
759 件ヒット (0.03秒):

  •   心理学特論Ⅱ / Psychology(Advanced Lecture) II  
      前期 木曜日 3講時  

    犯罪心理学は犯罪および犯罪者について研究する心理学の一分野である。 犯行当時の心理状態、犯罪者の性格、罪を犯す発達的な経緯などをはじめ、証言の心理などを研究する裁判心理学や、犯罪者の矯正・更生・犯罪予防を目的とする矯正心理学を含むことである。本講義では、犯罪心理学の紹介をはじめに、心理学の観点から犯罪現象や事例を分析することから成る。また、担任講師は台湾籍であり、日本と台湾の犯罪心理学の歴史と現状を紹介し、それぞれの特徴を比較し、そして、日本の刑事司法システムが台湾に及ぼす影響を紹介することは講義の目的である。

    Criminal Psychology is the empirical research field of criminal behaviors, law system, rehabilitaion, prisonment, judgement, and so on. This course introduces criminal psychology and analyze criminal cases from the psychological point of view. Also according to the teacher of this course is from Taiwan, so we introduce the comparison of criminal psychology and the Justice system between Japan and Taiwan.

  •   心理学各論Ⅱ / Psychology (Special Lecture)II  
      戴 伸峰  
      前期 木曜日 3講時  

    犯罪心理学は犯罪および犯罪者について研究する心理学の一分野である。 犯行当時の心理状態、犯罪者の性格、罪を犯す発達的な経緯などをはじめ、証言の心理などを研究する裁判心理学や、犯罪者の矯正・更生・犯罪予防を目的とする矯正心理学を含むことである。本講義では、犯罪心理学の紹介をはじめに、心理学の観点から犯罪現象や事例を分析することから成る。また、担任講師は台湾籍であり、日本と台湾の犯罪心理学の現状を紹介し、それぞれの特徴を比較することは講義の目的である。

    Criminal Psychology is the empirical research field of criminal behaviors, law system, rehabilitaion, prisonment, judgement, and so on. This course introduces criminal psychology and analyze criminal cases from the psychological point of view. Also according to the teacher of this course is from Taiwan, so we introduce the comparison of criminal psychology between Japan and Taiwan.

  •   社会心理学特論Ⅰ / Social Psychology(Advanced Lecture) I  
      荒井 崇史  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    This course aims to acquire knowledge on each topic by understanding the antisocial behavior (crime and delinquency) that occurs in daily life from a social psychological perspective. In this course, in addition to lectures providing basic knowledge, discussions will be held between students as needed.

  •   社会心理学各論(司法・犯罪心理学) / Forensic and Criminal Psychology (Special Lecture)  
      荒井 崇史  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    In this course, the purpose is to deepen the knowledge of the academic position of criminal psychology, basic knowledge on criminal psychology such as criminal justice system and criminal statistics, basic theory on the cause of crime, and psychological assessment and support in the field of justice and crime. In the course, the basic knowledge of each topic and the modern research will be explained in a lecture format.

  •   犯罪心理学特論(司法・犯罪分野に関する理論と支援の展開)  
      菅藤 健一  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 その他  


  •   社会心理学研究演習Ⅰ / Social Psychology(Advanced Seminar) I  
      荒井 崇史  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    In this class, the primary purpose is to read the literature on social psychology and criminal psychology conducted in an empirical methods and to understand the modern research findings related to antisocial behavior that occurs in everyday life. And The second purpose is to deepen the understanding of psychological research methods and to learn the methods while having discussions with other students. Students not only read designated literaturs, but also prepare related materials, and present and discuss in class.

  •   社会心理学演習Ⅰ / Social Psychology (Seminar)I  
      荒井 崇史  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    The purpose of this course is to deepen the psychological knowledge related to crime and delinquency through extensive reading of literature on social psychology and criminal psychology conducted using empirical methods. Students not only read designated literaturs, but also prepare related materials, and present and discuss in class.

  •   関係行政論  
      前田 駿太, 長友 周悟  
      後期 金曜日 2講時 総合研究棟206教室  


  •   実験心理学概論(心理学概論) / General Psychology (General Lecture)  
      河地 庸介  
      後期 水曜日 4講時  


    Psychology is the empirical research area to investigate the mechanisms and functions of the mind. However, we cannot see, hear or touch the mind directly. Nevertheless, psychology develops based on brilliant findings by well-planned research to titillate the invisible mind. This course provides many examples of psychological research for the many facets of the mind to help students deepen their understanding of psychology.

  •   法理学演習Ⅱ  
      後期 木曜日 5講時  

    The Seminar of Jurisprudence II should develop further investigation conducted in the Seminar

    ofJurisprudence A. It therefore keeps dealing with selected topics from the cases that are categorized as"public law litigation" in Japan. The purpose of discussion in it is to identify the problems intrinsic inthe dispute resolution through the judicial instance.
