
学際インターンシップ / Multidisciplinary Internship

単位数: 1. 担当教員: 片山 知史. 開講年度: 2024.


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

"Introduction of Japanese aquaculture productions and seafood processing"

Japan is well-known for fisheries and aquaculture production. The objective of the class is for international students to gain an understanding of fisheries production systems. Students taking this course will take interests in the traditional and recent art and technologies of fisheries, aquaculture, distributing, processing and eating fish and shellfish in Japan.


Students will
- learn about the distribution system for raw marine organisms landed at the fish market.
- understand operations of the seafood processing industry.
- discover Japanese excellent techniques of fish aquaculture and its seedling production.


This class will consist of two site visits. Each half-day visit will take place at a fishery site in Miyagi Prefecture.

Schedule will be noted in the Classroom (code: i7gonyv).

1. The tour to a factory of a representative company of sasa-kama (one of the delicacies in Sendai area) is scheduled to learn about the processing steps of kamaboko (salt-ground and heated fish paste products).
2. This field trip to the community in Matsushima where is renowned for a wealth of marine resources (oysters and seaweed aquaculture) will focus on the aquaculture industry, paying particular attention to the community notions of sustainability, in an attempt to understand some of the challenges faced by the coastal community amid climate change and disaster recovery.




Instructions will be given during the lecture.


Attendance, participation, and a report



    Detailed schedule will be provided in June.

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