
730 件ヒット (0.028秒):

  •   健康科学論 / Lectures on health science  
      高橋 和広  
      2024年度システム更新後~2025年1月31日 April 2024-January 2025  
      随時 Anytime during the above period  


    To obtain knowledge of health science.

  •   検査医科学概論 Introduction to Laboratory Medicine  
      鈴木 貴  
      座学:2024年4月15日~2025年3月 ISTU:~2025年1月末日 April 15th, 2024 ~ March, 2025 ISTU: ~January 31th, 2025  
      毎月1回(原則として第1月曜日)16:30~18:45(ISTU:随時) Once a month (the first Monday, basically)  


    Series of lectures on laboratory medicine, molecular biology, hematology, pathology, immunology, endocrinology etc. and presentation by graduate students themselves.

  •   神経科学Ⅲ ( Neuroscience 3 )  
      大和田 祐二  
      【ISTU】毎日 24時間開講 【ISTU】毎日 24時間開講 【ISTU】毎日 24時間開講 Anytime  


    Understand knowledge of clinical neuropsychiatry, neurological disorder.

  •   分子医科学 生命現象の分子基盤を理解する。 Understand the molecular basis of biological activity both in and between cells.  
      高橋 和広  


    Understand molecular mechanisms of how genetic information on the genome is conserved, copied, transcribed, and functions are expressed, and how these mechanisms are regulated. And gain knowledge the principles and methods of molecular biology-based technologies applied in medicine, such as genetic diagnosis, testing, and gene therapy.

  •   がん科学/Science of Oncology  
      今谷 晃  
      1セメスター/1st semester  
      ISTU:随時/ISTU: On demand  

    “がん”に対する医療・研究は医療職として最も従事する機会の多い疾患の1つである。チーム医療として、集学的な診断・治療、看護、緩和ケアが必要となる。そこで、がんに対する最新の基礎的研究から、疫学と予防、そして、薬物療法、放射線療法、手術療法、さらに看護と緩和ケアについて知識を深める。/Treatment for cancer is one of the most important team medicine with multidisciplinary therapy, nursing and palliative care. Therefore, students need to widely understand fundamental treatments and researches for cancer such as pathology, epidemiology, pharmacology, radiotherapy and nursing.

  •   医療倫理学 Medical Ethics  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      ISTU(随時)、ただし一年目受講が望ましい。 ISTU:At any time, although it is desirable to complete the course in the first year.  
      ISTU(随時) ISTU:At any time  


    This is a course to learn basic knowledge about medical ethics.

    The objective of this course is to understand the basic concepts and theories, their historical background, and the summaries of some major topics in order to participate in discussions with one’s own thought about the major topics of medical ethics.

  •   医療倫理学 Medical Ethics  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      ISTU(随時)、ただし一年目受講が望ましい。 ISTU:At any time, although it is desirable to complete the course in the first year.  
      ISTU(随時) ISTU:At any time  


    This is a course to learn basic knowledge about medical ethics.

    The objective of this course is to understand the basic concepts and theories, their historical background, and the summaries of some major topics in order to participate in discussions with one’s own thought about the major topics of medical ethics.

  •   医療倫理学 Medical Ethics  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      ISTU(随時)、ただし一年目受講が望ましい。 ISTU:At any time, although it is desirable to complete the course in the first year.  
      ISTU(随時) ISTU:At any time  


    This is a course to learn basic knowledge about medical ethics.

    The objective of this course is to understand the basic concepts and theories, their historical background, and the summaries of some major topics in order to participate in discussions with one’s own thought about the major topics of medical ethics.

  •   臨床薬理学/Clinical Pharmacology  
      今谷 晃  
      1セメスター(ただし、レポートの締切は1月末とする)/1st semester (The deadline for the report is end of January.)  
      e-learning on demand 東北大学病院希少がん・難治がんカンファレンス/Conference: Case Study concerning Therapy for Rare and Intractable Cancer  

    臨床現場では様々な薬物が用いられている。そこで、緊急応急措置、症状緩和、慢性疾患に対して必要な薬剤を中心に、薬剤の基本的な薬理機序を理解する。薬剤使用の判断、投薬後の患者モニタリング、患者の服薬管理能力の向上を図るための知識・能力を身につけ、医療専門職としてチーム医療が実践できるようにする。/The aim of this course is to understand the basic mechanism of pharmacological action for patient assessment and monitoring in the nursing care.

  •   分子医科学 Molecular medical sciences  
      五十嵐 和彦  
      生化学合同講義 4月-12月 ISTU収録講義 4月-3月オンデマンド Biochemistry Lecture Series, April - December ISTU Lectures, April-March, on demand  
      生化学合同講義 毎週水曜日9時-12時(講義形式およびスケジュールはグーグルクラスで案内予定) ISTU, ネットワーク聴講 Biochemistry Lecture Series, 9 / 00-12 / 00, Wednesday (Details will be announced via Google Class) ISTU Lectures, anytime you like  


    Acquire basic knowledge on molecular medicine and related fields
