
385 件ヒット (0.03秒):

  •   人文社会科学特別科目 / Humanities and Social Sciences (Special Course)  
      越智 郁乃  
      前期 木曜日 1講時  



    This course is designed to provide doctoral students of the Graduate School of Arts and Letters with a broad range of academic knowledge in the humanities and social sciences. The purpose is to provide students with the broad background necessary to carry out exploratory research as researchers, or to cultivate the bird's-eye view required of highly specialized professionals. In order to achieve these aims, lectures are given in an omnibus format by faculty members from the Department of Japanese Studies, the Department of Global Humanities, and the Department of Integrated Human Sciences in the Graduate School of Arts and Letters.

     This semester, the common theme is "War and Peace". We will discuss it from multiple perspectives in the humanities and social sciences. The lectures will be given in an online format.

  •   人文社会総論 / General Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      嶋崎 啓, 小泉 政利, 籠橋 俊光, 田代 志門  
      前期 水曜日 5講時 / 前期 金曜日 4講時  







    ・This course is compulsory for all first-year students of the Faculty of Arts and Letters in the first semester.

    ・In this course, all the 26 departments at the Faculty of Arts and Letters will offer a lecture on Wednesday 5th period or Friday 4th period.

    ・The students are expected to attend all lectures and explore the field of humanity and social science comprehensively.

    ・Four essays are required to complete this course.

    ・All students must take part in the first class session since an orientation will be conducted.

    ・If you have any concerns, please contact the above faculties.

  •   物語メディア論  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  



  •   人文社会科学の最前線  
      大木 一夫、他  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA202  


    Students will acquire comprehensive and basic thinking skills in the humanities and social sciences by attending lectures that provide easy-to-understand explanations of cutting-edge topics in the humanities and social sciences and by writing reports on topics of interest to them.

  •   比較文化論各論 / Comparative Culture (Special Lecture)  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  

    This course is intended to introduce basic concepts and approaches for intercultural research by reviewing some important English keywords for researching for broad cultural studies in the humanities. By “cultural studies” we mean broadly any approach used in the School of Arts and Letters for studying forms of knowledge. Every week, the class will look at a particular word that describes a concept, object or topic of relevance and consider its implications and applications to undergraduate studies. To do so, students will be asked to read in advance each week a short text of some kind (usually in photocopy form or as an online source, and sometimes video material as well as writing) which will be explained in class by lecture and group discussion. By the end of the course, students will be asked to do some group work during class in the form of a class survey of a group presentation to each other on material arising from the course.

    本講座は、人文科学における幅広い文化研究を行うための重要な英語キーワードを概観しながら、異文化間研究のための基本的な概念やアプローチを紹介することを目的としています。 ここでいう「カルチュラル・スタディーズ」とは、広く文学部で用いられる、知の形態を研究するためのあらゆるアプローチを意味します。このクラスでは毎週、関連性のある概念、対象、トピックを表す特定の単語を取り上げ、その意味合いと学部での研究への応用について考えます。そのために、受講生は毎週、何らかの短いテキスト(通常はコピーやオンライン資料、時には文章だけでなく映像資料も)を事前に読んでくるように指示され、授業では講義とグループ・ディスカッションによって説明される。コースの終わりには、授業中にグループワークをしてもらい、コースで学んだことについてクラスでアンケートをとり、グループで発表してもらいます。

  •   日本史演習 / Japanese History (Seminar)  
      安達 宏昭  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  


    In this course, students will read the” Sugiyama Memo” edited by the General Staff Headquarters, which is a central document of the nation during the war, and the” Secret War Diary” by the War Guidance Group of the General Staff Headquarters, and use it together with related historical materials to learn about modern Japanese politics and society. This class is in seminar form, and each time, the reporter selected among students will examine a certain range of biographies and present them. Then students will ask questions and discuss the reporters. Participants deepen their own understanding through questions and discussion with the presenter.

  •   日本史演習 / Japanese History (Seminar)  
      安達 宏昭  
      前期 水曜日 3講時  


    In this course, students will read the” Sugiyama Memo” edited by the General Staff Headquarters, which is a central document of the nation during the war, and the” Secret War Diary” by the War Guidance Group of the General Staff Headquarters, and use it together with related historical materials to learn about modern Japanese politics and society. This class is in seminar form, and each time, the reporter selected among students will examine a certain range of biographies and present them. Then students will ask questions and discuss the reporters. Participants deepen their own understanding through questions and discussion with the presenter.

  •   人文社会序論 / Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      茂木 謙之介, 西原 志保  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  


    This course covers the basic knowege of Inovative Japanese Studies to help students understand the characteristics of Japasese Studies. Japasese Studies is a discipline which think about Japan from various points of view. So in this course, the lecturer introduces some methods.

  •   人文情報科学概論  
      前期 月曜日 1講時  


    ・Google Classroomを用いて、情報の共有を行う。クラスコードは別途アナウンスされる。



  •   ミカタの科学  
      冨田 知志  
      前期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA106  




    The word "Science" in this Class corresponds not only to natural sciences, like physics and mathematics, but also to the humanities and social sciences. We thus welcome all students with a wide variety of backgrounds.

    In scientific research, a way of viewing different things from the same viewpoint is called analogy. Analogy enables us to understand an object deeply. Moreover, it is helpful for us to set a problem and make a hypothesis. On the other hand, we understand identical object deeply also by viewing from different points of view. In this way, bird's-eye view at a variety of distance and angle is a powerful technique in scientific research.

    In this Class, we experience the technique by re-visiting well-known concepts in natural science, for example, mass, and touching cutting edge research topics, for example, metamaterials. Additionally, we consider also how to view science itself. At in-class collaboration, you should explain your ideas, hear opinions from your classmates and teachers, and give a presentation of your ideas and opinions. In this way, you will build up integrated intelligence without the border among the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences.
