
有機化学演習A(AMC) / Exercises in Organic Chemistry A

後期 木曜日 3講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor : 永次 史, 水上 進, 和田 健彦. 学期/Semester: 後期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SCH-ORG251E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials


Exercises in Organic Chemistry A

Course Title

Exercises in Organic Chemistry A


Objective and Summary of Class:
Understanding of organic chemistry will be deepened by performing exercises based on the lecture contents of "Chemistry C" and "Special Class in Basic Chemistry III" and in parallel "General Organic Chemistry A" and "Laboratory Experiments in Chemistry A" (up to chapter 18 in McMurry, "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed.)


Objective and Summary of Class:
Understanding of organic chemistry will be deepened by performing exercises based on the lecture contents of "Chemistry C" and "Special Class in Basic Chemistry III" and in parallel "General Organic Chemistry A" and "Laboratory Experiments in Chemistry A" (up to chapter 18 in McMurry, "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed.)


It will be possible to explain basic organic chemistry in real terms. In particular, organic reaction mechanisms can be described with arrows showing the movement of electrons.


It will be possible to explain basic organic chemistry in real terms. In particular, organic reaction mechanisms can be described with arrows showing the movement of electrons.


The problems at the end of each chapter of McMurry's "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed. up to chapter 18 will be performed. Details will be explained during the 1st lecture.

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

The problems at the end of each chapter of McMurry's "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed. up to chapter 18 will be performed. Details will be explained during the 1st lecture.


Evaluation will be based on attendance and the number of exercise answers given. Additional points will be given for answers written on the blackboard.


Evaluation will be based on attendance and the number of exercise answers given. Additional points will be given for answers written on the blackboard.


McMurry "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed. and 9th ed. References will be introduced accordingly.


You should study the exercise in the McMurry's "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed. (chapters 1-18)

Preparation and review

You should study the exercise in the McMurry's "Organic Chemistry", 8th ed. (chapters 1-18)

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

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