
234 件ヒット (0.017秒):

  •   近代日本思想論Ⅱ  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    Analyzing modern Japanese Buddhist thought (including religion and philosophy) from the Meiji to early Showa periods, and gaining research skills in this area.

  •   日本宗教史Ⅱ  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    After Perry's "opening" of Japan in 1853 and the Meiji restoration of 1868, Japan's social and political structures were forced to several changes. Buddhism, which was considered by a number of Meiji intellectual as one of the "ancient evils" symbolizing the former bakuhan system, was also changed not only in the institutional sense, but also in terms of ideas. In this course, after discussing the basic stance of discursive history, we will examine this transformation process which lead to the "modernization" of Buddhism.

  •   日本史演習 / Japanese History (Seminar)  
      安達 宏昭  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  


    In this course, students will read the” Sugiyama Memo” edited by the General Staff Headquarters, which is a central document of the nation during the war, and the” Secret War Diary” by the War Guidance Group of the General Staff Headquarters, and use it together with related historical materials to learn about modern Japanese politics and society. This class is in seminar form, and each time, the reporter selected among students will examine a certain range of biographies and present them. Then students will ask questions and discuss the reporters. Participants deepen their own understanding through questions and discussion with the presenter.

  •   日本史演習 / Japanese History (Seminar)  
      安達 宏昭  
      前期 水曜日 3講時  


    In this course, students will read the” Sugiyama Memo” edited by the General Staff Headquarters, which is a central document of the nation during the war, and the” Secret War Diary” by the War Guidance Group of the General Staff Headquarters, and use it together with related historical materials to learn about modern Japanese politics and society. This class is in seminar form, and each time, the reporter selected among students will examine a certain range of biographies and present them. Then students will ask questions and discuss the reporters. Participants deepen their own understanding through questions and discussion with the presenter.

  •   宗教学概論 / Science of Religions (General Lecture)  
      問芝 志保  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    This course will discuss the theoretical history of the study of religion and the sociology of religion in Japan, relating them to the process of transformation of religious phenomena in Japanese society.

  •   日本思想史各論 /  
      引野 亨輔  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  


    For modern Japanese people, another worlds are mainly seen as important materials for manga and anime, but there is no doubt that in the past, another worlds and the afterlife have had a great influence on the formation of Japanese thought. However, even though the land of Yomi described in the Nihon Shoki(Chronicle of Japan completed in 720) and the Pure Land described by medieval Buddhist monks are the same afterlife, their characteristics are very different. How have another worlds and afterlife changed over the course of history for the Japanese people? In this course, we will use ancient and medieval Buddhist tales as material to explore the transformation of the idea of another worlds and afterlife, and further examine its historical background.

  •   日本思想史特論Ⅱ / History of Japanese Thought(Advanced Lecture)II  
      引野 亨輔  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  


    For modern Japanese people, another worlds are mainly seen as important materials for manga and anime, but there is no doubt that in the past, another worlds and the afterlife have had a great influence on the formation of Japanese thought. However, even though the land of Yomi described in the Nihon Shoki(Chronicle of Japan completed in 720) and the Pure Land described by medieval Buddhist monks are the same afterlife, their characteristics are very different. How have another worlds and afterlife changed over the course of history for the Japanese people? In this course, we will use ancient and medieval Buddhist tales as material to explore the transformation of the idea of another worlds and afterlife, and further examine its historical background.

  •   実践宗教学各論 / Practical Religious Studies (Special Lecture)  
      谷山 洋三, 文学部教官  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    The source of social welfare is the charity activities of various religions, including Christianity. Although these charity activities themselves are significant, they are limited by the times, and there are issues with human rights awareness and equality. By overcoming such pre-modern challenges, "social welfare" based on individual freedom developed. Based on this background, we will consider the relationship between religion and social welfare, using examples such as the history of Buddhist social welfare in Japan, Buddhists and social welfare activities in Bangladesh, the Vihara Ward of Nagaoka Nishi Hospital, and support activities for victims after the Great East Japan Earthquake, and so on. We will examine the role of religion in Japanese society, which is becoming a super-aging death-ridden society.

  •   日本思想史特論Ⅳ / History of Japanese Thought(Advanced Lecture)IV  
      引野 亨輔  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  


    For modern Japanese people, another worlds are mainly seen as important materials for manga and anime, but there is no doubt that in the past, another worlds and the afterlife have had a great influence on the formation of Japanese thought. However, even though the land of Yomi described in the Nihon Shoki(Chronicle of Japan completed in 720) and the Pure Land described by medieval Buddhist monks are the same afterlife, their characteristics are very different. How have another worlds and afterlife changed over the course of history for the Japanese people? In this course, we will use ancient and medieval Buddhist tales as material to explore the transformation of the idea of another worlds and afterlife, and further examine its historical background.

  •   実践宗教学特論Ⅰ / Practical Religious Studies (Advanced Lecture)  
      谷山 洋三, 文学研究科教官  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    The source of social welfare is the charity activities of various religions, including Christianity. Although these charity activities themselves are significant, they are limited by the times, and there are issues with human rights awareness and equality. By overcoming such pre-modern challenges, "social welfare" based on individual freedom developed. Based on this background, we will consider the relationship between religion and social welfare, using examples such as the history of Buddhist social welfare in Japan, Buddhists and social welfare activities in Bangladesh, the Vihara Ward of Nagaoka Nishi Hospital, and support activities for victims after the Great East Japan Earthquake, and so on. We will examine the role of religion in Japanese society, which is becoming a super-aging death-ridden society.
