle physics with emphasis on experimental aspects.
