
3741 件ヒット (0.038秒):

  •   生命と自然  
      藤本 敏彦  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA401  

     第1回目の授業(4月9日)はオンディマンドで行いますので、その時に授業の形態についてお知らせいたします。また受講者が多数になり抽選が行われた場合は1回目の参加者で抽選を行います。受講できるのは抽選を受けた学生さん対象です。抽選は4月9日授業終了後にGoogle classroomで行います。4月9日(火)中にGoogle classroomにメンバー登録をして下さい。4月15日(月)までに当選者を発表します。


    The form of the class (how it is conducted) will be determined based on the Corona measures. The first class (April 9) will be held on-demand, and the form of the class will be announced at that time. If there are too many participants and a lottery is held, a drawing will be held for the first class. The drawing will be held in Google classroom after the class on April 9, and the winner will be announced by Monday, April 15.

     The purpose of this class is to learn the basic mechanisms of physical movement. Humans always need to move their bodies when they embody their thoughts. We call this physical movement "exercise," and like "thinking," it is the most important element in leading a meaningful and healthy life. Therefore, those who have a greater ability to move their bodies are that much more likely to realize their thoughts. Physical training is the only way to improve this motor function. Even if motor function declines due to aging, injury, or illness, it is possible to maintain mobility by reducing the degree of decline. In order to maintain mobility throughout life, it is important to first understand how the body works, and then to apply this knowledge to daily training and sometimes treatment. As a side note, knowledge of the mechanisms of physical movement is also necessary for the development of devices and robots that assist human function. In this class, we will explain the basic control of body movement by the brain, nerve functions, individual muscle actions, and training methods.

  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      藤本 敏彦、スクラ 聡子  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 その他  

     この授業の最大人数は40名です。それ以上は抽選を行います。【重要】10月2日(水)までにクラスコードを使ってGoogle classroomで学籍番号と名前を登録してください(厳守)。抽選発表は10月3日(木)に行います。抽選が無い場合はそのことをGoogle classroomで報告します。

     The maximum number of students for this class is 40. If more than that, a lottery will be held. Important: Please register your student ID number and name in Google classroom using the class code by Wednesday, October 2 (strictly enforced). The lottery will be announced on Thursday, October 3. If there is no lottery, this will be reported on Google classroom.


     This class will be taught in both English and Japanese.


     The purpose of this class is to investigate the effects of light exercise on the mind and body of yoga, known as an international health movement, and to introduce students to the health movement in their own countries. Each class will consist of 60 minutes of "yoga". The 15 minutes before and after the class will be used to measure and investigate physical health and emotional changes (there will be no physical examination). (There will be no physical examination, and we will not ask you any personal questions.) At the same time, you will be introduced to the unique health movement in your country. Data will be compiled outside of class time. A report will be submitted in the last week of class.

  •   スポーツB  
      兼平 智孝  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 その他  




     The aims of this class are to learn a theory based on training science and to do the practical training. Top physical trainer and Tohoku University make a tag and develop a class. We welcome participation who has a higher interest in improvement of the physical strength and health.



    オンライン授業では、〈Google Classroom〉にてプログラムを提示する。毎週1回、プログラムを自宅で実施する。実施後、200字から400字程度のコメントを授業担当者に送付する。最終回が終了したら、プログラム開始時点(1日目)と修了時点(最終日)を比較したレポートを提出する。

  •   スポーツB  
      兼平 智孝  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 その他  




     The aims of this class are to learn a theory based on training science and to do the practical training. Top physical trainer and Tohoku University make a tag and develop a class. We welcome participation who has a higher interest in improvement of the physical strength and health.



    オンライン授業では、〈Google Classroom〉にてプログラムを提示する。毎週1回、プログラムを自宅で実施する。実施後、200字から400字程度のコメントを授業担当者に送付する。最終回が終了したら、プログラム開始時点(1日目)と修了時点(最終日)を比較したレポートを提出する。

  •   スポーツA  
      兼平 智孝  
      前期 水曜日 4講時 その他  




    オンライン授業では、〈Google Classroom〉にて提示されたプログラムを自宅で実施してもらう。実施後、200字から400字程度のコメントを授業担当者に送付する。最終回が終了したら、プログラム開始時点(1日目)と修了時点(最終日)を比較したレポートを提出する。

  •   実験心理学特論Ⅲ / Experimental Psychology(Advanced Lecture) III  
      坂井 信之  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  


    This course aims to help students with their understanding about human neuron systems and about neural mechanisms underlying human cognitive functions such as learning, memory and emotion.

  •   基礎医学Ⅲ Basic medicine III  
      大隅 典子  
      2024年5月16日(木)~7月4日(木) 2024/5/16(Thu)~2024/7/4(Thu)  
      木曜日 ①~④13:00~16:10 ⑤~⑩13:00~14:30 Thursday ①~④13:00~16:10 ⑤~⑩13:00~14:30  


    Understand basic knowledge of medical science.

  •   臨床生理学Ⅰ  
      三浦 昌人, 佐藤 遥  
      後期 月曜日 3講時 保健学科第6講義室  



    Electrocardiograms, phonocardiograms, and other cardiovascular tests used in clinical practice are designed to capture various signals emitted by the body. Thus, learning these tests is important for a correct understanding of the circulatory dynamics of the body. The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the circulatory physiology in normal humans and its examination methods and further understand the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases.

    Electromyography is an examination method to detect functional abnormalities including those of skeletal muscles, peripheral nerves, and spinal cord. Based on knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology, students will gain an understanding of typical muscle diseases and electromyography and evoked potential testing.

  •   人体の構造を理解する Understanding the structure of human body  
      武田 賢  
      博士前期課程(前期2年の課程) 第1年次  


    The purpose of this class is to understand the basis of anatomy including normal functional relationship in multiple organs.

  •   脳・神経システム学Ⅰ / Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Brain Function  
      安部 健太郎  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  




    第1回 神経科学研究の基礎

    第2回 神経細胞、グリア細胞

    第3回 膜電位

    第4回 活動電位とその伝播

    第5回 シナプス伝達(1)

    第6回 シナプス伝達(2)

    第7回 シナプス伝達(3)

    第8回 神経解剖学(1)

    第9回 神経解剖学(2)

    第10回 神経系の発生・発達(1)

    第11回 神経系の発生・発達(2)

    第12回 記憶学習の機構(1)

    第13回 記憶学習の機構(2)

    第14回 記憶学習の機構(3)

    第15回 期末試験

    The Brain organize our body movements, development, cognition, creativity and so on. Such brain function is enabled by a network of enormous neurons and glias functioning as a system.

    To introduce the basal mechanism of how such system develops and functions,

    this course covers:

    Basic introduction to the neuroscience

    Cellular mechanism of brain.

    Molecular mechanism of neuronal spike and synaptic transmission.

    Anatomical structure of brain.

    Development of nervous system

    Learning and memory.
