
有機化学概論A(AMC) / General Organic Chemistry A

後期 金曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 水上 進. 学期/Semester: 後期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SCH-ORG221E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Institute of Mulidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials (IMRAM), Laboratory of Cell Functional Molecular Chemistry


General Organic Chemistry A

Course Title

General Organic Chemistry A


Objective and Summary of Class:
This class is part of organic chemistry classes, including Special Class in Basic Chemistry III, and General Organic Chemistry A, C, and D. The lecture covers the following topics:
(1) Basic chemistry of organic halides.
(2) Nucleophilic substitution reactions and reaction theory
(3) Diene and allylic systems
(4) Conjugated and aromatic compounds
(5) Aromatic substitution reactions
(6) Properties of alcohols, phenols, ethers, and thiols.

This class will provide the broad fundamentals of organic chemistry that are essential for students to be a chemist.


Objective and Summary of Class:
This class is part of organic chemistry classes, including Special Class in Basic Chemistry III, and General Organic Chemistry A, C, and D. The lecture covers the following topics:
(1) Basic chemistry of organic halides.
(2) Nucleophilic substitution reactions and reaction theory
(3) Diene and allylic systems
(4) Conjugated and aromatic compounds
(5) Aromatic substitution reactions
(6) Properties of alcohols, phenols, ethers, and thiols.

This class will provide the broad fundamentals of organic chemistry that are essential for students to be a chemist.


Goal of Study:
To understand
(1) Properties of alkyl halides and related compounds, synthetic methods, radical reactions, principles of the stability of allyl radicals, the characteristics of Grignard reactions
(2) Reactions of organic compounds, especially the characteristics and reaction mechanisms of nucleophilic substitutions and aliphatic reactions
(3) Stability of conjugated chains, electrophilic reactions, kinetic and thermodynamic control of reactions, and the characteristics of Diels-Alder reactions
(4) Structure of benzene and its derivatives, the principles of aromatic stability, heterocyclic aromatic compounds, the Huckel rule, and electrophilic substitution reactions
(5) Chemical properties and reactivity of alcohols, phenols, epoxides, and thiols


Goal of Study:
To understand
(1) Properties of alkyl halides and related compounds, synthetic methods, radical reactions, principles of the stability of allyl radicals, the characteristics of Grignard reactions
(2) Reactions of organic compounds, especially the characteristics and reaction mechanisms of nucleophilic substitutions and aliphatic reactions
(3) Stability of conjugated chains, electrophilic reactions, kinetic and thermodynamic control of reactions, and the characteristics of Diels-Alder reactions
(4) Structure of benzene and its derivatives, the principles of aromatic stability, heterocyclic aromatic compounds, the Huckel rule, and electrophilic substitution reactions
(5) Chemical properties and reactivity of alcohols, phenols, epoxides, and thiols


The class will involve chapters 10, 11, and 14–18 of Organic Chemistry 9th Ed. by John McMurry. However, the parts in chapter 14 covering spectroscopy will be omitted.

1. Introduction
2. Organohalides (Chapter 10)
3. Nucleophilic substitutions and eliminations (Chapter 11)
4. Conjugated compounds (Chapter 14)
5. Benzene and aromaticity (Chapters 15)
6. Electrophilic aromatic substitution (Chapter 16)
7. Alcohols and phenols (Chapter 17)
8. Ethers and epoxides; Thiols and Sulfides (Chapter 18)

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

The class will involve chapters 10, 11, and 14–18 of Organic Chemistry 9th Ed. by John McMurry. However, the parts in chapter 14 covering spectroscopy will be omitted.

1. Introduction
2. Organohalides (Chapter 10)
3. Nucleophilic substitutions and eliminations (Chapter 11)
4. Conjugated compounds (Chapter 14)
5. Benzene and aromaticity (Chapters 15)
6. Electrophilic aromatic substitution (Chapter 16)
7. Alcohols and phenols (Chapter 17)
8. Ethers and epoxides; Thiols and Sulfides (Chapter 18)


Evaluation will be performed on the basis of exams, class participation, and homework results.


Evaluation will be performed on the basis of exams, class participation, and homework results.


McMurry Organic Chemistry 9th Ed.

Books required/referenced

McMurry Organic Chemistry 9th Ed.


Problem-solving exercise

Preparation and review

Problem-solving exercise


Information on class implementation such as Google Classroom class code and ISTU link will be posted on the online class portal site of the Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science.

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