
社会心理学演習Ⅰ / Social Psychology (Seminar)I

後期 木曜日 2講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 荒井 崇史. セメスター: 6. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LHM-PSY322J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects




Course Title (授業題目)

Psychology of Crime and Delinquency



Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

The purpose of this course is to deepen the psychological knowledge related to crime and delinquency through extensive reading of literature on social psychology and criminal psychology conducted using empirical methods. Students not only read designated literaturs, but also prepare related materials, and present and discuss in class.



Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

This course is designed to acquire following points.
1. By touching on the modern research in social psychology and criminal psychology, students will deepen their understanding of psychological theories and findings on crime and delinquency.
2. Students will develop the ability to read english literature in psychology.


この科目は対面で授業を実施します。ただし,社会的状況によってやむを得ない場合にはオンラインで実施することもあります。授業にあたって,この科目ではGoogle Classroomを使用して講義資料と講義情報を発信します。授業の開始前に,必ずGoogle Classroomにアクセスし,クラスに参加してください。

1. 全体ガイダンス:授業の進め方の確認と担当の決定
2. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 1
3. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 2
4. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 3
5. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 4
6. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 5
7. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 6
8. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 7
9. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 8
10. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 9
11. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 10
12. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 11
13. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 12
14. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 13
15. 犯罪・非行に関する心理学的文献の発表と討論 14

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

The form of the class;
This course will be taught face-to-face. However, it may be conducted online when social circumstances make it unavoidable. In this course, we will use Google Classroom to distribute lecture materials and lecture information. Please make sure to access Google Classroom and join the class before the class starts.

The contents and schedule are as shown below, but subject to change depending on the progress.
1. Overall guidance: Check how to proceed with the class and determine the presentation schedule
2. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency Ⅰ
3. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency Ⅱ
4. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency Ⅲ
5. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency Ⅳ
6. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency Ⅴ
7. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency Ⅵ
8. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency Ⅶ
9. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency Ⅷ
10. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency Ⅸ
11. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency X
12. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency XI
13. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency XII
14. Presentation and discussion of psychological literature on crime and delinquency XIII
15. Review of this course



Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

Presentation and class participation: 50%
Preparation and advance learning: 40%
Essay (including short essays): 10%
※A student absent from class due to an unavoidable reason (sickness, mourning, etc.) must provide the lecturer with a document that supports the reason (medical certificate, etc.), which may be taken into account in grading.


Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Social Psychology

The textbook is not specified. Papers must have been published in the following journals within the past five years.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Social Psychology

The paper should be sent to the instructor by e-mail in advance. Papers sent by other students will be distributed to students at Google Classroom in advance, so please print them out by yourself.



In order to prepare for the lecture, students should be able to explain their paper to other students using PowerPoint etc. In order to participate actively in the discussion, students are required to prepare for the class in which they will not be in charge of the presentation. Revision of the presentation materials is required as a reviewing.



The class format and number of presentations may be changed depending on the number of students. We will adjust the class format and the number of presentations at the first session, so be sure to attend if you wish to take this course. As part of the course, students may be asked to participate in psychological experiments and surveys.

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