
3749 件ヒット (0.052秒):

  •   キャリアワークショップ  
      KENJI UNO  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 経済学部第2講義室  

    Google classroom クラスコード:xiowmb4








    < As for information about this class, we use "Classroom." We also utilize "ZOOM" as a tool of real-time online class session. If you have any question, please contact the following e-mail address. kenji.uno@dir.co.jp >

    Known as "Uno seminar." This class offers a case method type of lessons by a business professional.

    Covering practical themes such as personal career formation, corporate organization theory, and business strategy, this class will utilize discussion rather than lecture.

    Students are required to lead discussions actively, and the lecturer provides relevant knowledge, broadens perspective, deepens understanding, and motivates positive behavior.

    A maximum of 30 students participate discussions (Case1 to 10) each time, and the lecturer summarizes later in each class.

    In the 1st and 2nd classes, we will have "Orientation and introductory discussion." In the 6th and 10th classes, sessions about how to form your career will be held.

  •   キャリアワークショップ  
      KENJI UNO  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 経済学部第2講義室  

    Google classroom クラスコード:kamitf6








    < As for information about this class, we use "Classroom." We also utilize "ZOOM" as a tool of real-time online class session. If you have any question, please contact the following e-mail address. kenji.uno@dir.co.jp >

    Known as "Uno seminar." This class offers a case method type of lessons by a business professional.

    Covering practical themes such as personal career formation, corporate organization theory, and business strategy, this class will utilize discussion rather than lecture.

    Students are required to lead discussions actively, and the lecturer provides relevant knowledge, broadens perspective, deepens understanding, and motivates positive behavior.

    A maximum of 30 students participate discussions (Case1 to 10) each time, and the lecturer summarizes later in each class.

    In the 1st and 2nd classes, we will have "Orientation and introductory discussion." In the 6th and 10th classes, sessions about how to form your career will be held.

  •   キャリア・スキル開発特別演習  
      末松 千秋  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 その他  

    This course introduces students to the typical decision-making in Japan, especially in Japanese companies. The classes will cover not only the ways of Japanese decision-making but also those of the Western world. In contrast with these mechanisms, things peculiar to Japan will be highlighted. Japanese companies are famous for the consensus decision-making. What are advantages and disadvantages of the consensus decision-making? What have Japanese companies changed to the management board in order to alleviate the disadvantages? Is there any good way to reach a consensus easier? While answering these questions, the course will emphasize the things Japanese are most concerned about to illustrate the Japanese culture. Two main objectives of the course are to provide the knowledge of Japanese style discussions and to provide the basic skills of the facilitator who helps make the process of reaching a consensus decision easier.


  •   工学教育院特別講義(グローバルスキル論) / Special lectures (Skills for Global Leaders)  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    グローバルな社会で活躍するために、日本と他国の就活プロセスが異なり、専門スキル (英語を含む) が求められることを理解し、また研究・業務を効率良く進めるためのPM (Project management)の基礎を習得し、さらに自ら論理的に考え、新しい事にも立ち向かう姿勢や、英語で論理的に意見を交わせるスキルを身につけることを目的とする。

    まず、日本と他国の就活プロセスが異なることを理解する。西欧での就職では、スキルが無ければほぼ就職は難しいこと・PMは重要なソフトスキルの一つであることを学ぶ。次に、KJ法、Fishbone, Pareto分析, Ganttチャート等のPMのためのツールを学ぶ。ミニプロジェクトを(自ら)が設定し、プロジェクトマネージメントの実行を自らが行う。この過程でMECE (Mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive)、 Critical path、Alternative等の重要キーワードを体験学習し・実践できるようになる。さらに、海外から(/出身)の講師及び産業界出身の技術者を招聘し/または、彼らがVirtualに参加し、彼らとの討論を通じ、国際的なキャリアパス設計・スキルと日本人大学生のそれらとのギャップを認識し、グローバルに活躍するにはスキルの獲得が重要であることを自ら学ぶ。また、PMの遂行を通じ、論理的考え方、発表能力の養成(日英)を図る。後半は共通言語を可能な限り英語化し、英語発表能力の向上も目指す。


    本講座は自らが学習し、論理的に目標を分析し、ゴールを達成するPM (Project management) をベースとしたインタラクテブな授業である。国際的なキャリアパス設計・スキルと日本人大学生のそれらとのギャップを認識し、グローバルに活躍するにはスキルの獲得が重要であることを自ら学ぶ。また、ソフトスキルの一つであるプロジェクト・マネージメントについて座学・演習を通じて学ぶ。さらに、討論、発表を通じ、論理的考え方、発表能力の養成を図ると同時に、海外出身の若手研究者、技術者、産業界の方々を講師として招き/Virtualに参加いただきグローバルな考え方に接する。講義の後半は英語を共通語として多く使用し、英語による議論、発表の能力向上を図る。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")


    The purpose of this course is three-hold. First, to understand job finding process differences in Japan and western European countries, and importance of SKILLS for all graduates in job findings. Second, to acquire basic project management tools including KJ method, Fishbone, Pareto analysis, Critical path analysis, Gantt chart for Project tracking, WBS (Work breakdown structure) in addition to logical thinking. Third, to be able to handle unstructured issues through execution of sample projects.


    After learning the importance of skills in finding one’s job and through one’s life to be globally competitive, bases of project management will be studied which is one of the important transferrable skills for one’s life from your student age to real life in society.

    It requires for students to execute a sample project, to hit the goal by analyzing the ways to hit it and managing the resource and time properly by themselves. Especially, to learn and use Pareto analysis, critical path analysis and alternative approaches to achieve the goal.

    It is not a traditional one-way lecture but interactive one in which students will have enough opportunities to express their own opinions on various topics so that they can learn how to present their opinions and to communicate properly which are important characteristics to work in real society. The lecture will invite foreign researchers, engineers and the specialists from industry and academia to know what are really needed to be outstanding ones. The latter half of the lecture will use English often to aim the final presentations including Qs and As to be done in English.

  •   留学  
      ROOTS MAIA  
      通年 月曜日 5講時  



     The aim of this class is to help the students of the Department of Law to prepare for and take full advantage of their study abroad experience. Participants will also be expected to present what they learned during their 1-2 semesters of study abroad to other students upon return. We will also look at how to connect your study abroad experience to your future career.

  •   キャリア関連学習  
      竹内 上人  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA203  


    This Program will teach international students how to work in Japanese companies through the experience of the Human Resources General Manager.

    Japanese students are also welcome. Students can understand the mechanism of hiring Japanese companies.

    This is a practical career design and internship preparation program for international students before starting a career or internship at the selected companies that operate in Japan.

    This program will be designed with careful study and analysis of the working environment focused on the company in Japan.

    Working in concert with the actual internship program (Career education practice for international students) the goal of this program is not only to master international students' practical working skills but also to create a mutual understanding between the students and companies. 





  •   キャリア関連学習  
      竹内 上人  
      後期 月曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA203  


    This Program will teach international students how to work in Japanese companies through the experience of the Human Resources General Manager.

    Japanese students are also welcome. Students can understand the mechanism of hiring Japanese companies.

    This is a practical career design and internship preparation program for international students before starting a career or internship at the selected companies that operate in Japan.

    This program will be designed with careful study and analysis of the working environment focused on the company in Japan.

    Working in concert with the actual internship program (Career education practice for international students) the goal of this program is not only to master international students' practical working skills but also to create a mutual understanding between the students and companies. 





  •   工学教育院特別講義(グローバルスキル論) / Institute of Engineering Education Special lectures  
      須藤 祐子, 羅 漢  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    グローバルな社会で活躍するために、日本と他国の就活プロセスが異なり、専門スキル (英語を含む) が求められることを理解し、また研究・業務を効率良く進めるためのPM (Project management)の基礎を習得し、さらに自ら論理的に考え、新しい事にも立ち向かう姿勢や、英語で論理的に意見を交わせるスキルを身につけることを目的とする。

    まず、日本と他国の就活プロセスが異なることを理解する。西欧での就職では、スキルが無ければほぼ就職は難しいこと・PMは重要なソフトスキルの一つであることを学ぶ。次に、KJ法、Fishbone, Pareto分析, Ganttチャート等のPMのためのツールを学ぶ。ミニプロジェクトを(自ら)が設定し、プロジェクトマネージメントの実行を自らが行う。この過程でMECE (Mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive)、 Critical path、Alternative等の重要キーワードを体験学習し・実践できるようになる。さらに、海外から(/出身)の講師及び産業界出身の技術者を招聘し/または、彼らがVirtualに参加し、彼らとの討論を通じ、国際的なキャリアパス設計・スキルと日本人大学生のそれらとのギャップを認識し、グローバルに活躍するにはスキルの獲得が重要であることを自ら学ぶ。また、PMの遂行を通じ、論理的考え方、発表能力の養成(日英)を図る。後半は共通言語を可能な限り英語化し、英語発表能力の向上も目指す。


    本講座は自らが学習し、論理的に目標を分析し、ゴールを達成するPM (Project management) をベースとしたインタラクテブな授業である。国際的なキャリアパス設計・スキルと日本人大学生のそれらとのギャップを認識し、グローバルに活躍するにはスキルの獲得が重要であることを自ら学ぶ。また、ソフトスキルの一つであるプロジェクト・マネージメントについて座学・演習を通じて学ぶ。さらに、討論、発表を通じ、論理的考え方、発表能力の養成を図ると同時に、海外出身の若手研究者、技術者、産業界の方々を講師として招き/Virtualに参加いただきグローバルな考え方に接する。講義の後半は英語を共通語として多く使用し、英語による議論、発表の能力向上を図る。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)


    The purpose of this course is three-hold. First, to understand job finding process differences in Japan and western European countries, and importance of SKILLS for all graduates in job findings. Second, to acquire basic project management tools including KJ method, Fishbone, Pareto analysis, Critical path analysis, Gantt chart for Project tracking, WBS (Work breakdown structure) in addition to logical thinking. Third, to be able to handle unstructured issues through execution of sample projects.


    After learning the importance of skills in finding one’s job and through one’s life to be globally competitive, bases of project management will be studied which is one of the important transferrable skills for one’s life from your student age to real life in society.

    It requires for students to execute a sample project, to hit the goal by analyzing the ways to hit it and managing the resource and time properly by themselves. Especially, to learn and use Pareto analysis, critical path analysis and alternative approaches to achieve the goal.

    It is not a traditional one-way lecture but interactive one in which students will have enough opportunities to express their own opinions on various topics so that they can learn how to present their opinions and to communicate properly which are important characteristics to work in real society. The lecture will invite foreign researchers, engineers and the specialists from industry and academia to know what are really needed to be outstanding ones. The latter half of the lecture will use English often to aim the final presentations including Qs and As to be done in English.

  •   国際教養特定課題  
      末松 千秋  
      後期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC201  

    This course introduces students to Japanese corporate culture with the history of changes in employment practices. The classes will cover the Japanese Style Management, Bubble Economy, and the Lost 20 Years. How did Japanese companies develop their management style? Why were Japanese manufacturers regarded as the strongest? What caused the Bubble Economy? Why did they have to give up the practices once thought to be essential? While answering these questions, the course will emphasize the role of employment practices to illustrate the Japanese culture. Two main objectives of the course are to possess the knowledge of Japanese employment practices and to understand the rationales for changes in the practices for the past 20 years.


  •   国際教養特定課題  
      末松 千秋  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC201  

    This course introduces students to the typical decision-making in Japan, especially in Japanese companies. The classes will cover not only the ways of Japanese decision-making but also those of the Western world. In contrast with these mechanisms, things peculiar to Japan will be highlighted. Japanese companies are famous for the consensus decision-making. What are advantages and disadvantages of the consensus decision-making? What have Japanese companies changed to the management board in order to alleviate the disadvantages? Is there any good way to reach a consensus easier? While answering these questions, the course will emphasize the things Japanese are most concerned about to illustrate the Japanese culture. Two main objectives of the course are to provide the knowledge of Japanese style discussions and to provide the basic skills of the facilitator who helps make the process of reaching a consensus decision easier.

