
1785 件ヒット (0.028秒):

  •   Practical English Presen Ⅱ / Practical English Presentation II  
      林 雄二郎  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    With the aim of improving communication skills in English, students belonging to the international Joint Graduate Program in Integrated Chemistry (GP-Chem) report trends in areas related to their research fields and conduct discussions in English. In the second year of the doctoral program, a research presentation, including the progress of the doctoral research, should be made in a way that researchers with different backgrounds can understand. This course is designed to help the students to acquire a broad cross-disciplinary perspective through question-and-answer sessions with researchers in various fields.

  •   化学・バイオ国際特別研修 / Presentation and discussion in English on Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Bi  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/doctoral.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    The aim of this course is to develop language, debate, and communication skills that are sufficient to present and discuss research results related to doctoral dissertation research at international conferences. This training includes actual research presentations and question-and-answer sessions. In addition, group discussions will be held with the aim to prepare the presentation materials necessary for attending international conferences.

  •   NGP特別海外研修  
      松井 広  
      通年集中 その他 その他  

    東北大学では、文部科学省のスーパーグローバル大学創成プロジェクトの採択を受け、国際的な大学院教育環境を整備するために、多数の国際共同大学院プログラムを展開している。そのうち、「生命科学(脳科学)」(略称:Neuro Global Program)では、生命科学(脳科学)分野の研究で成果をあげている世界トップクラスの教員と共に、海外のトップレベルの研究者等と一緒に生命科学(脳科学)分野の研究で実績のある教育研究機関と共同で行う大学院教育プログラムである。本科目は、NGPコースの中核であり、NGP履修生は、主に、提携先の大学・研究機関において、6ヶ月程度の滞在をして、研究を遂行する。したがって、NGP履修生は、本科目を通して、東北大学と提携先の教員の両方に指導を受けることとなる。

    本科目は、Qualifying Exam 0(QE0)に合格してNGP履修生として採択され、かつ、博士前期課程修了時に行われるQE1にも合格した者のみが履修できる。また、本科目を修了することがNGP修了の必須条件である。

    The Division for International Joint Graduate Programs, Tohoku University Institute for Promoting Graduate Degree Programs that began in 2015, is improving joint degree programs with international collaborative universities/institutes. The Neuro Global International Joint Graduate Program (NGP) officially began in April of 2018 in the fields of life science and neuroscience. Students will be selected from graduate students belonging to Graduate School of Life Sciences and Graduate School of Medicine, and provided various opportunities. The center of the program is this "NGP Special Overseas Training". NGP students are expected to spend a total of approximately 6 months abroad at associated universities or research institutes. Thus, NGP students will be jointly supervised both by the Tohoku University faculty members and by the associated faculty members abroad.

    Those who have passed the QE0 and joined the NGP and those who have passed the QE1 at the end of the Master course as well are qualified to take this course. NGP students are required to finish this course to be certified as NGP graduates.

  •   保健学論文研究 Health Sciences Dissertation Research  
      詳細は別途教職員グループウェアにて周知 TBA on Groupwear  
      詳細は別途教職員グループウェアにて周知 TBA on Groupwear  

    保健学領域に関するテーマに沿って博士論文執筆に関する指導を受け、 教育者・研究者あるいは実践的指導者の素養を身につける。 Students receive guidance in writing doctoral dissertations on themes related to the field of health sciences, and acquire the skills to become educators, researchers, or practical leaders.

  •   修士インターンシップ・キャリア実習A  
      猪股 歳之 所属:高度教養教育・学生支援機構 (キャリア支援センター)  
      後期前半 木曜日 5講時 その他  


    The purpose of this course is for students to participate in an internship while enrolled in the master's program, clarify their interests and future careers, and further enrich their student life and research efforts.

  •   セミナー / Seminar of Geoenvironmental Sciences  
      武藤 潤, 地球科学系全教官  
      後期集中 その他 その他  


    With the participation of all faculty members, we aim to introduce recent scientific knowledges and exchange our views on various fields related to geoenvironmental sciences. Also through the seminar presentation, students will learn the logical explanation and scientific expressions that can be utilized for preparing their own thesis.

  •   多文化教育論研究演習Ⅰ  
      渡部 由紀  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 その他  


  •   日本語学総合演習Ⅰ / Japanese Linguistics(Integration Seminar)  
      大木 一夫, 甲田 直美, 中西 太郎  
      前期 火曜日 4講時  


    Participants survey and criticize prior research on Japanese language history and Japanese dialect, and determine their own themes and research methods, while grasping current academic trends where various research themes exist. After that, we will conduct surveys based on the theme and method, conduct analysis and consideration based on the collected data, and announce the results orally. In addition, the contents will be discussed by all participants. Through oral presentations and discussions, students will learn how to research and criticize prior research on their own themes, how to consider them based on sufficient scrutiny of materials, and how to effectively describe new methodologies and research results.

  •   教育心理学特別研究Ⅱ  
      佐藤 誠子  
      通年集中 その他 連講 その他  


  •   生涯教育科学特別研究Ⅱ  
      八鍬 友広  
      通年集中 その他 連講 その他  

