

前期 水曜日 2講時 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 坂本 譲 所属:東北学院大学. 対象学部/Object: 医歯薬. 開講期/Term: 1セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目基盤科目-保健体育(実技). 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZFT-HES101J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject


授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


The purpose is to think and implement in group units how to master the basic skills of tennis and how to improve and improve the skill level of the students so that they can finally play the game.
In this class, we will focus on basic practice and games about basic tennis skills divided into groups. Among them, think about how to be able to enjoy the game regardless of experience or skill level, have each group take into consideration the situation of the members, and have them practice each basic exercise while making various efforts. Therefore, it is necessary for the students themselves to imagine the physical movements related to tennis with reference to videos, etc., and to think in advance how to move their bodies to achieve them. In addition, in order to actually play the game, it is necessary to understand the rules of tennis in order to enjoy the game. These two points are the minimum prior learning.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


1) Students will be able to understand the characteristics and enjoyment of tennis.
2) Students can freely operate the racket and hit the ground stroke, volley, serve, etc.
3) Students will become familiar with the rules and manners of tennis, and will be able to understand how to operate games.
4) Students will be able to understand the current state of physical strength of participants themselves and consider measures to improve the situation.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

第1回 ガイダンス1(授業の進め方等)
第2回 ガイダンス2(基礎練習:運動プログラム,身体活動量)
第3回 基礎練習:主にラケット操作,ボールとその変化に慣れる
第4回 基礎練習:グランドストロ-ク(フォアハンド)
第5回 基礎練習:グランドストロ-ク(バックハンド)
第6回 応用練習:サ-ブ
第7回 応用練習:レシ-ブ,ボレ-
第8回 実践練習:試合形式での練習
第9回 ダブルスの試合(試合の進め方の理解,審判法の理解)
第10回 ダブルスの試合(戦術の立て方の理解)
第11回 ダブルスの試合(さまざまな戦術を用いたゲーム)
第12回 シングルスの試合(戦術の立て方の理解)
第13回 シングルスの試合(さまざまな戦術を用いたゲーム)
第14回 シングルス・ダブルスの試合(自主的な試合の運営)
第15回 まとめと到達度判定

毎回の授業では学修支援システムGoogle Classroomを利用します(授業連絡、課題提出等)。


1. Guidance1 (how to proceed with the lesson, etc.)
2. Guidance2 (basic training: exercise program, physical activity)
3. Basic exercise: racket operation, and handling the ball
4. Basic exercise: grand stroke (forehand)
5. Basic practice: grand stroke (backhand)
6. Applied practice: serve
7. Applied practice: receive, volley
8. hands-on practice: match-style practice
9. Doubles match (understanding how to proceed with the game and refereeing)
10. Doubles match (understanding how to set up tactics)
11. Doubles match (game using various tactics)
12. Singles match (understanding how to set up tactics)
13. Singles game (game using various tactics)
14. Singles/Doubles match (voluntary match management)
15. Summary and achievement judgment

During regular classes, we will use the learning support system Google Classroom (for class communications, assignment submission, etc.).
In addition, we plan to carry out physical fitness measurement about twice during all 15 lectures so that all participants can recognize the current state of physical fitness, and as a chance to maintain and improve their physical fitness on their own (the schedule will be contacted at a later date).

If the tennis court cannot be used due to the spread of COVID-19 infection during the class, assignments will be given through ISTU until the outdoor facilities are available.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


We attach great importance to attendance and active approach to classes.
Attendance (20%), class participation attitude (20%), mastery level of basic skills (20%), report task x2 (40%) are evaluated comprehensively.
If we cannot practice at all in the field, evaluation is graded pass (A) or fail (D) based on reports.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


    Basic tennis skills (stroke, volley, serve), rules, etiquette, and method of game progress are documented, videos, photos, etc. according to the progress of the lesson and the technical problems of the students. Please deepen your understanding with reference to and perform image training again.

    授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]


    その他/In Addition


    The fixed number in this class is 64 persons.
    Materials necessary for class progress will be distributed as appropriate.
    Other points to note
    (1) Participants must prepare clothing appropriate for exercise. (Jeans, leather shoes, sandals, etc. are not allowed).
    (2) It is desirable to wear tennis shoes so as not to damage the tennis court.
    (3) The racket can be rented out to applicants, but a privately-owned racket may be used.
    (4) Make sure you understand the rules of tennis before you attend.
    (5) Especially in the summer when the temperature is high, please prepare a water bottle so that you can rehydrate yourself.

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