
1875 件ヒット (0.017秒):

  •   宗教学死生学研究演習Ⅱ / Religious Studies / Death & Life Studies (Advanced Seminar)  
      問芝 志保, 髙橋 原, 木村 敏明, 谷山 洋三  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    For professional research in the field of religious studies and death & life studies, it is essential to find, read and organize the literature and articles that precede the research one wishes to do and situate one's own research in them. The purpose of this class is to acquire the skills necessary for researchers to organize previous research through the preparation of a bibliography and presentation of the contents of the literature and articles.

  •   宗教学死生学研究演習Ⅰ / Religious Studies / Death & Life Studies (Advanced Seminar)  
      木村 敏明, 髙橋 原, 谷山 洋三, 問芝 志保  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  


    For professional research in the field of religious studies and death & life studies, it is essential to find, read and organize the literature and articles that precede the research one wishes to do and situate one's own research in them. The purpose of this class is to acquire the skills necessary for researchers to organize previous research through the preparation of a bibliography and presentation of the contents of the literature and articles.

  •   宗教学死生学総合演習Ⅱ / Religious Studies / Death & Life Studies (Integration Seminar)  
      髙橋 原, 谷山 洋三, 問芝 志保, 木村 敏明  
      後期 火曜日 5講時  


    This course aims to acquire advanced knowledge and methods of religious studies and death studies through research presentations and discussions by graduate students.

  •   実践宗教学特論Ⅲ / Practical Religious Studies (Advanced Lecture)  
      髙橋 原  
      前期 水曜日 5講時  


    Students will read literature on the history and culture related to death and grief in Japanese cultural tradition.

  •   宗教学死生学総合演習Ⅰ / Religious Studies / Death & Life Studies (Integration Seminar)  
      問芝 志保, 木村 敏明, 髙橋 原, 谷山 洋三  
      前期 火曜日 5講時  


    This course aims to acquire advanced knowledge and methods of religious studies and death studies through research presentations and discussions by graduate students.

  •   実践宗教学各論 / Practical Religious Studies (Special Lecture)  
      髙橋 原  
      前期 水曜日 5講時  


    Students will read literature on the history and culture related to death and grief in Japanese cultural tradition.

  •   インド学概論 / Indological Studies (General Lecture)  
      西村 直子  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  


    This course introduces a bulk of religious texts gradually accumulated by the Āryan people since 800 B.C. The aim of the course is to help students understand views on life and death in the Vedic religion as well as development of 'karma' and 'saṁsāra' concepts during the era of Buddhism. Through weekly readings of translated Vedas in class students wil learn about social changes that accompanied the Āryan's transition from nomadic to sedentary life.

  •   死生学各論 / Death & Life Studies (Special Lecture)  
      竹之内 裕文  


    This course describes the origins and purposes of the discipline of tanathology and covers various problems and challenges faced by modern medicine, such as an increasing demand for terminal care and home health nursing. Today, we are asked to provide care and support in multiple and varied circumstances: as volunteers in the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, as elderly care workers, etc. Ultimately, any member of our super-aged, mass death society may find him- or herself in the position of a caregiver. This course aims to prepare students for this role and give each of them an opportunity to look for his or her personal way to address a range of issues related to human life and death.

  •   教養教育院特別講義A  
      尾崎 彰宏  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 その他  


    In this class, we will examine the issue of "death", which cannot be avoided as long as we live, from various perspectives. By doing so, we will carefully consider how we should live and what a happy life is like. In addition, in this class, we will invite 14 professors who are active on the front lines of the humanities and social sciences to give speeches on various issues surrounding death and discuss them with the students. The class consists of two parts. In the first half, the lecturer talks, and in the second half, the lecturer answers various questions based on the questions and opinions from everyone.

  •   死生学特論Ⅲ / Death & Life Studies (Advanced Lecture)  
      竹之内 裕文  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


    This course describes the origins and purposes of the discipline of tanathology and covers various problems and challenges faced by modern medicine, such as an increasing demand for terminal care and home health nursing. Today, we are asked to provide care and support in multiple and varied circumstances: as volunteers in the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, as elderly care workers, etc. Ultimately, any member of our super-aged, mass death society may find him- or herself in the position of a caregiver. This course aims to prepare students for this role and give each of them an opportunity to look for his or her personal way to address a range of issues related to human life and death.
