
903 件ヒット (0.016秒):

  •   地球惑星物質科学特殊講義Ⅱ / geochemistry of radiogenic isotopes  
      掛川 武, 理学部非常勤講師  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    This is the intensive course. Thus lecture covers principles and application of radiogenic isotopes.

    This is the intensive course. Thus lecture covers principles and application of radiogenic isotopes.

  •   地球惑星物質科学特論Ⅱ / geochemistry of radiogenic isotopes  
      掛川 武, 理学部非常勤講師  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    This is the intensive course. Thus lecture covers principles and application of radiogenic isotopes.

    This is the intensive course. Thus lecture covers principles and application of radiogenic isotopes.

  •   資源地球化学特論 / Geochemistry of Ore Deposits  
      掛川 武  
      前期 木曜日 1講時  


    This is a lecture to understand various ore deposits including petroleum and diamond.

  •   地球の物質とダイナミックス / Earth Dynamics  
      掛川 武, 大藤 弘明, 鈴木 昭夫, 辻森 樹, 中村 智樹, 中村 美千彦, 長瀬 敏郎, 平野 直人  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  


    This is the cause to understand the Earth dynamics.

  •   無機分析化学概論A / Introduction to radiochemistry  
      木野 康志  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  



    Due to the discovery of radiation and nuclei and the development of quantum mechanics accompanying it, the structure of the atom which becomes the basis of chemistry became clear, and microscopic understanding of chemical bonding and chemical reaction became possible. Although the scale of energy and particle size is different for nucleus and atom/molecule, both of them are written in the same quantum mechanical finite multi-body system, and can often be understood with common concepts. In the lecture, the structure of nuclei, disintegration phenomenon, disintegration phenomenon, the influence of radiation on atomic molecules, the origins of elements intertwined with the historical background and recent topics will be explained clearly. The radiochemical experiments using non-sealed radioactive materials to be held in December will be explained

  •   古海洋学特論 / Advanced Lecture on Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography  
      髙栁 栄子  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    The Earth has experienced various climatic and oceanographic changes over the past 4.6 billion years.In this lecture, we will overview the entire history of Earth's environmental changes over the past 4.6 billion years, based on the latest findings and discussions. Then, we will understand the fundamental issues of current environmental changes that we are facing.

  •   放射化学 / Radiochemistry  
      桐島 陽, 秋山 大輔  

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    Google Classroom code: z7kqy7e

    The scientific basis of nuclear phenomena is lectured in chemistry for engineering application, material science, and medical science. The types of radioactive decay, its effect on chemical reaction, separation, and analysis of radio-activities are provided in this class. The content of this lecture includes the chemistry field of the national qualification exam for radiation and nuclear reactor operation.

  •   同位体地球科学 / Isotopic chemical material cycle theory and chronology  
      平野 直人, 山田 努  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  


    Understand the chemical and biochemical principles that determine the isotopic distribution in the existing environment and learn the basics that an isotope studies geology in relation to global environment formation.

  •   地球の科学 / Introduction to Department of Earth Science  
      奥村 聡, 浅海 竜司  
      前期 水曜日 4講時  


    The Department of Earth Science consists of two divisions, the Division of GeoEnvronmental Science and the Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Science. These two divisions have a total of 13 research groups (Carbonate Sedimentology, Geochemistry, and Evolutional Paleontology; Fault and Geodynamics; Geology and Paleoceanography; Geomorphology and Physical Geography; Human Geography; Natural Hazard; Mineralogy and Crystallography; Natural Resources and Environmental Geochemistry; Early Solar System Evolution; Quantum-beam Earth Science and Technology; Volcanology and Geofluids; Petrotectonics; Global Crystal Science). Students can learn basic knowledge that cannot be obtained in high school education and the latest research achievement of each group.

  •   大気放射学特論 / Atmospheric Radiation  
      岩渕 弘信  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    Solar radiation and thermal infrared radiation are main players to transport energy in the atmosphere-ocean-land system on the earth. Changes in the atmosphere and surface cause changes in the energy budget and climate through the atmospheric radiation process. In this class, we learn the principles of atmospheric radiation, including the definitions of physics of gaseous absorption, scattering by air molecules and small particles, interaction between radiation and materials, and radiative transfer. A goal is to understand the roles of cloud and aerosol in the climate system, and another goal is to understand the theory of atmospheric radiative transfer and the principle and methods for remote sensing of the atmosphere from space or surface.
