
1929 件ヒット (0.034秒):

  •   東北大学のひとびと  
      加藤 諭、安達 宏昭、中川 学、曽根原 理、高橋 禎雄  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA101  


    【In this lecture, you will learn about the history of the people involved in Tohoku University. You will learn how members of Tohoku University have been trying to live in different times and environments.】

  •   歴史学  
      中川 学  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA404  


    What sort of a university is Tohoku University? This course covers the history of Tohoku University to help students understand the characteristics of this University from a historical perspective.

  •   多文化特定課題  
      高橋 禎雄  
      後期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA403  

    本講義では、東北大学の歴史を重要な資料を中心に詳しく説明する。本学を構成する各部局の設置に至る経緯を中心に講義を行い、歴史学的な観点から東北大学の特徴や個性を理解することを目指す。【In this lecture, the history of Tohoku University will be explained in detail, focusing on important documents. The lecture will focus on the background to the establishment of the various departments that make up Tohoku University, and aims to understand the characteristics and individuality of Tohoku University from a historical perspective.】

  •   西洋史各論 / European and American History(Special Lecture)  
      阿部 ひろみ  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  


    This course explains the political structure and the social situation of the late medieval Germany, focusing on the imperial city of Nuremberg.

  •   西洋史特論Ⅲ / European and American History (Advanced Lecture) III  
      阿部 ひろみ  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  


    This course explains the political structure and the social situation of the late medieval Germany, focusing on the imperial city of Nuremberg.

  •   博物館実習Ⅰ / Functions of museums and curators  
      黒栁 あずみ, 髙嶋 礼詩  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    現代のミュージアムの形態は多様であり、ひとつの単純なモデルで本質を表すことは難しい。ミュージアムの形態が多様ならば、 そこで働く学芸員も多様といえる。このようにミュージアムから学芸員を抜き出して類型的に語ることは難しい。このような時代に おいて、学芸員を志望する学生がミュージアムを訪ねることで、「ミュージアムとは何か」、「学芸員とは何か」を自ら問うことが重要といえる。そこで、この授業では、学生がミュージアムを訪問し、この課題の答えを模索し、考察する。

    Museums today are so diverse that it is difficult to express their essence in one simple model. Since museums are diverse, the curators who work in them are also diverse. In these times, it is important for students who wish to become curators to visit museums and ask themselves "what is a museum" and "what is a curator". In this class, students will visit museums to find answers to these questions and discuss them.

  •   アーカイブズ学研究演習 / Archival Science (Advanced Seminar)  
      加藤 諭  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  


    This lecture is a class in which students learn about the work of archivists actually required in archives through discussion and practice. Students will deepen their understanding of the mission and ethics of archivists required in the field of archives, techniques related to document preservation, knowledge of preservation, restoration, and utilization of official documents, expertise and management, and skills and management abilities necessary for their work.

  •   アーカイブズ学特論 / Archival Science (Advanced Lecture)  
      加藤 諭  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    The purpose of this lecture is mainly to acquire the knowledge necessary for archivists and to understand the outline of archival studies. In addition to deepening the understanding of the origins and roles of archives through case studies from Japan and abroad, students will learn about the theories and systems of archival science, which is an academic field for constructing archival preservation and management systems, and will consider various types of archives. In addition, students will learn about theories and systems of archival science, which is an academic discipline for building archival preservation and management systems. In addition, the course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the process of collecting, preserving, organizing, disclosing, and utilizing records, and to deepen their knowledge.

  •   文化財科学特論Ⅰ / Science of Cultural Properties(Advanced Lecture)I  
      藤澤 敦  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  



    In Tohoku University there are many collections of the various fields. Approximately 200,000 of archaeology artifacts are in those. Those archaeology artifacts has been collected by investigations for more than 90 years.

    This course provides explanations of archaeology collection of Tohoku University and the academic significance of the collection. In fiscal year 2023, it's explained mainly about research works about Jomon culture and Kofun culture advanced in Tohoku university.

  •   考古学各論 / Archaeology (Special Lecture)  
      藤澤 敦  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  



    In Tohoku University there are many collections of the various fields. Approximately 200,000 of archaeology artifacts are in those. Those archaeology artifacts has been collected by investigations for more than 90 years.

    This course provides explanations of archaeology collection of Tohoku University and the academic significance of the collection. In fiscal year 2023, it's explained mainly about research works about Jomon culture and Yayoi culture advanced in Tohoku university.
