
231 件ヒット (0.022秒):

  •   臨床薬理学(看護)  
      今谷 晃  
      前期 水曜日 1講時 保健学科大講義室  

    薬の用法・用量、代謝・吸収・分布・排泄、副作用、薬物相互作用、各疾患における薬物療法などの講義を通して、基本的な薬の知識の習得をはかる。/To understand the basic mechanism of pharmacological action and drug therapy

  •   臨床薬理学(検査)  
      廣瀬 卓男  
      前期 水曜日 1講時 保健学科大講義室  

    薬の用法・用量、代謝・吸収・分布・排泄、副作用、薬物相互作用、各疾患における薬物療法などの講義を通して、基本的な薬の知識の習得をはかる。/To understand the basic mechanism of pharmacological action and drug therapy

  •   薬理学4  
      平澤 典保, 瀬川 良佑  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 薬学部C棟講義室  


    Pharmacology is a discipline which explores an interaction between drugs and a human body. It also explores the mechanism of a wide variety of human body functions through the analysis of drug action. The main objective of this course is to better understand an interaction between drugs and a human body which is great necessary for considering the actions, adverse effects and contraindication for any given drug. In this Pharmacology 4, students learn about the physiological/pathophysiological roles of various hormones, blood, inflammation and immuno-system and understand the mechanism of the actions, adverse effects and contraindication for related drugs. Students also learn about the classification, morphology and structure of pathogenic microbe and understand the mechanism of the actions, adverse effects and contraindication for several agents to treat infectious diseases such as antibiotics, synthetic antimicrobial agents, anti-tuberculosis drugs, antifungals and antivirals.

  •   薬理学3  
      佐々木 拓哉, 五十嵐 敬幸  
      後期 火曜日 1講時 薬学部大講義室  


    Pharmacology is summarized in the interactions between medicines and biological functions. Students lean the clinical application, therapeutic and side effects of medicines through those biological actions. Pharmacology 3 focuses on medicines and its clinical application acting on cardiovascular system, kidney, urinary, genital organs. Pharmacology 3 also focused on therapeutics for metabolic diseases and cancer.

  •   臨床薬理学/Clinical Pharmacology  
      今谷 晃  
      1セメスター(ただし、レポートの締切は1月末とする)/1st semester (The deadline for the report is end of January.)  
      e-learning on demand 東北大学病院希少がん・難治がんカンファレンス/Conference: Case Study concerning Therapy for Rare and Intractable Cancer  

    臨床現場では様々な薬物が用いられている。そこで、緊急応急措置、症状緩和、慢性疾患に対して必要な薬剤を中心に、薬剤の基本的な薬理機序を理解する。薬剤使用の判断、投薬後の患者モニタリング、患者の服薬管理能力の向上を図るための知識・能力を身につけ、医療専門職としてチーム医療が実践できるようにする。/The aim of this course is to understand the basic mechanism of pharmacological action for patient assessment and monitoring in the nursing care.

  •   医療薬学実習  
      佐々木 拓哉, 秋田 英万, 有村 奈利子, 五十嵐 敬幸, 平田 祐介, 田中 浩揮, 野口 拓也, 松沢 厚  
      前期集中 その他 その他 薬学部医療薬学実習室  


    In this course, students deepen their understanding of Biopharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, and learn analytical methods commonly used in the field. In the first section, students learn the principle and technique on pharmacological actions of central, peripheral and cardiovascular systems. Especially, students will understand the five practical exercise themes of cardiac function, blood pressure, ilea function, convulsion, and anatomy of animal. In the second section, students work on two practical exercises; one is biochemical analysis of antioxidant responses mediated by biomolecules, and the other one is polymorphism analysis of detoxification enzymes. The exercises will provide insight into the detoxification mechanisms and the individual differences derived from diverse genetic backgrounds. In the last section, students will study on the pharmacokinetic analysis affecting pharmacological and toxicological effects of drug after the administration. Several simulation works will be performed to understand the clinical pharmacokinetics for the design of dosage regimen.

  •   薬理学1  
      佐々木 拓哉, 有村 奈利子  
      前期前半 金曜日 1講時 薬学部大講義室 / 前期前半 金曜日 2講時 薬学部大講義室  


    Pharmacology is a discipline which explores an interaction between drugs and a human body. To better understand the action of clinically available drugs, students need to acquire abundant knowledge about not only the machinery of human body but also the mechanism of disease development. In human body, many chemical transmitter and intracellular signaling molecules work to keep the body healthy. In this course, students first acquire the elementary knowledge to understand the action of drugs. Students also understand the clinical application and effectiveness of drugs and identify a clinical issue through the understanding the extracellular chemical transmitter and intracellular signal transduction.

  •   生薬学2  
      佐々木 拓哉, 浅井 禎吾  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 薬学部大講義室  


    In this course, students understand basic important points of pharmacognosy, including the origin, bioactive constituents, efficacy and application of the crude drugs listed in Japanese Pharmacopoeia, and learn about the actions of these natural drugs on gene expression in mammalian cells, the basic concepts necessary for understanding the diagnosis and treatment in Kampo medicine, and the importance of plant biotechnology in securement of medicinal plant resources. This course also offers the opportunity to deepen the understanding of therapeutic natural medicines for neurodegenerative disorders.

  •   臨床薬剤学  
      秋田 英万, 田中 浩揮  
      前期 水曜日 1講時 薬学部中講義室  


    The purpose of this class is to understand the advanced application of the physical pharmacy and pharmacokinetics given by Pharmaceutics 1 and 2 in the clinics. Also, understand the latest pharmaceutical modalities. Small test will be given in each lecture to evaluate the achievement of understandings.

  •   薬理学2  
      森口 茂樹  
      前期後半 金曜日 1講時 薬学部大講義室 / 前期後半 金曜日 2講時 薬学部大講義室  


    Pharmacology is summarized in the interactions between medicines and biological functions. Students lean the clinical application, therapeutic and side effects of medicines through those biological actions. Pharmacology 2 focuses on medicines acting on peripheral and central nervous systems, and respiratory and digestive organs.
