
446 件ヒット (0.044秒):

  •   社会環境工学実験 / Experiments in Civil and Environmental Engineering  
      覃 宇, 大石 若菜, 何 昕昊, SUPPASRI ANAWAT, 佐藤 翔輔, JANAKA BAMUNAWAL, 辻 勲平, 内藤 英樹, 野村 宗弘, 皆川 浩, S.O.A.D.MIHIRA L, 宮本 慎太郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。





    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose: To gain basic knowledge necessary for learning civil and environmental engineering, this class is to help students conduct experiments on concrete, soil, structure, hydraulics and water quality while deepening understanding knowledge about basic physics.

    2. Summary: In the concrete experiments, the students conduct mix proportion design, actually produce concrete, and confirm its quality and performance by various tests. In the soil experiments, physical tests, permeability tests, compression tests, etc. are carried out to understand the engineering properties of soil and its mechanical behavior. In the structural experiments, a three-point loading experiment of simple beams is carried out to understand the deflection distribution and the strain distribution in the cross section. In addition, the students compare the measuring results with the theoretical solution. Moreover, tensile tests of steel rods and bending load tests of RC beams are conducted to learn basic properties of reinforced concrete members.

    In hydraulic experiments, the basic flow is reproduced in the laboratory and its mechanical quantities are measured in order to understand basic mechanical quantities and movement concerning fluid mechanics. In water quality experiments, the students measure the process of change of water quality index etc.

    3. Achievement goal, etc.: Through these experiments, the students understand the fundamental properties of civil engineering materials such as concrete and soil, the deformation behavior of structures, the difference between experimental data and theoretical model solutions, flow of water, basic water quality control mechanism.

  •   建築材料学演習 / Exercises in Building Materials  
      西脇 智哉  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    Google Classroomクラスコード:zdhvfz7







    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This lecture and experiments will focus on structural building materials such as concrete, steel, timbers and so on. To understand the behavior of these materials, several kinds of mechanical tests will be performed. To understand how to process measured data by experiments and knowledge about principle experimental equipments are also the target of this lecture.

  •   鉄筋コンクリート構造 / Reinforced Concrete Structures  
      前田 匡樹  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部HPにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Objective: To understand the characteristics of reinforced concrete structures and basic concepts of the structural design.

    Outline: Shows the material characteristics and structural characteristics of reinforced concrete structures, and lectures on the mechanical properties of main structural members such as columns, beams, beam-column joints, and shear walls. In addition, the performance required for structures and their evaluation methods will be explained. The basic concept of the structural design of reinforced concrete buildings will be explained

    Achievement target: The goal is to learn how to analyze the flexural and shear behavior of structural members and how to design the structure of simple frames by solving exercise problems by themselves.

    ★In this course, Google Classroom will be used to distribute lecture materials and lecture information.

     The class code is "ulgqhqz".

     Visit Google Classroom and enter the class code.

  •   地盤工学A / Geotechnical Engineering A  
      山田 正太郎  









    1. Purpose: Learn how soil deposits are formed, basic engineering characteristics of soils and mechanical behavior of soils;

    2. Outline: Lecture the origin and formation of soils, and various phenomenon regarding ground as a natural environment;

    Furthermore, lecture the evaluation methods of engineering properties of ground such as the bearing capacity as foundation of structures, material properties as fill material and so on;

    3. Achievement outcomes: Understand origin of soils, how soil deposits are formed and various phenomenon regarding ground as a natural environment.

    Understand origin of soils and recognition of variation of soils;

    Describe and classify soils based on their basic physical characteristics;

    Understand stress distribution of the ground and calculate vertical stress;

    Predict behavior of underground water;

    Understand consolidation phenomena and predict the final settlement and the process;

  •   水環境デザイン演習Ⅰ / Exercises in Water and Environmental Studies I  
      覃 宇, 野村 宗弘, 平賀 優介  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。







    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    The aim of this course is to help students learn exercises in Civil and Environmental engineering.

    Three subjects are provided which are water quality evaluation, water treatment and hydrological analysis.

    Fundamental ability to get required results and to present them clearly can be acquired.

  •   水質工学 / Water Quality Engineering  
      佐野 大輔, 西村 修  

    Google Classroomのクラスコード:2qof6ra





    授業形式やオンライン授業の接続先URLはGoogle Classroomで通知する。

    1. Objective: understand the roles of water engineering for conservation of water environment.

    2. Outline: the conservation of water environments such as river, lake, and sea is of importance for sustainable development of human society as well as ecosystems. In this class, the basic components for water quality indicaters, risk analysis, water purification system will be lectured.

    3. Goal: understand and aquire the knowledge for water engineering essential for water environment conservation.

    Details are announced at Google Classroom.

    Google Classroom class code:2qof6ra

  •   社会基盤デザイン演習Ⅰ / Exercises in Infrastructural Engineering I  
      何 昕昊, 加村 晃良, 辻 勲平, 久田 真, 皆川 浩, 宮本 慎太郎, 森口 周二  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This course offers an opportunity to experience design process of bridge structures.

    Students can understand design process of infrastructure and obtain the ability to unify the knowledge of structures and materials.

  •   機械知能・航空実験Ⅱ(ファイン) / Laboratory Experiment II(Finemechanics)  
      白須 圭一  







    Google Classroomクラスコード:ijdtytd

    1. Purpose

    To learn specialized experimental techniques common in the Finemechanics Course of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

    2. Outline

    Students will be grouped into “subclasses” of 6-7 people and visit the laboratories in Course of Finemechanics to learn the special techniques of each laboratory. Experiencing the atmosphere of research activities of each laboratory, students will do experiments under the direct guidance of instructors.

    3. Achievement objectives

    The goal is to build a foundation for graduation research by acquiring knowledge learned in the specialized subject lectures through experiments and learning various related specialized knowledge.

    Classroom code: ijdtytd

  •   機械知能・航空実験Ⅱ(航空) / Laboratory Experiment II(Aerospace Engineering)  
      高橋 聖幸  

    Google Classroom Classcode [3jy2b67]








    Google Classroom Classcode [3jy2b67]

    1. Objective

      Students conduct specialized experiments for Aerospace Engineering Course, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

    2. Outline

      Students are assigned to small groups and visit a laboratory at which an experiment of the week is conducted in Aerospace Engineering Course, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Each experiment is directly supervised by a lecturer under an actual atmosphere of the laboratory.

    3. Target

      Students revisit knowledges learned by lectures of the specialized subjects through actual experiences and cultivate fundamentals of research experiments for their graduation themes.

  •   計算地盤力学 / Computational Soil Mechanics  
      山田 正太郎, 加村 晃良  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    In the first part of this course, to understand the recent effective stress analysis, students will learn the elasto-plastic constitutive models for the soil skeleton and the mixture theory.

    In the later part, students will understand the ground behavior during earthquakes through the exercise of seismic response analysis and acquire the basic knowledge necessary for aseismic design.
