

前期 火曜日 3講時 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 黒須 憲 所属:. 対象学部/Object: 工(1~5組). 開講期/Term: 3セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目基盤科目-保健体育(実技). 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZFT-HES101J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

弓道(スポーツ実技)   Kyudo(Sports Skills)

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

この授業は,運動文化や健康について様々な視点から理論的に実践することで,健全な批判精神に裏打ちされた幅広い知識と技能を習得するものである。                                      1)スポーツの実践を通した理論と技術の習得を目標とする。
This class aims to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills backed by a healthy critical spirit by theoretically putting into practice the culture of exercise and health from various perspectives.
1) The goal is to acquire theory and techniques through sports practice.
2) The aim is to understand sports not just as games or for health purposes, but as a culture of exercise.
3) Experience the knowledge and basic techniques of archery by operating actual archery equipment, and become able to do so to a certain extent.
4) Learn the basic techniques of archery by using actual archery equipment (large bow, half bow) to fire an arrow at a target from a safe distance.
5) Depending on the weather and conditions, use a half-bow indoors to practice quarter-bow archery and watch videos to learn about archery culture.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

1) Acquire the ability and attitude to overcome the lack of exercise in daily life and become familiar with exercise throughout life.
2) Acquire practical skills and knowledge of archery, which is Japan's traditional athletic culture.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

1回 授業のすすめ方とガイダンス(オンライン)
2回 弓道概論(弓道文化,基礎技術,弓具)近距離発射練習及び簡易ゲーム(1)小引きにての発射体験,弓矢の基本操作,近距離3m
3回 近距離発射練習及び簡易ゲーム(2)取懸(ピンチ),角見の働き(弓を捻る)
4回 近距離発射練習及び簡易ゲーム(3)足踏,胴造,打起
5回 近距離発射練習及び簡易ゲーム(4)矢尺を伸ばす,頬付,角見の働き
6回 近距離発射練習及び簡易ゲーム(5)取懸け方法(蒙古式),弽の使用,
7回 中距離発射練習及び簡易ゲーム(1)射距離15mでの,頬付,狙いの確認
8回 中距離発射練習及び簡易ゲーム(2)基礎技術の理解と習得
9回 中距離発射練習及び簡易ゲーム(3)射距離18mでの,基礎技術の理解と習得
10回 中距離発射練習及び簡易ゲーム(4)射距離20mでの的中に関する技術の習得
11回 可能であれば遠的体験,基本技術の習得,退胴,陸上グランドにて距離60m
12回 可能であれば遠的発射練習(2)矢尺を伸ばす,頬付
13回 可能であれば遠的発射練習(3)矢尺を伸ばす,大離れ
14回 適度な距離より発射練習ゲーム中心の練習
15回 まとめ・評価
1. Guidance on class content (online)
2. Introduction to Kyudo (Kyudo culture, basic techniques, archery equipment) Close-range firing practice and simple games (1) Shooting experience at Kobiki, basic operation of bow and arrow, close range 3m
3. Close-range firing practice and simple games (2) Pinch, the function of tsunomi (twisting the bow).
4. Close-range firing practice and simple games (3) ashibumi, dozukuri, uchiokoshi.
5. Close-range shooting practice and simple games (4) Extending the length of the bow, the function of hohozuke and tsunomi.
6. Close-range firing practice and simple games (5) Torikake method (Mongolian style), use of Yugake,
7.Mid-range firing practice and simple games (1) Checking the cheek and aim at a firing distance of 15m
8. Medium-range firing practice and simple games (2) Understanding and learning basic techniques
9. Medium-range firing practice and simple games (3) Understanding and learning basic techniques at a firing distance of 18 m
10. Medium-range firing practice and simple games (4) Acquisition of techniques for hitting targets at a firing distance of 20 meters
11. Distance experience if possible, acquisition of basic skills, receding trunk, distance of 60m in a wide place
12. If possible, practice long-range firing (2) Increase the length of your bow draw, hohozuke,
13. Distance firing practice if possible (3) Extend the length of the bow draw, large release
14. Practice firing from a good distance, practice focusing on games
(Comprehensive practice, Kata practice, team competition, individual competition, hitting system, point system, kawarimato)
15. Evaluation

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

授業参加状況及び授業態度(平常点),簡易ゲームによる技術の理解習得程度により総合的に評価する。    授業参加点30点 授業態度・技術習得度50点 簡易ゲームによる的中率点20点 計100点 Comprehensive evaluation will be made based on class participation status, class attitude, and degree of understanding and acquisition of technology through simple games.
30 points for class participation, 50 points for class attitude and skill acquisition, 20 points for hit rate in simple games, total 100 points

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • 弓具の雑学事典, 日本武道学会・弓道専門分化会編, 日本文芸社 (2019) ISBN/ISSN: 9784537216578 資料種別:参考書

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

1) 健康に留意し体調を整え実技実施に必用な体力を養う。
2) 授業で学んだ内容に関連することを図書館やネットで自分なりに調べてみる。
1) Pay attention to your health, maintain your physical condition, and develop the physical strength necessary for practical training.
2) Research things related to what you learned in class at the library or on the internet.

授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

オンデマンド、オンライン授業用に必要     通常実技授業では不要 Required for on-demand and online classes
Not required for regular practical classes

その他/In Addition

1) Beginners are welcome.
2) Give due consideration to safety.
3) All archery equipment used is provided by the university, and there is no cost for taking the course.
4) Prepare clothing and shoes appropriate for the practical skill.

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