

前期集中 その他 その他 未設定. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor: 北柴 大泰, 小倉 振一郎, 本間 香貴, 加藤 健太郎, 加藤 一幾, 陶山 佳久, 西田 瑞彦, 米澤 千夏, 深澤 遊, 深澤 充, 多田 千佳, 田島 亮介, 福田 康弘, 大谷 隆二. セメスター/Semester: 1セメ. 対象学年/Eligible Participants: 1年. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: AAL-OAG242J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

科目名(英語)/English Subject

Practice of Agricultural Fields and Information Technology



主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業テーマ/Class Subject


Field practical on advanced agricultural science aiming to reconstruction and promotion of agriculture forestry and fisheries in Tohoku region

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

1) 農学研究科附属川渡フィールドセンターを中心として、フィールドにおける生産システムの理解、および先端農学技術の応用(現場に適した形での導入)について体験を通して学ぶ。また、グループディスカッションにより農業・農村の復興プランを作成し、提案・議論を行う。
2) 被災地エクステンション:被災地を訪れ、震災の被害内容状況、今後の復興に向けての必要知識を、体験を通して学ぶ。
3) ITを活用できる農業、農業に直結するIT技術を学習することで、東日本大震災による農林水産業や農漁村の被害からの農林水産業や農漁村の復興や、将来の災害に対する備えや予防につながる科学および技術を学ぶ。

This course aims to improve the ability to lead agriculture in Tohoku region and regeneration of Japanese agriculture. Students can deepen understanding for the damage of agriculture, forestry and fisheries by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and learn about advanced researches and technologies leading to prevention against disasters in the future.
1) Students understand agruciltural production systems and application of advanced agricultural technologies through field experiences, mainly in Kawatabi Field Science Center.
Students also have discussion and make a plan of reconstruction of agriculture and rural village by group work.
2) Extension at disaster areas: Field practice in Katsurao village, Fukushima prefecture. Students visit to the disaster affected area and learn about the damage and knowledge essential to reconstruct such areas, through field experience and practice.
3) Students learn about sciences and technologies related to the a preparation for preparation for disaster, agriculture, forestry and
fisheries reconstructions after the Great East Japan . The course topics will be involved to the preparation for future disasters.



The Great East Japan Earthquake, Earthquake disaster reconstruction, Agriculture promotion, Disaster prevention, Agricultural economy, Animal husbandary, Animal welfare, Halotolerant plant (Brassicaceae), Biodiversity, Coastal forest, Radioactive material, Fishery, Aquatic resources, Resources recycling, Energy, Biomass, Food safty, Rice cultivation, Environmental conservation, Environmental restoration, IT agriculture.

学習の到達目標/Goal of Study


Students will understand advanced agricultural science and relating technilogies contributing to reconstructions of the damages caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake through field works. Students will also develop the ability to use those knowledge and technologies at the desaster sites.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class-1-授業計画


1. 復興農学フィールド実習 1) 森林管理

1. Reconstruction field practice of agriculture 1) Forest management

成績評価方法/Record and Evaluation Method


Students must attend all the lectures. Evaluation is performed comprehensively baesd on participation and report(s).

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

1) 今を生きる—東日本大震災から明日へ!復興と再生への提言— 5 自然と科学.吉野博、日野正輝編. 東北大学出版会.(2013)
2) 「明日への道標 –畜産の復興、再生、そして未来への取組-」中央畜産会 (2013)
3) 「菜の花サイエンス」東北大出版会(2014)
4) コンポスト科学-環境の時代の研究最前線(2015)
6) 災害ドキュメンタリー映画の扉(2021)

Reference books are as follows.
1) "Live in the present - for tomorrow from the Great East Japan Earthquake! Proposal for reconstruction and restoreation - 5 Naturer and science" ( Eds by Yoshino H, Hino M). Tohoku University Press (2013) (in Japanese)
2) "Guidepost for tomorrow - recocnstruction, regenereation, and effort for the future of animal husbandary" Chuou-Chikusan-kai (2013) (in Japanese)
3) "Science of field mustard" Tohoku University Press (2014) (in Japanese)
4) "Compost science - The front of the age of environment" (2015) (in Japanese)
5) Applying Agricultural Knowledge to Reconstruction (2018) (in Japanese)
6) The door to documentary films of disaster (2021) (in Japanese)
In addition, instructions will be given in this course as necessary.

実務・実践的授業/PracticalBusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness



★This course and "Agricultural Science for Reconstruction" will be integrated and newly offered as "Agricultural Science and Information Technology for Reconstruction" (2 credits) from the 2023 academic year. In principle, when taking this course, students must also take "Agricultural Science for Reconstruction" (1 credit).
1) Office hours: Students can contact anytime to the lecturers (Aobayama campus, Kawatabi FSC and Onagawa FSC)
2) Contents and progress schedule of the class may be changed. The specific schedule will be announced separately.
3) The maximum number of students who can enroll in this course is 40 due to the limited number of people who will be accepted to visit the disaster-affected areas as part of the Disaster Area Extension. If there are too many applicants, a lottery will be held.

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認