
703 件ヒット (0.043秒):

  •   データ科学と機械学習の数理 / Fundamental Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data Sciences  
      大関 真之  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    目的: 現代的なデータ科学と機械学習において現れる基本的な数理構造を解き明かし理解すること。

    概要: 大規模なデータを学習しさまざまなタスクを実現する今日の人工知能技術のベースとなるのは、非常に単純な勾配法であり最適化問題を以下にして解くかである。その源泉は物理学で登場したような運動方程式によるものであり、それらといかに密接に関連しているのかを学ぶことにより、将来再び起こるブレークスルーを俯瞰できるようにする。

    達成目標等: 現代の機械学習等に現れる数理最適化および学習技術について、流行り廃りから脱却し、その本質部分を単純にして理解できるようにすること。

    オンライン授業で実施され詳細や連絡は下記Google Classroomを通じて行われる。

    [TB26411] (大関真之教授): Google Classroomを利用

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Object and Summary: To unravel and understand the fundamental mathematical structures that emerge in modern data science and machine learning.

    The basis of today's artificial intelligence technologies for learning large data sets and performing a variety of tasks is how to solve optimization problems using very simple gradient methods. The source is the equations of motion as they appear in physics, and by learning how they are closely related to these equations, we will be able to look at breakthroughs that will occur again in the future.

    Goal.: To be able to understand mathematical optimization and learning techniques as they appear in modern machine learning and other areas, breaking free from fads and simplifying the essential parts of these techniques.

    The course will be conducted online and details and communication will be via Google Classroom.

    [TB26411] (Masayuki Ohzeki): using Google Classroom

  •   物理フラクチュオマティクス論 / Physical Fluctuomatics  
      田中 和之  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ





    本講義は google classroom 上のGoogle Meets によるオンライン授業として行う.

    本講義のクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-g.html の中の【Google Classroomコード一覧】で「機械・知能系」を選択した上で各自確認した上で受講すること.

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    Applications to many fields in engineering like control, signal processing etc. and in information sciences are in mind through the lecture course for the basic knowledge of statistical machine learning theory as well as stochastic processes. Brief introduction will be given to methods for applications like statistical estimation etc., and to the relationship with statistical-mechanical informatics. We first lecture probability and statistics and their fundamental properties and explain the basic frameworks of Bayesian estimation and maximum likelihood estimation. Particularly, we show EM algorithm as one of familiar computational schemes to realize the maximum likelihood estimation. As one of linear statistical models, we introduce Gaussian graphical model and show the explicit procedure for Bayesian estimation and EM algorithm from observed data. We show some useful probabilistic models which are applicable to probabilistic information processing in the stand point of Bayesian estimation. We mention that some of these models can be regarded as physical models in statistical mechanics. Fundamental structure of belief propagation methods are reviewed as powerful key algorithms to compute some important statistical quantities, for example, averages, variances and covariances. Particularly, we clarify the relationship between belief propagations and some approximate methods in statistical mechanics. As ones of application to probabilistic information processing based on Bayesian estimation and maximum likelihood estimations, we show probabilistic image processing and probabilistic reasoning. Moreover, we review also quantum-mechanical extensions of probabilistic information processing.

    The lectures of the present class is provided as online from Google Meets in the google classroom of the present class.

    The Google class code of Google Classroom for this year of the present lecture is available at "Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering" in "Timetable & Course Description" of the following website


    Students should confirm the Goole class code by temselves before taking the present class.

  •   応用情報処理演習A / Exercises in Applied Information Processing A  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。









    Google Classroom クラスコード: 52drt6h

    [TB54091] 応用情報処理演習A



    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1) Knowledge and skills in "information processing" are essential in research and practical work as well as in daily life in this modern society. This course is designed to obtain basic knowledge for gradation research via information literacy and to help students develop skills in information processing, such as program coding, data processing, visualization, and statistical analysis.

    2) Students will learn concepts of typical numerical analysis algorithms and program coding.

    3) Students will develop the following skills and knowledge:

     - Basic methods in numerical analysis

     - Basic skills in programming

     - Examination of results of analyses

    Google Classroom code: 52drt6h

    The computational environment necessary for the exercise is explained in class.

  •   情報基礎科学としての数理情報学  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  






    Google Classroomのクラスコードは67b6iso

  •   医学AI特論I / Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 1  
      岩﨑 淳也  
      令和6年4月~令和7年3月/ 2024/Apr. – 2025/Mar.  
      毎日 24時間開講 / Anytime  

    医療分野における人工知能の役割とその基盤技術である機械学習の基本概念・技術について学ぶ。機械学習の代表的な分析手法である回帰、分類などについて、手を動かしながらシステムを作成し、実データを処理する過程で医療分野における機械学習について理解を深める。プログラミング言語pythonの基礎と機械学習で重要な役割を持つ数値計算ライブラリの使い方を習得する。/ In this course, students will learn about the role of artificial intelligence in the medical fields and fundamental concepts and skills of machine learning.

    To deepen own understanding of regression and classification, etc, which are the fundamental components of machine learning, by hands-on programming.

    To learn about programming language Python and how to use a numerical calculation library which has the important role of machine learning.

  •   実践的機械学習Ⅱ  
      齊藤 いつみ  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 情報教育実習室 M105  



    The purpose of this course is to study Machine Learning, an important sub-area of Artificial Intelligence. This course is designed to help students understand some key technologies such as clustering, deep-learning, and reinforcement learning, through the process of applying them for actual data and developing Systems.

  •   流体設計情報学 / Fluid Design Informatics  
      大林 茂  



    [Class code: lwxnlq7]

    This lecture aims to construct the theories, learn the methodologies, and see the real-world examples of fluid engineering design based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) combined with information science.

  •   医学AI特論I / Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 1  
      岩﨑 淳也  
      令和6年4月~令和7年3月/ 2024/Apr. – 2025/Mar.  
      毎日 24時間開講 / Anytime  

    医療分野における人工知能の役割とその基盤技術である機械学習の基本概念・技術について学ぶ。機械学習の代表的な分析手法である回帰、分類などについて、手を動かしながらシステムを作成し、実データを処理する過程で医療分野における機械学習について理解を深める。プログラミング言語pythonの基礎と機械学習で重要な役割を持つ数値計算ライブラリの使い方を習得する。/ In this course, students will learn about the role of artificial intelligence in the medical fields and fundamental concepts and skills of machine learning.

    To deepen own understanding of regression and classification, etc, which are the fundamental components of machine learning, by hands-on programming.

    To learn about programming language Python and how to use a numerical calculation library which has the important role of machine learning.

  •   制御工学Ⅱ / Control Engineering II  
      村田 智  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose

    Following classical control theory (Control Engineering I), learn about modern control theory.

    2. Overview

    In this lecture, we will study an approach called the state space method, which is a method to control multivariable linear dynamic systems. The main subject of modern control theory is how to analyze the characteristics of a system represented by the state equation and how to design a control system to achieve desired characteristics. After learning the representation method of a multivariable dynamic system with a state equation, we introduce basic concepts of multivariable systems, such as stability, controllability, and observability. We also learn specific control strategies based on concepts such as pole assignment by state feedback, state estimation by an observer, and optimal control by an optimal regulator.

    3. Goal

    To be able to express a given dynamic system by a state equation and determine its controllability and observability. To be able to design control systems with desired characteristics by using a method such as state feedback, pole assignment, observer, and optimal regulator.

  •   データ科学・AI概論  
      三石 大、大石 峰暉  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 情報教育実習室 M105  





    The purpose of this course is to acquire basic knowledge and skills in data science and AI to extract and utilize valuable information from huge data.

    In recent years, huge-scale data has been accumulated and distributed in various scenes of society, and insights and abilities to use them safely and effectively for public welfare and social activities are required as modern literacy.

    Therefore, all students, regardless of humanities or science, are expected to understand basic statistics and to acquire knowledge and skills in data science and AI in order to extract the intended information from such data by utilizing various achievements in computer science, including programming environments.

    In this course, you learn actual data processing methodology practically using the Python, which became one of the standard programming languages in the field of data science, machine learning and AI.
