
4183 件ヒット (0.025秒):

  •   相対論Ⅰ / Special Relativity  
      田村 裕和  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    Special relativity organizes the most basic properties of specetime and motions derived from the principle of relativity and the invariance of the speed of light. Electromagnetism and other modern physics such as quantum field theory are constructed on the framework of special relativity. In addition, particle/nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology which treat extremely fast and/or energetic phenomena cannot be described without special relativity. On the other hand, as the GPS system contains relativistic correction, special relativity is also applied to technologies for our daily life. In this lecture you will learn the origin of special relativity, the properties of Lorentz transformation, and relativistic mechanics. You will also understand that Lorentz covariance is incorporated in electromagnetism, which helps you reach deeper understanding of electromagnetism and electrodynamics as well as allows you to learn relativistic quantum mechanics and general relativity. You will also be able to solve various problems with special relativity. Although this class is not a required subject for all but the astronomy course, it should be taken by all students in all the physics departments.

  •   電気力学 / Electrodynamics  
      市川 温子  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  



    Starting from Maxwell's equations, we will discuss electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation phenomena, and special relativity.

    It is premised on the knowledge of electromagnetics I and II, but it also serves as a review of electromagnetics and relativity, and the lectures will be given with sufficient overlap with the lectures of electromagnetics learned so far.

  •   相対論Ⅱ / Introduction to the general relativity  
      服部 誠  
      前期 木曜日 4講時  


    Relativity plays the central role not only to describe our universe but also to support our life. In this lecture, fundamentals of the relativity, especially the general relativity are lectured.

  •   電磁気学Ⅱ(学籍番号偶数) / Electromagnetism II  
      笠羽 康正  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  




    Static electric and magnetic fields were independent concepts that do not intersected.

    However, in a time-variable world, they are merged into "electromagnetic field".

    The experiments have showed that electric field generates magnetic field, and magnetic field generates electric field.

    Both field should request a unified understanding.

    In this lecture, the essential understanding of "electromagnetic field" are formed as unified concept.

    It became the starting point of modern physics.

  •   相対論的量子力学 / Relativistic Quantum Mechanics  
      山田 將樹  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    After reviewing the non-relativistic quantum mechanics, I will construct the quantum mechanics describing a particle with relativistic motion. A particular emphasis is given to the Dirac equation describing the motion of electrons. In the first half of the lectures, I describe the Dirac equation as an equation for wave functions,and see its success and failure. In the second half of the lectures,the notion of quantization of fields is explained as an introduction to quantum field theory.

  •   原子核物理学Ⅰ / Basics of nuclear physics  
      田村 裕和  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  



    It is known that the protons and neutrons that compose atomic nuclei are composite particles made of elementary particles called quarks. Although quarks cannot be extracted from protons and neutrons (hadrons) as single particles, it is believed that immediately after the creation of the universe by the Big Bang, the universe was in a quark gas state with quarks flying around freely. As the temperature dropped due to the expansion of the universe, quarks were confined in protons and neutrons, which formed light nuclei and then created atoms by clothing electrons. After that, gravity brought the atoms together to form stars, and heavier nuclei (i.e., heavier elements) were synthesized within the stars. Finally, supernova explosions and neutron star mergers produced even heavier nuclei and dispersed them throughout the universe to create the variety of elements that make up the matter in our present world. Understanding all these processes in a unified manner is a grand theme as the starting point of material science, and this is the mission of modern nuclear physics, i.e., the physics of quark many-body systems such as hadrons and nuclei governed by strong interaction.

      In this lecture, I will give an overview of nuclear physics starting from quarks along the history of matter evolution. The lecture will also touch on what kind of experimental facts have led to this understanding, and the state of the art of research (e.g., accelerator experiments to elucidate unknown matter in neutron stars).

  •   解析力学 / Analytical Mechanics  
      遊佐 剛  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    Analytical mechanics began to express classical mechanics mathematically or to abstract it, but surprisingly, it provides a theoretical framework that can describe not only classical mechanics but also all physics, including quantum mechanics and electromagnetism, in a unified way. In this lecture, after understanding why analytical mechanics is powerful, we will abstract, generalize, and systematize dynamics by introducing abstract ideas such as general coordinates, general momentum, and phase space. Students will also learn Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms and learn the basics for understanding mathematical descriptions that are essential in quantum mechanics and other areas that they will study in the near future.

  •   解析力学 / Analytical mechanics  
      服部 誠  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    Analytical mechanics, which is a mathematical reformulation of Newtonian classical mechanics from the viewpoint of "covariance", is now used as a basis for many fields of science such as quantum mechanics.

    Through the present lecture, students will understand the relationship between Newtonian mechanics and Lagrangian mechanics. Moreover, by transforming from real space to momentum space and using Poisson bracket, we introduce the Hamiltonian mechanics, with which the students can prepare for the future studies on quantum mechanics and field theory..

  •   電磁気学Ⅰ演習(クラス分けはシラバス参照) / Exercise for Electromagnetism I  
      吉田 至順  
      後期 水曜日 4講時  


    This course provides typical problems in electromagnetism so that students can get a better understanding of the subject.

  •   電磁気学Ⅰ演習(クラス分けはシラバス参照) / Exercise for Electromagnetism I  
      小野 淳  
      後期 水曜日 4講時  


    This course provides typical problems in electromagnetism so that students can get a better understanding of the subject.
