
1492 件ヒット (0.034秒):

  •   医用動物学 [Laboratory Animal Science]  
      三好 一郎  
      2024年 4月16日(火)~2024年 6月11日(火)(実習希望者が多ければ6/18も実施) [4/16, 2024(Tue)~6/11 2024(Tue) (Makeup class on 6/18 when the number of applicants exceeds the quota)]  
      毎週火曜日 10:30~12:00,6/11の実習のみ 13:00~17:00(実習希望者が多ければ6/18も実施) [10:30~12:00 on Tuesday]  


     The study using laboratory animals is indispensable in biological and medical research for scientific, legal and ethical reasons. The purpose of this class is that the students who will firstly use laboratory animals learn the significance and methods of the animal experiment and a kind of laboratory animals in addition to animal welfare and research ethics. The university qualifies students who attend at least four times of the class for the requirement of EDUCATION and TRAINING provided by the Tohoku University IACUC. In addition, attendances at the first and second of the class are required for the qualification.

  •   医用動物学 [Laboratory Animal Science]  
      三好 一郎  
      2024年 4月16日(火)~2024年 6月11日(火)(実習希望者が多ければ6/18も実施) [4/16, 2024(Tue)~6/11 2024(Tue) (Makeup class on 6/18 when the number of applicants exceeds the quota)]  
      毎週火曜日 10:30~12:00,6/11の実習のみ 13:00~17:00(実習希望者が多ければ6/18も実施) [10:30~12:00 on Tuesday]  


     The study using laboratory animals is indispensable in biological and medical research for scientific, legal and ethical reasons. The purpose of this class is that the students who will firstly use laboratory animals learn the significance and methods of the animal experiment and a kind of laboratory animals in addition to animal welfare and research ethics. The university qualifies students who attend at least four times of the class for the requirement of EDUCATION and TRAINING provided by the Tohoku University IACUC. In addition, attendances at the first and second of the class are required for the qualification.

  •   学生実験Ⅱ(動物)  
      盧 尚建, 佐藤 幹, 種村 健太郎, 北澤 春樹, 野地 智法, 佐藤 正寛, 喜久里 基, 原 健士朗, 戸部 隆太, 西山 啓太, 芳賀 聡, 上本 吉伸, 古川 睦実, 大坪 和香子  
      後期集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  


    Each laboratory of the applied animal science is in charge of the class, including field practice in field science center. Students will develop basic experimental techniques on animal reproduction, nutrition, breeding and genetics, physiology, morphology, microbiology, and products chemistry, which are needed to conduct research based on animals.

  •   学生実験Ⅰ(動物)  
      盧 尚建, 佐藤 幹, 種村 健太郎, 北澤 春樹, 野地 智法, 佐藤 正寛, 喜久里 基, 原 健士朗, 戸部 隆太, 西山 啓太, 芳賀 聡, 上本 吉伸, 古川 睦実, 大坪 和香子  
      前期集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  


    Each laboratory of the applied animal science is in charge of the class, including field practice in field science center. Students will develop basic experimental techniques on animal reproduction, nutrition, breeding and genetics, physiology, morphology, microbiology, and products chemistry, which are needed to conduct research based on animals.

  •   感染実験のための基礎的トレーニング Basic training for the experiments of microbial infection  
      青柳 哲史  
      1・2セメ The first or second semester  
      担当教員と相談の上決定(集中 全日約10日間) Decided on the consultation with the charge teachers (about 10 consecutive days)  


    This course aims to learn the basic knowledge for infection experiments.

  •   基礎生物学実験(動物)  
      盧 尚建, 佐藤 幹, 種村 健太郎, 北澤 春樹, 野地 智法, 佐藤 正寛, 喜久里 基, 原 健士朗, 戸部 隆太, 西山 啓太, 芳賀 聡, 上本 吉伸, 古川 睦実, 大坪 和香子  
      通年集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  




    /Aims of this training are to learn (1) knowledge to do biological experiment safely, (2) experimental skills for biological experiments, (3) usage of tools for biological experiments.

  •   学生実験Ⅰ(生化)  
      二井 勇人  
      前期集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  

    [目的] 生物化学(農芸化学)は、動物・植物・微生物の営む生命現象を化学の視点から解明し、それらをバイオ技術として医療、健康、食料、環境などの分野に広く応用する学問領域である。生物化学(農芸化学)領域の研究に必要な実験について、基礎的な原理と技術を習得する。

    Biochemistry (agricultural chemistry) is the study for understanding the life phenomena from the view of both chemistry and biochemistry, and widely applying the bio-techniques to medical, human health, foods and environment. This course aims to understand the basic principle of biochemical experiments and to acquire the experimental techniques.

     [概要] 実験は、全学生が個人または数人のグループで行う。

    Experiments will be done by individuals or by small groups.

  •   医療安全管理学  
      金田 朋洋, 一関 雄輝, 稲葉 洋平, 小田桐 逸人, 小林 智哉, 高城 久道  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 保健学科第2講義室  



    ・造影剤の投与に伴う危険因子を認識し、特にアナフィラキシーなど重篤な合併症の発生時に適切に対処するため、速やかに医師等に連絡し、自らが一次救命処置(Basic Life Support:BLS)を適切に実施できる能力を身につける。


    /Learn safeties of patients and medical devices in radiology. To understand the basics of safeties and ethics in radiology department or radiology research.

  •   基礎生物学実験(生化)  
      早川 俊彦, 金子 淳, 二井 勇人, 小島 創一, 阿部 直樹  
      通年集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  




    In this practical training, students will conduct basic experiments on microorganisms and plant proteins.

    In the basic experiment on microorganisms, students will perform aseptic manipulation and isolation, culture, microscopic examination and quantification of microorganisms so that they can learn safe handling of microorganisms and biohazard countermeasures.

    In the basic experiment on plant protein, students will learn manipulation of enzymes and proteins as the basis of biochemical experiments so that they can gain skills to handle small quantities of biological materials.

  •   基礎生物学実験(生命)  
      田中 良和  
      通年集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  



    This course provide the first steps to get used to experimental environments: to learn principle of biological experiments. Students lean methods to handle biological samples, and also learn the basic skill to evaluate the experimental results.

    Students study the basic biological concept by performing animal DNA experiments to prepare for applicative experiments.

    [概要]・実験は全学生が個別に行う。Students perform the experiment individually.



    This course include genetic experiments, purification of DNA from animal tissues, DNA sequence analysis, and homology search. During these experiments, students learn risk control of experiments and technics to keep laboratory clean.

    Students should submit experimental reports, and lean how to evaluate the results of experiments.
