
3862 件ヒット (0.025秒):

  •   先端地球惑星科学Ⅰ / Advanced Earth Science I  
      掛川 武  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    This class is for IGPAS student (geoscience major only).There is no regular lectures for this. Please consult your professor how to register.

    This class is for IGPAS student (geoscience major only).There is no regular lectures for this. Please consult your professor how to register.

  •   先端地球惑星科学Ⅱ / Advanced Earth Science I  
      掛川 武  
      後期集中 その他 連講  

    This class is for IGPAS student (geoscience major only).There is no regular lectures for this. Please consult your professor how to register.

    This class is for IGPAS student (geoscience major only).There is no regular lectures for this. Please consult your professor how to register.

  •   フィールドサイエンスⅡ / Field Science I  
      掛川 武  
      通年集中 その他 連講  

    This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details.

    This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details.

  •   科学の最前線Ⅰ / Frontiers in Science I  
      岩渕 司  
      後期 水曜日 5講時  

    This is a course introducing recent topics in various areas of science including quantum mechanics and quantum technology. Lectures are given by 13 faculty members from all the departments (Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Geophysics, Chemistry, and Earth Science) in Graduate School of Science. Each faculty member discusses up-to-date topics in his/her specialty. The lectures are prepared for non-experts and thus this course is an outstanding opportunity to obtain familiarity with areas other than the students' specialties. The class meets every Wednesday, 4:20-5:50 pm.

    This is a course introducing recent topics in various areas of science including quantum mechanics and quantum technology. Lectures are given by 13 faculty members from all the departments (Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Geophysics, Chemistry, and Earth Science) in Graduate School of Science. Each faculty member discusses up-to-date topics in his/her specialty. The lectures are prepared for non-experts and thus this course is an outstanding opportunity to obtain familiarity with areas other than the students' specialties. The class meets every Wednesday, 4:20-5:50 pm.

  •   フィールドサイエンスⅠ / Field Science I  
      掛川 武  
      通年集中 その他 連講  

    This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details. We use 2 or 3 weekends during October to December. We will visit geothermal areas in Iwate and Akita Prefectures. In addition, we will visit oil fields in Akita prefecture. We stay at Japanese style Ryokan and costs will be charged to each.

    This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details.

  •   Seminar in Economics a  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 経済学部第1演習室  

    This seminar is a learning opportunity for graduate students to acquire economic knowledge suitable for a master's degree, especially in health economics, public economics, and applied econometrics at the graduate level.

  •   Seminar in Economics b  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 経済学部第1演習室  

    This seminar is a learning opportunity for graduate students to acquire economic knowledge suitable for a master's degree, especially in health economics, public economics, and applied econometrics at the graduate level.

  •   現代地球科学 / Formation of planet Earth's environment as solid earth  
      浅海 竜司, 黒栁 あずみ, 菅原 大助, 鈴木 紀毅, 髙栁 栄子, 長濱 裕幸, 堀 和明, 武藤 潤  
      前期 金曜日 1講時  


    It aims to acquire basic knowledge to capture the formation of planet Earth's environment as solid earth, atmosphere, ocean, human beings, and to understand familiar natural phenomena occurring on Earth.

  •   医療経済演習(Ⅰ)a  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 経済学部第1演習室  


    This seminar is a learning opportunity for graduate students to acquire economic knowledge suitable for a master's degree, especially in health economics, public economics, and applied econometrics at the graduate level.

  •   地球環境史 / Formation of planet Earth's environment as solid earth  
      長濱 裕幸, 浅海 竜司, 黒栁 あずみ, 菅原 大助, 鈴木 紀毅, 髙栁 栄子, 堀 和明, 武藤 潤  
      前期 金曜日 1講時  


    It aims to acquire basic knowledge to capture the formation of planet Earth's environment as solid earth, atmosphere, ocean, human beings, and to understand familiar natural phenomena occurring on Earth.
