
5587 件ヒット (0.028秒):

  •   スポーツA  
      徳満 秋男  
      前期 水曜日 4講時 その他  


    初心者のための 基本体「基本の姿勢、基本の動作」                          

    初心者のための 射技「射法八節」                                  


  •   スポーツA  
      徳満 秋男  
      後期 金曜日 3講時 その他  


    初心者のための 基本体「基本の姿勢、基本の動作」                          

    初心者のための 射技「射法八節」                                  


  •   スポーツA  
      黒須 憲  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 その他  

    この授業は,運動文化や健康について様々な視点から理論的に実践することで,健全な批判精神に裏打ちされた幅広い知識と技能を習得するものである。                                      1)スポーツの実践を通した理論と技術の習得を目標とする。





    This class aims to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills backed by a healthy critical spirit by theoretically putting into practice the culture of exercise and health from various perspectives.

    1) The goal is to acquire theory and techniques through sports practice.

    2) The aim is to understand sports not just as games or for health purposes, but as a culture of exercise.

    3) Experience the knowledge and basic techniques of archery by operating actual archery equipment, and become able to do so to a certain extent.

    4) Learn the basic techniques of archery by using actual archery equipment (large bow, half bow) to fire an arrow at a target from a safe distance.

    5) Depending on the weather and conditions, use a half-bow indoors to practice quarter-bow archery and watch videos to learn about archery culture.

  •   スポーツA  
      黒須 憲  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 その他  

    この授業は,運動文化や健康について様々な視点から理論的に実践することで,健全な批判精神に裏打ちされた幅広い知識と技能を習得するものである。                                      1)スポーツの実践を通した理論と技術の習得を目標とする。





    This class aims to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills backed by a healthy critical spirit by theoretically putting into practice the culture of exercise and health from various perspectives.

    1) The goal is to acquire theory and techniques through sports practice.

    2) The aim is to understand sports not just as games or for health purposes, but as a culture of exercise.

    3) Experience the knowledge and basic techniques of archery by operating actual archery equipment, and become able to do so to a certain extent.

    4) Learn the basic techniques of archery by using actual archery equipment (large bow, half bow) to fire an arrow at a target from a safe distance.

    5) Depending on the weather and conditions, use a half-bow indoors to practice quarter-bow archery and watch videos to learn about archery culture.

  •   スポーツA  
      黒須 憲  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 その他  

    この授業は,運動文化や健康について様々な視点から理論的に実践することで,健全な批判精神に裏打ちされた幅広い知識と技能を習得するものである。                                      1)スポーツの実践を通した理論と技術の習得を目標とする。





    This class aims to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills backed by a healthy critical spirit by theoretically putting into practice the culture of exercise and health from various perspectives.

    1) The goal is to acquire theory and techniques through sports practice.

    2) The aim is to understand sports not just as games or for health purposes, but as a culture of exercise.

    3) Experience the knowledge and basic techniques of archery by operating actual archery equipment, and become able to do so to a certain extent.

    4) Learn the basic techniques of archery by using actual archery equipment (large bow, half bow) to fire an arrow at a target from a safe distance.

    5) Depending on the weather and conditions, use a half-bow indoors to practice quarter-bow archery and watch videos to learn about archery culture.

  •   スポーツA  
      坂本 譲  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 その他  




    The purpose is to think and implement in group units how to master the basic skills of tennis and how to improve and improve the skill level of the students so that they can finally play the game.

    In this class, we will focus on basic practice and games about basic tennis skills divided into groups. Among them, think about how to be able to enjoy the game regardless of experience or skill level, have each group take into consideration the situation of the members, and have them practice each basic exercise while making various efforts. Therefore, it is necessary for the students themselves to imagine the physical movements related to tennis with reference to videos, etc., and to think in advance how to move their bodies to achieve them. In addition, in order to actually play the game, it is necessary to understand the rules of tennis in order to enjoy the game. These two points are the minimum prior learning.

  •   スポーツA  
      内丸 仁  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 その他  




  •   スポーツA  
      黒須 憲  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 その他  

    この授業は,運動文化や健康について様々な視点から理論的に実践することで,健全な批判精神に裏打ちされた幅広い知識と技能を習得するものである。                                      1)スポーツの実践を通した理論と技術の習得を目標とする。





    This class aims to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills backed by a healthy critical spirit by theoretically putting into practice the culture of exercise and health from various perspectives.

    1) The goal is to acquire theory and techniques through sports practice.

    2) The aim is to understand sports not just as games or for health purposes, but as a culture of exercise.

    3) Experience the knowledge and basic techniques of archery by operating actual archery equipment, and become able to do so to a certain extent.

    4) Learn the basic techniques of archery by using actual archery equipment (large bow, half bow) to fire an arrow at a target from a safe distance.

    5) Depending on the weather and conditions, use a half-bow indoors to practice quarter-bow archery and watch videos to learn about archery culture.

  •   スポーツB  
      成田 眞寿美  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 その他  

    日本の武道の一つである合気道を留学生と共に学ぶ授業です。(留学生さんが受講されない場合もあります。その際はご容赦ください) 授業の目的は、合気道の技を学び合気道の精神に触れる事です。合気道には勝敗がありません。合気道の上達だけではなく、国際的交流の中で,「合気道の合気」を学んでいただければと思います。護身術にもなり、健康面でのストレス解消にもなります。経験豊富な師範が安全に配慮して指導します。

    This is class to learn Aikido, one of the Japanese martial arts, with international students. The purpose is to lean the techniques of Aikido and get in touch with spirit of Aikido. We hope that you will learn Aikido's Aiki through international exchange. It can also be a self-defense technique and relieve stress on your health. Experienced instructors will teach you with safety in mind.



    The registration for the aikido class will be held on Thursday, April 11th at 13:00 at the main court of Kawauchi-Kita campus. If you do not know where the main court of the Kawauchi-Kita Campus Gymnasium is, please ask Japanese students. The maximum number of students for this class is 30. If the number of students exceeds the limit, a lottery may be held.

     If you wish to attend the class, please register as a temporary member of Google classroom by Tuesday, April 9 (strictly enforced). In case of a lottery, the result will be announced on Google classroom by Wednesday, April 10. If there is no lottery, this will be noted on Google classroom. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


  •   スポーツA  
      玉川 明朗  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 その他  

