
5188 件ヒット (0.038秒):

  •   情報倫理学  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  


  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      伊藤 健洋  
      経 学籍番号奇数  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 情報教育実習室 M105  

    (1) 情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができるソーシャル・スキルを獲得すること.

    (2) 計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データを利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解, 判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して実社会における課題を見出せるようになること.

    (1) Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions, taking responsibilities and being aware of ethics as citizens living in today's information society.

    (2) Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data science, utilizing computers, become able to make human-centered understandings and decisions in regard to the large-scale data technologies, and to find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.

  •   生命倫理学(検査)  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 保健学科大講義室  


    (1) 臨床場面において、患者の意思を尊重しながら、倫理性・社会性・科学性に基づいた合理的な意思決定が行えるように修練する。

    (2) 人間の生老病死にまつわる科学技術と医療、社会との関わりを考察することで、医療職に求められる高い水準の規範、倫理観、死生観を涵養する。

    (3) 社会の要請に対応したプロフェッショナリズムを身に付け、適切なリーダーシップや倫理・心理・社会的問題に対応できる能力を養う。

    概要 :



    (1) To be able to make rational decisions based on ethical, social, and scientific aspects while respecting patients' intentions in clinical settings.

    (2) To cultivate the high-level norms, ethics, and views of life and death required for medical profession by examining the relationship between science and technology, medical care, and society related to human aging and mortality.

    (3) To acquire professionalism that responds to the demands of society, and to develop appropriate leadership and the ability to respond to ethical, psychological and social issues.


    Lecture is a main part of this course, including occasional small group discussions.

  •   電気エネルギーシステム特別講義A / Special Lecture on Electrical Engineering A  
      遠藤 哲郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ



    1. 目的












    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    1. Object

    Today, our lives are being dramatically transformed by digital devices, and semiconductor technology is at the center of this transformation. By taking this class, you will gain a deep understanding of the core role of semiconductor technology and how it is positioned in national competition and strategy. Furthermore, the course aims to help students acquire knowledge not only about technology, but also about intellectual property, another perspective from which to consider a career as an engineer.

    2. Summary

     We will invite semiconductor experts who are active on the front lines of industry as guest lecturers. Through their experience and knowledge, you will have an invaluable opportunity to learn firsthand about the latest trends and research topics in semiconductor technology. We will also cover basic intellectual property concepts and practical discussions on how they are handled in business and R&D. We hope that this class will provide students with a multifaceted perspective on future developments in semiconductor technology, the environment and strategies surrounding the technology, and help them hone their skills to become the next generation of technology leaders.

    3. Goal

     In this course, the main objectives are to acquire the following abilities.

    (1) Acquisition of fundamental knowledge of semiconductor technology

    Possess a deep understanding of the basic concepts of semiconductor technology and its development.

    (2) Acquisition of a realistic viewpoint of the field

    To acquire knowledge of experiences and issues at the forefront of industry, and to enhance problem-solving skills from a practical perspective.

    (3) Formation of a basic awareness of intellectual property

    Understand the basic concepts and practical flow of intellectual property related to semiconductor technology and recognize its importance in technological development and business situations.

  •   通信工学特別講義A / Special Lecture on Communications Engineering A  
      遠藤 哲郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ



    1. 目的












    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    1. Object

    Today, our lives are being dramatically transformed by digital devices, and semiconductor technology is at the center of this transformation. By taking this class, you will gain a deep understanding of the core role of semiconductor technology and how it is positioned in national competition and strategy. Furthermore, the course aims to help students acquire knowledge not only about technology, but also about intellectual property, another perspective from which to consider a career as an engineer.

    2. Summary

     We will invite semiconductor experts who are active on the front lines of industry as guest lecturers. Through their experience and knowledge, you will have an invaluable opportunity to learn firsthand about the latest trends and research topics in semiconductor technology. We will also cover basic intellectual property concepts and practical discussions on how they are handled in business and R&D. We hope that this class will provide students with a multifaceted perspective on future developments in semiconductor technology, the environment and strategies surrounding the technology, and help them hone their skills to become the next generation of technology leaders.

    3. Goal

     In this course, the main objectives are to acquire the following abilities.

    (1) Acquisition of fundamental knowledge of semiconductor technology

    Possess a deep understanding of the basic concepts of semiconductor technology and its development.

    (2) Acquisition of a realistic viewpoint of the field

    To acquire knowledge of experiences and issues at the forefront of industry, and to enhance problem-solving skills from a practical perspective.

    (3) Formation of a basic awareness of intellectual property

    Understand the basic concepts and practical flow of intellectual property related to semiconductor technology and recognize its importance in technological development and business situations.

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      大野 晋、後藤 伴延  
      前期 金曜日 1講時 情報教育実習室 M104  

    (1) 情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができるソーシャル・スキルを獲得すること.

    (2) 計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データを利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解, 判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して実社会における課題を見出せるようになること.

    (1) Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions, taking responsibilities and being aware of ethics as citizens living in today's information society.

    (2) Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data science, utilizing computers, become able to make human-centered understandings and decisions in regard to the large-scale data technologies, and to find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.

  •   生命倫理学(放射線)  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 保健学科大講義室  


    (1) 臨床場面において、患者の意思を尊重しながら、倫理性・社会性・科学性に基づいた合理的な意思決定が行えるように修練する。

    (2) 人間の生老病死にまつわる科学技術と医療、社会との関わりを考察することで、医療職に求められる高い水準の規範、倫理観、死生観を涵養する。

    (3) 社会の要請に対応したプロフェッショナリズムを身に付け、適切なリーダーシップや倫理・心理・社会的問題に対応できる能力を養う。

    概要 :



    (1) To be able to make rational decisions based on ethical, social, and scientific aspects while respecting patients' intentions in clinical settings.

    (2) To cultivate the high-level norms, ethics, and views of life and death required for medical profession by examining the relationship between science and technology, medical care, and society related to human aging and mortality.

    (3) To acquire professionalism that responds to the demands of society, and to develop appropriate leadership and the ability to respond to ethical, psychological and social issues.


    Lecture is a main part of this course, including occasional small group discussions.

  •   生命倫理学(看護)  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 保健学科大講義室  


    (1) 臨床場面において、患者の意思を尊重しながら、倫理性・社会性・科学性に基づいた合理的な意思決定が行えるように修練する。

    (2) 人間の生老病死にまつわる科学技術と医療、社会との関わりを考察することで、医療職に求められる高い水準の規範、倫理観、死生観を涵養する。

    (3) 社会の要請に対応したプロフェッショナリズムを身に付け、適切なリーダーシップや倫理・心理・社会的問題に対応できる能力を養う。

    概要 :



    (1) To be able to make rational decisions based on ethical, social, and scientific aspects while respecting patients' intentions in clinical settings.

    (2) To cultivate the high-level norms, ethics, and views of life and death required for medical profession by examining the relationship between science and technology, medical care, and society related to human aging and mortality.

    (3) To acquire professionalism that responds to the demands of society, and to develop appropriate leadership and the ability to respond to ethical, psychological and social issues.


    Lecture is a main part of this course, including occasional small group discussions.

  •   電子工学特別講義A / Special Lecture on Electronic Engineering A  
      遠藤 哲郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ



    1. 目的












    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    1. Object

    Today, our lives are being dramatically transformed by digital devices, and semiconductor technology is at the center of this transformation. By taking this class, you will gain a deep understanding of the core role of semiconductor technology and how it is positioned in national competition and strategy. Furthermore, the course aims to help students acquire knowledge not only about technology, but also about intellectual property, another perspective from which to consider a career as an engineer.

    2. Summary

     We will invite semiconductor experts who are active on the front lines of industry as guest lecturers. Through their experience and knowledge, you will have an invaluable opportunity to learn firsthand about the latest trends and research topics in semiconductor technology. We will also cover basic intellectual property concepts and practical discussions on how they are handled in business and R&D. We hope that this class will provide students with a multifaceted perspective on future developments in semiconductor technology, the environment and strategies surrounding the technology, and help them hone their skills to become the next generation of technology leaders.

    3. Goal

     In this course, the main objectives are to acquire the following abilities.

    (1) Acquisition of fundamental knowledge of semiconductor technology

    Possess a deep understanding of the basic concepts of semiconductor technology and its development.

    (2) Acquisition of a realistic viewpoint of the field

    To acquire knowledge of experiences and issues at the forefront of industry, and to enhance problem-solving skills from a practical perspective.

    (3) Formation of a basic awareness of intellectual property

    Understand the basic concepts and practical flow of intellectual property related to semiconductor technology and recognize its importance in technological development and business situations.

  •   工学と生命の倫理 / Ethics of engineering and life  
      服部 徹太郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

     The purpose of this lecture is to provide an opportunity for students as engineers to think about the future from a broad perspective. Industry development since the Industrial Revolution has been accelerating day by day, and our daily lives are also undergoing rapid changes. However, if we are blinded by such changes, we may lose sight of the goal that science and technology should originally aim at the promotion of people's happiness. In this course, we will review the interface between engineering and society in relation to life. This is because modern engineering has reached the realm of direct and indirect contact with “life”. When engineering is involved in fields such as medicine and food, it is confronted with situations that directly affect the life and death of humans and other living organisms. There is no small possibility that environmental problems resulting from the massive consumption of materials and energy will threaten the survival of our living organisms. To broadly consider these issues, lecturers from various fields such as engineering, medicine, and welfare will be invited to give lectures and hold discussions. In addition, there will be the opportunity for group work (investigation and discussion) on issues related to research ethics and engineering ethics, with presentation and discussion of results.
