
1370 件ヒット (0.018秒):

  •   有機化学演習A(AMC) / Exercises in Organic Chemistry A  
      永次 史, 水上 進, 和田 健彦  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  

    Objective and Summary of Class:

        Understanding of organic chemistry will be deepened by performing exercises based on the lecture contents of "Chemistry C" and "Special Class in Basic Chemistry III" and in parallel "General Organic Chemistry A" and "Laboratory Experiments in Chemistry A" (up to chapter 18 in McMurry, "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed.)

    Objective and Summary of Class:

        Understanding of organic chemistry will be deepened by performing exercises based on the lecture contents of "Chemistry C" and "Special Class in Basic Chemistry III" and in parallel "General Organic Chemistry A" and "Laboratory Experiments in Chemistry A" (up to chapter 18 in McMurry, "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed.)

  •   有機化学演習B(AMC) / Exercises in Organic Chemistry B  
      永次 史, 和田 健彦  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  

    Understanding of organic chemistry will be deepened by performing exercises based on the lecture contents of "General Organic Chemistry C" and "General Organic Chemistry D" (from chapter 19 up to chapter 29 in McMurry, "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed.)

    Understanding of organic chemistry will be deepened by performing exercises based on the lecture contents of "General Organic Chemistry C" and "General Organic Chemistry D" (from chapter 19 up to chapter 29 in McMurry, "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed.)

  •   有機化学概論A(AMC) / General Organic Chemistry A  
      水上 進  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  

    Objective and Summary of Class:

      This class is part of organic chemistry classes, including Special Class in Basic Chemistry III, and General Organic Chemistry A, C, and D. The lecture covers the following topics:

    (1) Basic chemistry of organic halides.

    (2) Nucleophilic substitution reactions and reaction theory

    (3) Diene and allylic systems

    (4) Conjugated and aromatic compounds

    (5) Aromatic substitution reactions

    (6) Properties of alcohols, phenols, ethers, and thiols.

    This class will provide the broad fundamentals of organic chemistry that are essential for students to be a chemist.

    Objective and Summary of Class:

      This class is part of organic chemistry classes, including Special Class in Basic Chemistry III, and General Organic Chemistry A, C, and D. The lecture covers the following topics:

    (1) Basic chemistry of organic halides.

    (2) Nucleophilic substitution reactions and reaction theory

    (3) Diene and allylic systems

    (4) Conjugated and aromatic compounds

    (5) Aromatic substitution reactions

    (6) Properties of alcohols, phenols, ethers, and thiols.

    This class will provide the broad fundamentals of organic chemistry that are essential for students to be a chemist.

  •   有機化学演習A / Exercises in Organic Chemistry A  
      森 直紀  
      後期 火曜日 1講時  

    先行して開講された、および並行して開講されている有機化学系講義(「化学C」、「専門基礎化学III」、「有機化学概論A」、「化 学一般実験A」等)の内容について、クライン有機化学第二版を用いて演習を行い、有機化学の理解を深める。

    The aim of this course is to deepen students’ understanding of organic chemistry by solving the end-of-chapter problems in Klein’s Organic Chemistry, 2nd ed.

  •   専門基礎化学Ⅲ(AMC) / Special Class in Basic Chemistry III (Basic Organic Chemistry I)  
      和田 健彦  
      前期 月曜日 4講時  


    Objective and Summary of Class:

       Students will learn how to understand organic chemical reactions. The purpose is to learn the reactions

    of basic organic compounds, such as alkanes, alkenes, and organic halides, via the flow of electrons shown

    using arrows.

      ⑴ Structure and Bonding.

      ⑵ Organic Compounds

      ⑶ Stereochemistry

      ⑷ Alkanes

      ⑸ Alkenes

      ⑹ Alkynes

       Intended for those students majoring in organic chemistry, this class will provide the broad

    fundamentals of organic chemistry needed to become a chemist. It is desirable to continue taking

    Chemistry C, Special Class in Basic Chemistry Ⅲ, and General Organic Chemistry A, B and C as well as to

    take Exercises in Organic Chemistry A and Organic ChemistryⅠ A and ⅡA( class concerning spectroscopy)


    Objective and Summary of Class:

       Students will learn how to understand organic chemical reactions. The purpose is to learn the reactions

    of basic organic compounds, such as alkanes, alkenes, and organic halides, via the flow of electrons shown

    using arrows.

      ⑴ Structure and Bonding.

      ⑵ Organic Compounds

      ⑶ Stereochemistry

      ⑷ Alkanes

      ⑸ Alkenes

      ⑹ Alkynes

       Intended for those students majoring in organic chemistry, this class will provide the broad

    fundamentals of organic chemistry needed to become a chemist. It is desirable to continue taking

    Chemistry C, Special Class in Basic Chemistry Ⅲ, and General Organic Chemistry A, B and C as well as to

    take Exercises in Organic Chemistry A and Organic ChemistryⅠ A and ⅡA( class concerning spectroscopy)

  •   有機化学概論C(AMC) / General Organic Chemistry C (AMC, Chemistry of Carbonyl Compounds)  
      鬼塚 和光  
      前期前半 火曜日 2講時 / 前期前半 金曜日 1講時  

    Learning the chemistry of carbonyl compounds - main reactions, methods of synthesis, reaction mechanisms and synthetic applications.

    Learning the chemistry of carbonyl compounds - main reactions, methods of synthesis, reaction mechanisms and synthetic applications.

  •   有機化学概論A / General Organic Chemistry A  
      林 雄二郎  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    (1) アルコール、フェノール類の特性

    (2) エーテル、エポキシド、チオール、スルフィド類の特性

    (3) 共役π電子系とペリ環状反応

    (4) 芳香族化合物の特性

    (5) 芳香族置換反応


    The purpose of this class is to understand the basic organic chemistry of alcohol, ether, pi-conjugated diene, pericyclic reaction, and aromatic compounds. The “Organic Chemistry” textbook written by Klein will be used, and this class will cover chapters of 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, and 19.

  •   有機化学概論D(AMC) / General Organic Chemistry D  
      永次 史  
      前期後半 火曜日 2講時 / 前期後半 金曜日 1講時  

    Objective and Summary of Class:

       This class is part of series of organic chemistry classes, including General Organic Chemistry A, C, and D.

    This lecture will concersn the following topics:

    (1) Basic chemistry of amines and helelocycles

    (2) Chemistry of biomolecules

      2-1 Carbohydrates

      2-2 Aminoacids, Peptides and Proteins

      2-3 Lipids

      2-4 Nucleic acids

    (3) The organic chemistry of metabolic pathway

    (4) Pericyclic reactions : electrocyclic reactions, cyclo additions and sigmatropic rearrangements

    Objective and Summary of Class:

       This class is part of series of organic chemistry classes, including General Organic Chemistry A, C, and D.

    This lecture will concersn the following topics:

    (1) Basic chemistry of amines and helelocycles

    (2) Chemistry of biomolecules

      2-1 Carbohydrates

      2-2 Aminoacids, Peptides and Proteins

      2-3 Lipids

      2-4 Nucleic acids

    (3) The organic chemistry of metabolic pathway

    (4) Pericyclic reactions : electrocyclic reactions, cyclo additions and sigmatropic rearrangements

  •   専門基礎化学Ⅲ / Special Class in Basic Chemistry III  
      瀧宮 和男  
      前期 金曜日 1講時  







    This class is one of a series of classes for organic chemistry and contains following topics:

    (1) Chemical reactions and their mechanism

    (2) Substitution reaction

    (3) Alkene: structure, synthesis, and reactions

    (4) Alkyene

    The goal of the class is to understand the way of organic chemical reactions by using curved arrows that represent movement of electrons in the polar reactions. Other trivial issues, such as nomenclature, are supposed to be self-studied by students.

  •   無機分析化学概論B(AMC) / General Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry B (AMC)  
      後期 月曜日 4講時  

    This class is a survey of the general properties and reactivity of main group elements and transition metals. During the course, we cover chapters 9-22 in Inorganic Chemistry, 6th ed.

    This class is a survey of the general properties and reactivity of main group elements and transition metals. During the course, we cover chapters 9-22 in Inorganic Chemistry, 6th ed.
