
1622 件ヒット (0.019秒):

  •   生態学合同講義  
      片山 知史, 青木 優和, 大越 和加, 陶山 佳久, 中嶋 正道, 堀 雅敏, 井元 智子, 西谷 豪, 深澤 充  
      通年集中 その他 連講 未設定  


    It is desirable for students to attend various lectures (over 10 lectures) and gain the perspective needed to review the comprehensive ecology field.

  •   水圏資源生態学特論  
      片山 知史  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  


    Environmental problems, which are becoming more serious on a global scale, are bringing about situations that destroy habitats for living organisms including human being, such as the intensification of weather disasters caused by the global warming. At the same time, not only human activities but also the agriculture, animal industry, and fisheries, which utilize biological production to obtain food, themselves have an effect on the global environment. Purpose of this class is to deepen our understanding of the limits of science and technology and the role of agricultural science in thesevarious problems.

  •   先端生態学特論Ⅱ  
      彦坂 幸毅  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    In this lecture, not only the basic knowledge of ecology but also the state of the art of researches including environmental science are introduced in a lecture. We will address the most advanced research topics of the influence of environmental changes on ecosystems and all organisms on the earth such as plants, microorganisms, fish, humans etc. The content of the lecture is broadly divided into biodiversity conservation, climate change, environmental pollution, and biological production.

  •   生態学合同講義 / Joint Lectures on Environmental Sciences  
      井上 千弘  
      通年集中 その他 連講  


  •   先端生態学特論Ⅰ  
      彦坂 幸毅  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    In this lecture, not only the basic knowledge of ecology but also the state of the art of researches including environmental science are introduced in a lecture. We will address the most advanced research topics of the influence of environmental changes on ecosystems and all organisms on the earth such as plants, microorganisms, fish, humans etc. The content of the lecture is broadly divided into biodiversity conservation, climate change, environmental pollution, and biological production.

  •   水圏植物学  
      青木 優和  
      後期前半 水曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室 / 後期前半 水曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  


    This course offers an opportunity to learn about the biological and ecological aspects of marine plants such as marine algae as essential primary producers in the rocky coastal ecosystem. First, students will study geographical and vertical distributions, phenology, population dynamics, primary production and plant-animal interactions. Applied aspects related with our life such as environmental effects, aquaculture of algae and marine pollution will also be discussed. Students can deepen their understanding of the importance of marine plant ecology linked with fishery sciences for our future.

  •   分子医科学 Molecular medical sciences  
      五十嵐 和彦  
      生化学合同講義 4月-12月 ISTU収録講義 4月-3月オンデマンド Biochemistry Lecture Series, April - December ISTU Lectures, April-March, on demand  
      生化学合同講義 毎週水曜日9時-12時(講義形式およびスケジュールはグーグルクラスで案内予定) ISTU, ネットワーク聴講 Biochemistry Lecture Series, 9 / 00-12 / 00, Wednesday (Details will be announced via Google Class) ISTU Lectures, anytime you like  


    Acquire basic knowledge on molecular medicine and related fields

  •   環境修復生態学 / Geoenvironmental Remediation  
      井上 千弘  
      後期 月曜日 1講時  

    地球を構成するサブシステムのうち、特に地圏と生物圏に着目し、その構成要素と構造について論じるとともに、 地圏環境における化学的物質と微生物との相互作用について明らかにする。そのうえで、今日の土壌・地下水汚染の実態に言及し、 その汚染修復プロセス確立に必要な物理的、化学的あるいは生物学的な要素技術と、実際の修復事例について講義する。

  •   分子医科学 Molecular medical sciences  
      五十嵐 和彦  
      生化学合同講義 4月-12月 ISTU収録講義 4月-3月オンデマンド Biochemistry Lecture Series, April - December ISTU Lectures, April-March, on demand  
      生化学合同講義 毎週水曜日9時-12時(講義形式およびスケジュールはグーグルクラスで案内予定) ISTU, ネットワーク聴講 Biochemistry Lecture Series, 9 / 00-12 / 00, Wednesday (Details will be announced via Google Class) ISTU Lectures, anytime you like  


    Acquire basic knowledge on molecular medicine and related fields

  •   水圏植物生態学  
      青木 優和  
      前期後半 火曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第7講義室 / 前期後半 火曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第7講義室  


    This course aims to understand the shifting mechanisms between marine forests and barren grounds. Strategies of herbivores for sustaining their species populations in marine forests are also studied.
