
2637 件ヒット (0.029秒):

  •   文科系のための自然科学総合実験  
      冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 学生実験室 / 前期 火曜日 5講時 学生実験室  



    Modern society is closely tied to knowledge of natural science. While a variety of technologies based on natural sciences is beneficial to our daily life, natural sciences and technologies may cause negative influences on the society, for example, environmental pollution and drug-induced suffering. Therefore, the humanities and social sciences students have to study the mechanism of nature and understand natural sciences to have a better perspective on modern and future societies of humankind.

    The humanities and social sciences have a variety of academic techniques. On the other hand, natural sciences have a common tool, i.e., experiments. Whereas scientific knowledge is obtained by lectures and textbooks, experiments can be studied only by experience. In this Class, laboratory experiments with 6 themes relevant to modern society are conducted to study mechanism of nature experimentally.

  •   自然科学総合実験  
      中村 達、冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 学生実験室 / 前期 火曜日 4講時 学生実験室  



    Natural sciences seek the truth for humanity, feedback and apply the obtained wisdom to society, and contribute to the progress of humankind. In the natural science processes, it is vital for us to notice an issue to be solved and make a hypothesis to find a solution to the issue. Experiments play important roles in confirming or disproving the hypothesis. Moreover, treasures belonging to all humankind are constructed by disclosing and publishing continuously the scientific processes and experimental results followed by discussion. Introductory Science Experiments is a laboratory experiment class consisting of interdisciplinary subjects with basic physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. This class will help students to understand the law and mechanism of nature by carrying out measurements and observation by themselves. Moreover, it will help students to study how to verbalize the obtained results. In this way, students will be able to have a positive attitude towards study and research in natural sciences.

  •   自然科学総合実験  
      中村 達、冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 学生実験室 / 前期 木曜日 4講時 学生実験室  



    Natural sciences seek the truth for humanity, feedback and apply the obtained wisdom to society, and contribute to the progress of humankind. In the natural science processes, it is vital for us to notice an issue to be solved and make a hypothesis to find a solution to the issue. Experiments play important roles in confirming or disproving the hypothesis. Moreover, treasures belonging to all humankind are constructed by disclosing and publishing continuously the scientific processes and experimental results followed by discussion. Introductory Science Experiments is a laboratory experiment class consisting of interdisciplinary subjects with basic physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. This class will help students to understand the law and mechanism of nature by carrying out measurements and observation by themselves. Moreover, it will help students to study how to verbalize the obtained results. In this way, students will be able to have a positive attitude towards study and research in natural sciences.

  •   自然科学総合実験  
      中村 達、冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      後期 金曜日 3講時 学生実験室 / 後期 金曜日 4講時 学生実験室  



    Natural sciences seek the truth for humanity, feedback and apply the obtained wisdom to society, and contribute to the progress of humankind. In the natural science processes, it is vital for us to notice an issue to be solved and make a hypothesis to find a solution to the issue. Experiments play important roles in confirming or disproving the hypothesis. Moreover, treasures belonging to all humankind are constructed by disclosing and publishing continuously the scientific processes and experimental results followed by discussion. Introductory Science Experiments is a laboratory experiment class consisting of interdisciplinary subjects with basic physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. This class will help students to understand the law and mechanism of nature by carrying out measurements and observation by themselves. Moreover, it will help students to study how to verbalize the obtained results. In this way, students will be able to have a positive attitude towards study and research in natural sciences.

  •   自然科学総合実験  
      中村 達、冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      前期 金曜日 3講時 学生実験室 / 前期 金曜日 4講時 学生実験室  



    Natural sciences seek the truth for humanity, feedback and apply the obtained wisdom to society, and contribute to the progress of humankind. In the natural science processes, it is vital for us to notice an issue to be solved and make a hypothesis to find a solution to the issue. Experiments play important roles in confirming or disproving the hypothesis. Moreover, treasures belonging to all humankind are constructed by disclosing and publishing continuously the scientific processes and experimental results followed by discussion. Introductory Science Experiments is a laboratory experiment class consisting of interdisciplinary subjects with basic physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. This class will help students to understand the law and mechanism of nature by carrying out measurements and observation by themselves. Moreover, it will help students to study how to verbalize the obtained results. In this way, students will be able to have a positive attitude towards study and research in natural sciences.

  •   自然科学総合実験  
      中村 達、冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 学生実験室 / 後期 木曜日 4講時 学生実験室  



    Natural sciences seek the truth for humanity, feedback and apply the obtained wisdom to society, and contribute to the progress of humankind. In the natural science processes, it is vital for us to notice an issue to be solved and make a hypothesis to find a solution to the issue. Experiments play important roles in confirming or disproving the hypothesis. Moreover, treasures belonging to all humankind are constructed by disclosing and publishing continuously the scientific processes and experimental results followed by discussion. Introductory Science Experiments is a laboratory experiment class consisting of interdisciplinary subjects with basic physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. This class will help students to understand the law and mechanism of nature by carrying out measurements and observation by themselves. Moreover, it will help students to study how to verbalize the obtained results. In this way, students will be able to have a positive attitude towards study and research in natural sciences.

  •   自然科学総合実験  
      中村 達、冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 学生実験室 / 後期 火曜日 4講時 学生実験室  



    Natural sciences seek the truth for humanity, feedback and apply the obtained wisdom to society, and contribute to the progress of humankind. In the natural science processes, it is vital for us to notice an issue to be solved and make a hypothesis to find a solution to the issue. Experiments play important roles in confirming or disproving the hypothesis. Moreover, treasures belonging to all humankind are constructed by disclosing and publishing continuously the scientific processes and experimental results followed by discussion. Introductory Science Experiments is a laboratory experiment class consisting of interdisciplinary subjects with basic physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. This class will help students to understand the law and mechanism of nature by carrying out measurements and observation by themselves. Moreover, it will help students to study how to verbalize the obtained results. In this way, students will be able to have a positive attitude towards study and research in natural sciences.

  •   自然科学総合実験  
      中村 達、冨田 知志、田嶋 玄一、他  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 学生実験室 / 前期 木曜日 4講時 学生実験室  

    Natural sciences seek the truth for humanity, feedback and apply the obtained wisdom to society, and contribute to the progress of humankind. In the natural science processes, it is vital for us to notice an issue to be solved and make a hypothesis to find a solution to the issue. Experiments play essential roles in confirming or disproving the hypothesis. Moreover, treasures belonging to all humankind are constructed by disclosing and publishing continuously the scientific processes and experimental results followed by discussion. Introductory Science Experiments is a laboratory experiment class consisting of interdisciplinary subjects with basic physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. This class will help students to understand the law and mechanism of nature by carrying out measurements and observations by themselves. Moreover, it will help students to study how to verbalize the results. In this way, students will be able to have a positive attitude towards study and research in natural sciences.

  •   理科教育法Ⅰ / Teaching Method (Science) I  
      千葉 研一  
      後期 金曜日 5講時  



    《令和6年度においては、理科教育法Ⅰは後期開講(金曜日 16:30~18:00)となり、令和7年2月に集中講義(4日間)も実施予定〔期日が確定後に明示する〕。》

    The development of natural science in modern society is remarkable, and new discoveries and

    research results are being created every day. In this course, we aim to develop superior leaders who will support Japan in the future in the field of natural science and examine in a practical manner the historical changes in science education in Japan, such as the basic concepts of science, method of teaching material research, general method of teaching, and analysis of lessons.

    For further understanding, we actively promote student-focused classes and activities such as

    discussion, group work, debate and aim to improve judgement and questioning ability to foster

    leadership skills and help students to acquire the methods of solving scientific challenges.

    In addition, we distribute materials according to the content of the lecture every time and conduct lectures and interactive lessons using experiments and audiovisual equipment depending on the situation.

    Students are required to write mini-reports and take quizzes throughout the course.

    《There is no order between Teaching Method (Science) I and Ⅱ,so they are independent

      deployments. In 2024 AY, Teaching Method (Science) I is scheduled to start in the second half (on Friday 16:30-18:00) and intensive lectures are planned in February 2025. ( It will be clearly indicated after the date is fixed.)》

  •   科学史Ⅰ / History of Science I  
      初山 高仁  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    There are many subjects which relate science and technique such as environmental pollution. Students of University must study such kind of subjects. For this purpose, history of science and technique has important suggestion. In this lecture, history of science and technique is not treated episodes of discoveries and inventions. History is discussed with the relationship to modern subjects. Mentioning historical case, the significance and meaning of science research and scientists’social responsibility can be studied in this lecture. History from the origin of mankind to Renaissance period is treated as concrete cases.
