
3739 件ヒット (0.024秒):

  •   持続可能な発展と社会  
      金本 圭一朗、松八重 一代  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスC203  


    In this lecture, students will explore the fundamental relationship between environmental issues and economics. Furthermore, the course aims to deepen understanding of the economic aspects of environmental problems through an introduction to the basic concepts of environmental economics, elementary statistics, and fundamental programming skills using R language.

  •   計量行動分析  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  



    連絡や資料の提示はGoogle Classroom で行う.

  •   教育統計学(心理学統計法)  
      久保 沙織  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 総合研究棟206教室  


  •   教育統計学(心理学統計法)  
      久保 沙織  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 その他  


    This course deals with the basic concept of educational and psychological statistics. The level of this course is introductory statistics, and knowledge of elementary mathematics in high school is required to take this class.

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      小泉 英介  
      法 学籍番号奇数  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 情報教育実習室 M104  

    ・情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができるソーシャル・スキルを獲得すること.

    ・計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データを利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解と判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して実社会における課題を見出せるようになること.

    - Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions, taking responsibilities and being aware of ethics as citizens living in today's information society.

    - Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data science, utilizing computers, become able to make human-centered understandings and decisions in regard to the large-scale data technologies, and to find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      全 眞嬉  
      経 学籍番号偶数  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 情報教育実習室 M104  

    (1) 情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができる


    (2) 計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データ

    を利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解, 判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して


    (1) Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions,

    taking responsibilities and being aware of ethics as citizens living in

    today's information society.

    (2) Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data

    science, utilizing computers, become able to make human-centered

    understandings and decisions in regard to the large-scale data technologies,

    and to find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.

  •   データ科学・AI概論  
      三石 大、大石 峰暉  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 情報教育実習室 M105  





    The purpose of this course is to acquire basic knowledge and skills in data science and AI to extract and utilize valuable information from huge data.

    In recent years, huge-scale data has been accumulated and distributed in various scenes of society, and insights and abilities to use them safely and effectively for public welfare and social activities are required as modern literacy.

    Therefore, all students, regardless of humanities or science, are expected to understand basic statistics and to acquire knowledge and skills in data science and AI in order to extract the intended information from such data by utilizing various achievements in computer science, including programming environments.

    In this course, you learn actual data processing methodology practically using the Python, which became one of the standard programming languages in the field of data science, machine learning and AI.

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      中山 雅晴、岩﨑 淳也  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 情報教育実習室 M104  

    (1) 情報の科学と技術からのアプローチにより、大学生としての基本的なアカデミック・スキルを獲得すること

    (2) 情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができるソーシャル・スキルを獲得すること.

    (3) 計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データを利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解, 判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して実社会における課題を見出せるようになること.

    (1) Acquire university-level academic skills through information science and technology.

    (2) Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions, take responsibility, and be aware of ethics as citizens in today's information society.

    (3) Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data science utilizing computers, make human-centered understandings and decisions regarding large-scale data technologies, and find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.

  •   数理統計学入門  
      久保 沙織  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA200  


    Probability and statistics provide the mathematical foundation of data analysis in various fields. This course will start with random variables, expected values, variances and other fundamental concepts in probability and introduce probability distributions used in statistics. Then the course will provide the outline of point and interval estimations of population parameters and of testing hypothesis as an introduction to statistical inferences. This course includes rudimentary exercises using R.

  •   情報とデータの基礎  
      磯邉 秀司  
      法 学籍番号偶数  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 情報教育実習室 M105  

    ・情報化社会に生きる市民としての責任と倫理を自覚し, 適切に判断・行動ができるソーシャル・スキルを獲得すること.

    ・計算機の能力を活用した問題解決手法やデータ科学を学ぶ意義を理解し, 大規模データを利用した技術に関して人間中心の理解と判断ができるようになり, さらにそれらに関して実社会における課題を見出せるようになること.

    - Acquire social skills to make appropriate decisions and actions, taking responsibilities and being aware of ethics as citizens living in today's information society.

    - Understand the significance of learning problem-solving methods and data science, utilizing computers, become able to make human-centered understandings and decisions in regard to the large-scale data technologies, and to find issues in the real-world problems concerning those technologies.
