
165 件ヒット (0.021秒):

  •   生産フィールド実習Ⅰ(植&経)  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  




    Students learn agricultural production, such as crop, pasture and livestock production, forestry, and the relations with the environment through the experiences and practice the research of crop production in Kawatabi Field Center, Graduate school of Agriculture, Tohoku University (located in Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi)

    The schedule will be announced at the guidance.

  •   農場実習C  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  



    Students overview and learn agricultural production, such as crop, pasture and livestock production, forestry, and the relations with the environment through the experiences in Kawatabi Field Center, Graduate school of Agriculture, Tohoku University (located in Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi).

    The schedule will be announced at the guidance.

  •   生産フィールド実習Ⅱ(植&経)  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  




    Students practice the research of crop production in the field and learn crop production and the relations with biodiversity and climate change in Kawatabi Field Center, Graduate school of Agriculture, Tohoku University (located in Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi).

    The schedule will be announced at the guidance.

  •   農場実習A  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  




    Students practice the research of crop, soil and forest and learn agricultural production and the relations with environment in Kawatabi Field Center, Graduate school of Agriculture, Tohoku University (located in Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi).

    The schedule will be announced at the guidance.

  •   栽培植物環境科学特論  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 未設定  


    Since the Industrial Revolution, the world population has increased rapidly, and food production has been commensurate with it. However, agriculture, which has been regarded as an environment-friendly industry, puts heavy burdens on the global environment, because of drastic chemicalization and mechanization to improve efficiency. In this course, the latest knowledge on soil and crop managements suitable for the environment, as a measure to overcome food and environmental problems caused by the increase in world population, is lectured. Each topic is discussed by all students to understand the problems and to explore the measures against them.

  •   農場実習B  
      深澤 遊, 小倉 振一郎, 西田 瑞彦, 加藤 健太郎, 陶山 佳久, 多田 千佳, 深澤 充, 田島 亮介, 福田 康弘  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  


    Students overview and learn agricultural production such as crop, pasture-licestock production, frestry and the relations with the environment through the experiences in Kawatabi Field Center, Graduate School of Agricultural Science (located in Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi). Sturdents stay five days at the accommodation in the Center.

  •   復興・IT農学実習  
      北柴 大泰, 小倉 振一郎, 本間 香貴, 加藤 健太郎, 加藤 一幾, 陶山 佳久, 西田 瑞彦, 米澤 千夏, 深澤 遊, 深澤 充, 多田 千佳, 田島 亮介, 福田 康弘, 大谷 隆二  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  



    1) 農学研究科附属川渡フィールドセンターを中心として、フィールドにおける生産システムの理解、および先端農学技術の応用(現場に適した形での導入)について体験を通して学ぶ。また、グループディスカッションにより農業・農村の復興プランを作成し、提案・議論を行う。

    2) 被災地エクステンション:被災地を訪れ、震災の被害内容状況、今後の復興に向けての必要知識を、体験を通して学ぶ。

    3) ITを活用できる農業、農業に直結するIT技術を学習することで、東日本大震災による農林水産業や農漁村の被害からの農林水産業や農漁村の復興や、将来の災害に対する備えや予防につながる科学および技術を学ぶ。

    This course aims to improve the ability to lead agriculture in Tohoku region and regeneration of Japanese agriculture. Students can deepen understanding for the damage of agriculture, forestry and fisheries by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and learn about advanced researches and technologies leading to prevention against disasters in the future.

    1) Students understand agruciltural production systems and application of advanced agricultural technologies through field experiences, mainly in Kawatabi Field Science Center.

    Students also have discussion and make a plan of reconstruction of agriculture and rural village by group work.

    2) Extension at disaster areas: Field practice in Katsurao village, Fukushima prefecture. Students visit to the disaster affected area and learn about the damage and knowledge essential to reconstruct such areas, through field experience and practice.

    3) Students learn about sciences and technologies related to the a preparation for preparation for disaster, agriculture, forestry and

    fisheries reconstructions after the Great East Japan . The course topics will be involved to the preparation for future disasters.

  •   栽培植物環境科学  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期後半 月曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室 / 前期後半 月曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  


    Agriculture is greatly affected by the environment. Agricultural activities, on the other hand, have a huge impact on the environment. We should construct a sustainable food production system that catches up on the rapidly-growing world population as conserving local and global environments. This course introduces the basis of environmentally friendly crop production technology and provides a discussion for the relationship between agriculture and the environment on local and global scales.

  •   生産フィールド実習Ⅰ(動物)  
      小倉 振一郎, 深澤 充  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  


    The aim of this course is to learn about fundamental techniques for animal production and field measurements: practice of pasture and forage crop production and its utilization, animal management and behavior measurement, grazing management and agricultural machines.

  •   陸圏環境コミュニケーション論  
      米澤 千夏, 小倉 振一郎, 加藤 健太郎, 角田 毅, 陶山 佳久, 田島 亮介, 多田 千佳, 西田 瑞彦, 深澤 充, 深澤 遊, 福田 康弘, 松尾 歩, MAGEZI EUSTADIUS, 村越 ふみ  
      前期前半 金曜日 4講時前半  

    森林域から中山間域、沖積域にかけての多様な生物生産方式について、東北大学大学院農学研究科附属複合生態フィールド教育研究セン ターの複合陸域生産システム部(川渡フィールドセンター、旧附属農場、大崎市鳴子温泉郷川渡地区)を中心とした野外観察講義を受講する。また、室内講義において関連する環境保全的生物生産方式に関する知識を身につける。フィールド科学のあり方を理解し、また農学的思考を体得する。

    The purpose of the course is to get understanding of agronomical thinking and sustainable biological productivity through 1 day filed trip, discussion time and classroom lectures. Field trip will be held and the destination is Integrated Terrestrial Field Station (Naruko). Classroom lecture will be held in June at Aobayama Campus.
