
7359 件ヒット (0.012秒):

  •   Advanced Lecture on Marine Bio  
      横井 勇人, 青木 優和  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    This class introduces a wide range of marine biology research that conducted in marine biosciences, graduate school of agricultural science. Students will learn ecology, genetics, physiology, biotechnology of a variety of organisms, fish, plankton, sea plants, mollusks, jellyfish, etc.

  •   Advanced Lecture on Marine Bio  
      横井 勇人, 青木 優和  
      後期集中 その他 連講  

    This class introduces a wide range of marine biology research that conducted in marine biosciences, graduate school of agricultural science. Students will learn ecology, genetics, physiology, biotechnology of a variety of organisms, fish, plankton, sea plants, mollusks, jellyfish, etc.

  •   水圏生物生産科学合同講義  
      横井 勇人, 青木 優和, 片山 知史, 池田 実, 大越 和加, 鵜沼 辰哉, AMES CHERYL LYNN, 中野 俊樹, 中嶋 正道, 西谷 豪  
      前期 水曜日 5講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第7講義室  


    In this course, students will be introduced to the basics of research methods and examples of research in each field of aquatic biology by several faculty members specializing in each field, and will learn about the historical background and latest examples of research.

  •   海洋生物学特論  
      美濃川 拓哉  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This lecture is open every other year and is scheduled to be open this year.

    2024年7月5日(金)~11日(木)に東北大学大学院生命科学研究科附属浅虫海洋生物学教育研究センター(住所:青森県青森市浅虫坂本9番地)にて開催される国際臨海実習(Shinkishi Hatai International Marine Biology Course 2024)への参加を、本特論での集中講義とする。本臨海実習では、2名の招聘外国人研究者の指導のもと、それぞれの研究者の専門分野に関連した海洋生物学の基礎的知識と該当分野の研究手法の実践について学ぶ。

    The credit of this class will be provided upon full participation in Shinkishi Hatai International Marine Biology Course 2024 as an intensive course, which will be held from July 5th to 11th, 2024, in Asamushi Research Center for Marine Biology, Graduate School of Life Sciences, located on the coast of Mutsu Bay in Aomori City. Students will learn basic knowledge and research strategy of marine biology fields under the supervisions of two distinguished marine biologists from abroad.

  •   学際インターンシップ / Multidisciplinary Internship  
      片山 知史  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    "Introduction of Japanese aquaculture productions and seafood processing"

    Japan is well-known for fisheries and aquaculture production. The objective of the class is for international students to gain an understanding of fisheries production systems. Students taking this course will take interests in the traditional and recent art and technologies of fisheries, aquaculture, distributing, processing and eating fish and shellfish in Japan.

  •   先端生態発生適応科学特論Ⅲ  
      熊野 岳  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    The aim of this course is to help students to understand knowledge of evolution and diversity of terrestrial and marine organisms as well as the loss of diversity.


    The credit of this class will be provided upon full participation in this class as an intensive course, which will be held from September 10th to 13th, 2024, in Asamushi Research Center for Marine Biology, Graduate School of Life Sciences. Asamushi Center is located in Aomori City.

  •   生命科学C  
      稲葉 一男  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC103  

    This course introduces the hairy tiny structures in a cell, called “cilia” or “flagella”. Starting with their molecular structures and the mechanism of motility, the lecture covers the topics of a wide range of their diverse functions, spanning from cellular function, reproduction, signal transduction, animal physiology, eukaryotic evolution, ecology, and environmental responses. The course aims to provide a point of view that connects micro- and macro scales in biology.

  •   海洋生物学実習Ⅱ / Laboratory on Off-Campus Exercises in Marine Biology II  
      熊野 岳, 岩﨑 藍子, 美濃川 拓哉  
      通年集中 その他 連講  






    This course will be held from 6th August to 13th August at Asamushi Research Center for Marine Biology, Aomori. Students can choose a course to participate in from following two courses.

    Ecology course:

    What is biodiversity? What is the value of biodiversity?? It is not easy to answer these questions. In this course, each student will deeply think about the meaning and value of biodiversity, propose a new measurement for the biodiversity which reflect the value correctly, and try to measure that in the field. You can empirically learn a series of flows of research: issue setting, logical thinking for the solution, field work, data analysis, and presentation, through this course.

    Taxonomy course:

    How many species exist in the Ocean? Understanding species diversity of organisms is one of the most fundamental questions in marine biology. This program aims to enhance students, understanding the species richness of marine organisms by actually sampling, observing and identifying in the marine field (e.g. intertidal rocky shores, sandy beaches, seagrass beds and subtidal muddy bottoms). In the marine field, where more animal phyla can be observed than on land, students can learn about the basic body plans of the different phyla and gain a practical understanding of marine biodiversity.

  •   水産資源生態学  
      片山 知史  
      後期前半 火曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室 / 後期前半 火曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  


    Characteristics of marine organisms are tempo-spacio fluctuations and reproduction. Especially marine resources are affected by not only environmental condition but also fishing pressure. In this lecture, after short review of world and Japanese fisheries production, life history traits and fluctuating patterns of populations are explained. Methodology of stock assessment and population are also mentioned for the fisheries management.

  •   生物海洋学  
      大越 和加  
      前期前半 火曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第7講義室 / 前期前半 火曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第7講義室  


    Deepen understanding of the organisms that live in vast and deep ocean environment
