
283 件ヒット (0.035秒):

  •   先進医学通論 Advanced medicine  
      海野 倫明  
      ISTUシステム年度更新作業終了後~1月31日 After the update work of ISTU system – Jan 31  
      随時 Any time  


    To Understand clinical research, clinical trials, and transplant medicine for advanced medicine

  •   先進医学通論 Advanced medicine  
      海野 倫明  
      ISTUシステム年度更新作業終了後~1月31日 After the update work of ISTU system – Jan 31  
      随時 Any time  


    To Understand clinical research, clinical trials, and transplant medicine for advanced medicine

  •   応用医療薬学特論 [Advanced Applied Bio-pharmaceutical Sciences]  
      髙橋 信行  
      令和6年4月11日(木)~令和6年7月25日(木) [April 11 - Jul 25]  
      毎週木曜日 18:00~19:30 [Thursday 18:00-19:30}  

    新薬の価値はヒトを対象とした臨床試験および市販後調査での有効性、安全性の結果で決まる。本特論で臨床研究および臨床試験・治験を遂行する上で必要となる基本的な知識と技術を理解する。医薬開発を目指した基礎研究、質のよい臨床試験を実践するための、基礎知識、倫理、方策を学ぶ。[Aim and outline: In this course, students will understand ethics, basic knowledge and technique that are required to carry out clinical research and clinical trial.]

  •   応用医療薬学特論 [Advanced Applied Bio-pharmaceutical Sciences]  
      髙橋 信行  
      令和6年4月11日(木)~令和6年7月25日(木) [April 13 - Jul 25]  
      毎週木曜日 18:00~19:30 [Thursday 18:00-19:30}  

    新薬の価値はヒトを対象とした臨床試験および市販後調査での有効性、安全性の結果で決まる。本特論で臨床研究および臨床試験・治験を遂行する上で必要となる基本的な知識と技術を理解する。医薬開発を目指した基礎研究、質のよい臨床試験を実践するための、基礎知識、倫理、方策を学ぶ。[Aim and outline: In this course, students will understand ethics, basic knowledge and technique that are required to carry out clinical research and clinical trial.]

  •   TR特論II [Translational Research 2]  
      髙橋 信行  
      令和6年4月11日(木)~令和6年7月25日(木) [April 11 - Jul 25  
      毎週木曜日 18:00~19:30 [Thursday 18:00-19:30}  

    新薬の価値はヒトを対象とした臨床試験および市販後調査での有効性、安全性の結果で決まる。本特論で臨床研究および臨床試験・治験を遂行する上で必要となる基本的な知識と技術を理解する。医薬開発を目指した基礎研究、質のよい臨床試験を実践するための、基礎知識、倫理、方策を学ぶ。[Aim and outline: In this course, students will understand ethics, basic knowledge and technique that are required to carry out clinical research and clinical trial.]

  •   生体分子解析学概論 (Introduction to Biomolecular Analysis)  
      眞野 成康  
      金曜日 16:20‐17:50  


    (This lecture provides methods and practical examples necessary for analysis of Biomolecules.)

  •   外科学セミナー/ Seminar of Surgical Science  
      亀井 尚  
      ISTUシステム年度更新作業終了後~1月31日/After the update work of ISTU system – Jan 31  
      随時/At any time  







    Aim and outline:

    1) Students will learn about surgical diseases, treatment and future direction.

    2) Students will learn about types and implementation methods of anesthesia.

    3) Students will understand the problems and future of medical transplantation.

    4) Students will learn about current status and problems of end-of-life medical care.

  •   がん科学セミナー/ Seminar of Cancer Science  
      亀井 尚  
      ISTUシステム年度更新作業終了後~1月31日/ After the update work of ISTU system – Jan 31  
      随時/At any time  







    Aim and outline:

    1) Students will learn about basic knowledge of clinical cancer.

    2) Students will learn about surgical treatment for cancer.

    3) Students will learn about radiotherapy for cancer.

    4) Students will learn about chemotherapy for cancer.

    5) Students will learn about end-of-life medical care.

  •   病院薬学概論2  
      富岡 佳久  
      前期前半 水曜日 3講時 薬学部中講義室 / 前期前半 水曜日 4講時 薬学部中講義室  



    The environment surrounding medical treatment in recent years is facing a rapid decline in medical resources as the birthrate and aging population ages. Efficient and effective use of medical expenses, which are medical resources, especially pharmaceutical expenditure accounting for a large proportion of them, has become a national policy, and since 2003 the diagnostic group classification comprehensive evaluation (DPC / PDPS: Diagnosis Procedure Combination / Per-Diem Payment System) was started to a specific function hospital such as a university hospital. At the same time, however, the medical field is also required to improve the quality of medical care, including medical safety that originated from medical accidents caused by misdiagnosed patients. A wide range of measures including medical safety, infection control, measures against high-risk medicine, clinical trials and medical management are indispensable, as well as proper use of medicines.

    In the clinical pharmacy pay, we introduce fundamental tasks such as dispensing and pharmaceutical product management, which are mainly performed in the hospital pharmacy department, and also provide pharmaceutical care such as drug management guidance practice (including patient education) Based on the practice, as well as the addition of 'ward drug work execution addition' introduced by revision of medical treatment fee 2012 and its work, even hospital management work including advanced clinical research work and hospital management, university hospital pharmacy department Learn by giving examples in practice.

  •   分子イメージング特論 Molecular imaging lectures (for doctoral course students)  
      田代 学, 高瀬 圭  
      前期 1st semester  
      金曜日 4講 (※5講の「分子イメージング・トレーニング」に続きます) Friday 14:30~16:10 (*followed by another class "Molecular imaging training")  

    ・分子イメージング(Molecular imaging)とは、生物が生きた状態のままで外部から生体内の遺伝子やタンパク質などの様々な分子の挙動を観察する技術で、医学、薬学、工学の新しい境界・複合領域である。

    ・この講義では、Positron Emission Tomography (PET)やOptical imagingなどの手法について学んでいただく。

    ・「分子イメージング特論」では、これらの手法を利用した診断技術の応用を理解するために、放射線医学、核医学、薬理学、神経科学、 腫瘍医学など最新の医科学分野および薬学、化学、物理学、医工学、工学などの周辺領域の観点から学際的講義を行う。


    *Molecular imaging is a technique to observe and visualize biological functional information, such as gene expression and protein synthesis, in living organisms from outside without invasive procedures (non-invasively or minimally-invasively).

    *In this class, students will learn mainly about positron emission tomography (PET), optical imaging, etc.

    *In this class, students will learn about molecular imaging from various perspectives of modern medicine such as radiology, nuclear medicine, pharmacology, neuroscience, and oncology as well as surrounding fields such as pharmaceutical science, chemistry, physics, medical engineering, and engineering.

    *In this class, students can learn from researchers of National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST).
