
2311 件ヒット (0.025秒):

  •   教育情報学実践論特論Ⅲ  
      佐藤 克美  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 その他  


  •   情報処理演習(化) / Practice of Information Processing  
      大野 肇  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    ※初回の参集時間・場所等を連絡しますのでGoogle Classroomよりご確認ください.







    ・ C言語の文法を理解し、簡単なプログラムを作成できる。

    ・ UNIX環境下でのプログラムの作成から実行までの操作ができる。

    1. Purpose

       To acquire knowledge of programming languages ​​that are indispensable for information processing.

    2. Overview

        Lecture on basic grammar of C language and simple algorithm design method. To practice how to create, compile,

        and execute programs in a UNIX environment.

    3. Goal

        The main goal of this class is to acquire the following abilities.

        ・ To understand the grammar of C language and be able to create simple programs.

           To perform operations from program creation to execution in a UNIX environment.

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Google Classroom is used for this practice.

    This practice aims to learn knowledge on programing language necessary for information processing. Basic grammars and some simple algorithms on a C language will be explained in the practice where programing, compiling and execution are learned. The practice is designed to understand the grammar of C language and write some simple programs. It is also designed to learn technical procedures from program writing to execution under UNIX operating system.

  •   プログラミング演習A / Programming A  
      WAIDYASOORIYA HA, 奥山 真佳, 横井 祥  







    ・演習にはMicrosoft Teamsを利用する.月/金曜日クラスの共通チームコードは「ovijnll」.





    - Acquire the basics (e.g., variable, function, recursion) and the skills (e.g., debugging) of programming

    - Design algorithms on their own and implement them in the C programming language from scratch

    - Understand computer architecture deeply

    - Learn the usage of a programming environment


    - Exercises are given online via Microsoft Teams. The team code is "ovijnll" and is common

    for Monday and Friday classes.

    - A student needs to login Teams through her/his @mso.tohoku.ac.jp account, so please

      check the password beforehand.

    - Given each assignment, design an algorithm on their own and implement it in the C programming language.

  •   プログラミング演習A / Programming A  
      佐藤 昭, 安澤 隼人, 沓間 弘樹  







    ・演習にはMicrosoft Teamsを利用する.月/金曜日クラスの共通チームコードは「ovijnll」.





    - Acquire the basics (e.g., variable, function, recursion) and the skills (e.g., debugging) of programming

    - Design algorithms on their own and implement them in the C programming language from scratch

    - Understand computer architecture deeply

    - Learn the usage of a programming environment


    - Exercises are given online via Microsoft Teams. The team code is "ovijnll" and is common

    for Monday and Friday classes.

    - A student needs to login Teams through her/his @mso.tohoku.ac.jp account, so please

      check the password beforehand.

    - Given each assignment, design an algorithm on their own and implement it in the C programming language.

  •   情報処理演習(6-10組奇数) / Practice of Information Processing  
      鈴木 顕, 周 暁  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。









    ・ C言語の文法を理解し、簡単なプログラムを作成できる。

    ・ プログラムの作成から実行までの操作ができる。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1.The primary objective of this course is to learn basic knowledge of computer programing and algorithm through practice.

    2.Lectures on basic grammar of the C language and simple algorithm design method.

      Exercises on how to create, compile, and run programs.

    3.Through this course, students are expected to learn

      ・ the basic syntax and way of programming in the C language, and

      ・ the way to compile and run the program.

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      長江 剛志  
      前期 金曜日 4講時 情報教育実習室 M104  

    (1) 情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができる


    (2) 計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データ

    を利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解, 判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して


    (1) Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions,

    taking responsibilities and being aware of ethics as citizens living in

    today's information society.

    (2) Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data

    science, utilizing computers, become able to make human-centered

    understandings and decisions in regard to the large-scale data technologies,

    and to find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.

  •   TIS寄附講義:AI活用時代のシステムインテグレーション技術  
      中瀬 博之  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスB102  


    Learn the process of building systems that can provide services to solve social issues. Deepen understanding of the tools and skills required to build such systems. Practice system construction for specific issues through PBL, and learn cutting-edge technologies for system integration.

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      中山 雅晴、岩﨑 淳也  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 情報教育実習室 M104  

    (1) 情報の科学と技術からのアプローチにより、大学生としての基本的なアカデミック・スキルを獲得すること

    (2) 情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができるソーシャル・スキルを獲得すること.

    (3) 計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データを利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解, 判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して実社会における課題を見出せるようになること.

    (1) Acquire university-level academic skills through information science and technology.

    (2) Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions, take responsibility, and be aware of ethics as citizens in today's information society.

    (3) Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data science utilizing computers, make human-centered understandings and decisions regarding large-scale data technologies, and find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.

  •   情報処理演習(6-10組偶数) / Practice of Information Processing  
      鬼沢 直哉, 坂本 修一  

    授業に関する最新情報は Google Classroom で確認してください.










    ・ C言語の文法を理解し、簡単なプログラムを作成できる。

    ・ UNIX (Linux) 環境下でのプログラムの作成から実行までの操作ができる。

    Please check Google Classroom for updates of lecture plan.

    Class code: bnhu274

    Lecture Code : TB62024

    The primary objective of this course is to learn basic knowledge of computer programing and algorithms through practice.

    The original C language will be used for instructions and practice, because it served as a basis of various other computer languages that were developed later.

    Through this course, students are expected to learn (1) the basic syntax and way of programming in the C language, and (2) the way to compile and run the program on the UNIX (Linux) operating system.

  •   (IMAC-U) 情報処理演習 / (IMAC-U)Practice of information Processing  
      廣田 真  

    Google Classroom Code: f724i3w









    Google Classroom Code: f724i3w

    1. Class subject

    The purpose of this course is to acquire basic programming skills for information processing

    2. Object and summary of class

    Lectures on basic grammar of C language and design of basic algorithms.Practices on writing, compiling and executing programs under the Unix environment.

    3. Goal of study

    Students are expected to be able to:

    - Understand the basic grammar of the C programming language.

    - Develop a simple program and execute it in the Unix environment.
