
6746 件ヒット (0.043秒):

  •   社会心理学演習Ⅰ / Social Psychology (Seminar)I  
      荒井 崇史  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    The purpose of this course is to deepen the psychological knowledge related to crime and delinquency through extensive reading of literature on social psychology and criminal psychology conducted using empirical methods. Students not only read designated literaturs, but also prepare related materials, and present and discuss in class.

  •   社会心理学研究演習Ⅰ / Social Psychology(Advanced Seminar) I  
      荒井 崇史  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    In this class, the primary purpose is to read the literature on social psychology and criminal psychology conducted in an empirical methods and to understand the modern research findings related to antisocial behavior that occurs in everyday life. And The second purpose is to deepen the understanding of psychological research methods and to learn the methods while having discussions with other students. Students not only read designated literaturs, but also prepare related materials, and present and discuss in class.

  •   社会心理学各論(司法・犯罪心理学) / Forensic and Criminal Psychology (Special Lecture)  
      荒井 崇史  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    In this course, the purpose is to deepen the knowledge of the academic position of criminal psychology, basic knowledge on criminal psychology such as criminal justice system and criminal statistics, basic theory on the cause of crime, and psychological assessment and support in the field of justice and crime. In the course, the basic knowledge of each topic and the modern research will be explained in a lecture format.

  •   社会心理学特論Ⅰ / Social Psychology(Advanced Lecture) I  
      荒井 崇史  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    This course aims to acquire knowledge on each topic by understanding the antisocial behavior (crime and delinquency) that occurs in daily life from a social psychological perspective. In this course, in addition to lectures providing basic knowledge, discussions will be held between students as needed.

  •   発達臨床論演習Ⅱ  
      神谷 哲司  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 総合研究棟203演習室  


  •   子供と家族のための看護支援方法の実際 Practical nursing support methods for children and families  
      塩飽 仁  
      2セメ:2024年10月2日(水)-2025年1月22日(水) Semester #2:October 2 2024 - January 22 2025 3セメ:2024年4月17日(水)-2024年7月31日(水) Semester #3:April 17 2024- July 31 2024  
      毎週水曜日 13:00-14:30 Wednesday, 13:00-14:30  


    Students will learn about the advanced nursing care provided at medical institutions, educational institutions, and related organizations for children and families with complex and difficult-to-solve nursing problems, and the people surrounding them. In addition, through reading case reports and research papers related to supporting children and families, students will develop a nursing perspective that provides psychological and social support for children and families.

  •   犯罪心理学特論(司法・犯罪分野に関する理論と支援の展開)  
      菅藤 健一  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 その他  


  •   心理学特論Ⅰ / Psychology(Advanced Lecture) I  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  

    1946年の世界保健機関(WHO)憲章の草案の中で、「健康とは、肉体的、精神的及び社会的に完全に良好な状態 (well-being) であり、単に疾病又は病弱の存在しないことではない」と定義されている(厚生労働省)。本講義では、「ウェルビーイング」の概念を紹介し、様々な観点を紹介する。講義の後半は自然災害や感染病が広まった「非常時」のウェルビーイングの研究について論じる。また、様々な研究がウェルビーイングや現在注目される話題とどのようにかかわるかを考察する。

    The constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1946 rose the term of 'Health' as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This course will introduce you to the world of well-being as it has been discussed in the various viewpoints. The second half of this course may include the study of 'well-being during the mass crisis' such as, natural disaster and pandemic diseases as a part of my current research studies. During the class students can discuss how their research related to the concept of well-being (or others current topics).

  •   臨床心理学演習Ⅳ  
      安保 英勇, SCHLEMPER LENNA, 前田 駿太, 吉田 沙蘭  
      後期後半 木曜日 4講時 総合研究棟206教室  


  •   臨床心理学演習Ⅰ  
      若島 孔文, 梅田 亜友美, 本多 奈美  
      後期前半 木曜日 3講時 総合研究棟202教室 / 後期前半 木曜日 3講時 総合研究棟204演習室  

