
3913 件ヒット (0.019秒):

  •   病理検査学特論 Special Lectures on Pathology and Histotechnology  
      髙木 清司  
      2023年4月10日(月)~2024年3月10日(月) April 10th, 2023 ~ March 10th, 2024  
      毎月1回(原則として第1月曜日)16:30~18:45 Once a month (the first Monday, basically) 16:30~18:45  


    The purpose of this course is to help students better understand how is the medical research done using various histotechnologies.

  •   病理検査学セミナーII Seminar II on Pathology and Histotechnology  
      髙木 清司  
      2023年4月12日(水)~2024年3月27日(水) April 12nd, 2023 ~ March 27th, 2024  
      毎週水曜日 10:30~12:00 Every Wednesday, 10:30~12:00  


    Following "pathological examination seminar I" in the first grade, I will summarize recent progress of histotechnology and its various application in the medical field in this lecture.

  •   病理検査学セミナー I SeminarⅠon Pathology and Histotechnology  
      髙木 清司  
      2023年4月13日(木)~2024年3月21日(木) April 13th, 2023 ~ March 21st, 2024  
      毎週木曜日 8:50~12:00 Every Thursday , 8:50~12:00  


    Aim and outline: Pathological analysis is very important to obtain better understanding of human disease. Therefore, in this course, I will summarize various histotechnology such as immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization in human tissues.

  •   病理診断学トレーニング Training Course in Pathology and histotechnology  
      髙木 清司  
      2セメスター 2nd semester  
      別途指示する。 Details will be announced later /  


    Pathological analysis is very important to obtain better understanding of human disease. Therefore, in this course, students will develop basic skills of histotechnology.

  •   内分泌応用医科学特論 Special Lectures on Endocrinology and Applied Medical Science  
      高橋 和広  
      座学:2024年4月~2025年2月 April 2023 ~ February 2024  
      毎月1回(原則として第1月曜日)16:30~18:45 Once a month (the first Monday, basically)  


    Series of lectures on laboratory medicine, molecular biology, hematology, pathology, immunology, endocrinology etc. and presentation by graduate students themselves.

  •   検査医科学概論 Introduction to Laboratory Medicine  
      鈴木 貴  
      座学:2024年4月15日~2025年3月 ISTU:~2025年1月末日 April 15th, 2024 ~ March, 2025 ISTU: ~January 31th, 2025  
      毎月1回(原則として第1月曜日)16:30~18:45(ISTU:随時) Once a month (the first Monday, basically)  


    Series of lectures on laboratory medicine, molecular biology, hematology, pathology, immunology, endocrinology etc. and presentation by graduate students themselves.

  •   感染病態学の微生物検査学への応用 Translational research on the molecular mechanism of immune responses to Infection  
      青柳 哲史  
      2024年4月~2025年2月 April 2024 - February 2025  
      月1回(原則として第1月曜日)5~6講時(16:30-18:45) once a month (the first Monday in general), 16:30 - 18:45  


    This course aims to learn the newest and practical knowledge in the field of microbiology and infectious diseases.

  •   検査医科学特論 Special lectures on laboratory medicine and science  
      高橋 和広  
      座学:2024年4月~2025年2月 April 2024 ~ February 2025  
      毎月1回(原則として第1月曜日)16:30~18:45 Once a month (the first Monday, basically)  


    Series of lectures on laboratory medicine, molecular biology, hematology, pathology, immunology, endocrinology etc. and presentation by graduate students themselves.

  •   病理検査学  
      鈴木 貴, 髙木 清司  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 保健学科第3演習室  



    To learn basic pathological / histological techniques and knowledge that are important when engaging in pathological examination. Case studies on typical diseases will also be conducted.

  •   がんプロ合同セミナー ( Cancer Professional Joint Seminar )  
      亀井 尚  
      4月~3月 April-March  
      病院がんセミナー 毎月 第3木曜日 17:30~18:30 希少がん・難治がんカンファレンス 毎月 第1木曜日 18:00~19:30 臨床病理カンファレンス 年4回 月曜日 17:00~18:30 院内がん登録実務者養成コース 年6回(9月開始予定) 金曜日 15:00~16:00 がんゲノム診断カンファレンス 毎週水曜日 17:00~18:00 遺伝子診療部教育セミナー 年10回(6月開始予定) 第3火曜日 17:30~18:45 (※都合により開催曜日が変更になる場合があります。) Cancer Seminar: 3rd Thursday 17:30~18:30 Rare cancer and refractory cancer conference: 1st Thursday 18:00~19:30 Clinico-pathological conference: Monday 17:00~18:30, 4 times a year Training course on cancer registry: Friday 15:00~16:00, 6 times a year(From September) Molecular Tumor Board: weekly on Wednesdays, 17:00~18:00 Medical Genetics Seminar Series: 3rd Tuesday 17:30~18:45, 10 times a year 教職員向グループウェアおよび東北がんプロフェッショナル養成プランのホームページ (http://www / ganpro / med / tohoku / ac / jp/)に開催予定を随時掲載します。  

    授業の目的と概要 Aim


    This seminar provides seminars and conferences that enable you to learn higher knowledge on clinical oncology. These are Cancer Seminar, Chemotherapy Conference, Training course on cancer registry, and Molecular Tumor Board.
