
死生学各論 / Death & Life Studies (Special Lecture)

前期集中. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 竹之内 裕文. セメスター: 6. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LHM-RES307J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects




Course Title (授業題目)

Cultivating Wisdom of Mortal Human Life



Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

This course describes the origins and purposes of the discipline of tanathology and covers various problems and challenges faced by modern medicine, such as an increasing demand for terminal care and home health nursing. Today, we are asked to provide care and support in multiple and varied circumstances: as volunteers in the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, as elderly care workers, etc. Ultimately, any member of our super-aged, mass death society may find him- or herself in the position of a caregiver. This course aims to prepare students for this role and give each of them an opportunity to look for his or her personal way to address a range of issues related to human life and death.



Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

Students will learn the key concepts of thanatology and gain a deeper insight into present-day issues concerning life and death. Students are expected to:
1) discover the joys, as well as effectiveness, of dialogic inquiry through interactive, dialogic lectures; and cultivate the mentality and a set of skills necessary for constructing a productive dialogue.
2) develop personal strategies for dealing with death through the dialogue with course-related texts and other learners.



1) ガイダンス:講義の目的と進め方、「対話」をめぐる試行の対話
2) ワールドカフェ ある死別の経験から(序章)
3) 映画『生かされて生きる』鑑賞
4) テキストをめぐる対話① 重度障害者自立ホームから(第1章)
5) テキストをめぐる対話② 在宅緩和ケアの現場から(第2章)
6) テキストをめぐる対話③ 死者と共にある農村との出会い(第3章)
7)  テキストをめぐる対話④ いのちにあずかって生き、死ぬ(第4章)
8) テキストをめぐる対話⑤ 共に生きること、本当に生きること(第5章)

12) テキストをめぐる対話⑥ 森と湖の国の「福祉」(第6章)
13) テキストをめぐる対話⑦ ホスピス運動の源流を辿る(第7章)
14) テキストをめぐる対話⑧ 死とともに生きることを学ぶ~哲学と対話(終章)
15) 授業全体のふり返り

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

1) Guidance session explaining course structure and objectives. Main issues and aims of the course will be introduced with the help of the Go Wish card game.
2) World café: “A story of bereavement” (an introductory chapter, “Aru shibetsu no keiken kara”)
3) Film screening (Ikasarete Ikiru)
4) Text-based discussion 1: “A report from an assisted living facility for people with severe disabilities” (chapter 1, “Jūdoshōgaisha jiritu hōmu kara”)
5) Text-based discussion 2: “A look at the home-based palliative care” (chapter 2, “Zaitaku nanwa kea no genba kara”)
6) Text-based discussion 3: “A rural community that co-exists with the deceased” (chapter 3, “Shisha to tomo ni aru nōson to no deai”)
7) Text-based discussion 4: “Staying actively involved in life as you live and die” (chapter 4, “Inochi ni azukatte iki, shinu”)
8) Text-based discussion 5: “Living together, living the true life” (chapter 5, “Tomo ni ikiru koto, hontō ni ikiru koto”)
9) 10) 11) Visit to Honami no sato(community palliative care)
12) Text-based discussion 6: “The ‘welfare’ of the land of forests and lakes” (chapter 6, “Mori to mizuumi no kuni no ‘fukushi’”)
13) Text-based discussion 7: “Tracing the origins of the hospice movement” (chapter 7, “Hospisu undo no genryū wo tadoru”)
14) Text-based discussion 8: “Cultivating the wisdom of a mortal human life: philosophy and the dialogue” (closing chapter, “Shi to tomo ni ikiru koto wo manabu: tetsugaku to taiwa”)
15) Summary


1. テキストをめぐるワールドカフェ/対話(全9回)の準備作業として、受講者は各回の授業冒頭にフィードバックシートを提出します。すべての設問にきちんと回答して、フィードバックシートをすべて提出すると、8点満点×9回=72点のポイントを獲得します。
2. 全体対話での発言については、これを対話的探究への寄与と位置づけ、1回あたり3点を加算します。

Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

The final grade will be based on points earned during the course. There will be no exam or final report. The final grade will be calculated as follows:
1) Each text-based discussion (eight sessions in total) will be preceded by preparatory work. At the start of class, students will fill in a feedback sheet, writing down a brief summary of the assigned chapter, their observations, questions, and personal opinions, as well as themes they wish to discuss. Eight complete feedback sheets equal 64 points (the top grade of 8 multiplied by eight).
2) Students participating in discussions contribute to the common dialogic inquiry. Each contribution will be rewarded up to 3 points.


講義担当者の単著『死とともに生きることを学ぶ 哲学と対話』(ポラーノ出版 2019 ISBN: 978-4908765223)をテキストとして使用します。宗教学研究室にて割引価格で購入できるように手配します。
The course is based on the instructor's book:
Takenouchi Hirobumi. Shi to Tomo ni Ikiru Koto wo Manabu: Tetsugaku to taiwa (Polano Shuppan, 2019)
The book can be purchased for a reduced price at the department of Religious Studies.


Students are required to read the assigned texts in advance and fill in all feedback sheets (eight in total).



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