
科学の最前線Ⅰ / Frontiers in Science I

後期 水曜日 5講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 岩渕 司. 学期/Semester: 後期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SAL-SCI801E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.


Tsukasa Iwabuchi, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Yuta Mizukami, Associate Professor of Physics
Itaru Shimizu, Associate Professor of Physics
Shinichiro Iwai, Professor of Physics
Tadayuki Kodama, Professor of Astronomy
Kazumi Kashiyama, Associate Professor of Astronomy
Toshio Suga, Professor of Geophysics
Junshi Ito, Associate Professor of Geophysics
Seiichi Nishizawa, Professor of Chemistry
Kazumasa Ohashi, Professor of Chemistry
Yukiyoshi Ohtsuki, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Dhar Sambuddha, Assistant Professor of Geology
Hiroaki Ohfuji, Professor of Geology


Frontiers in Science I

Course Title

Frontiers in Science I


This is a course introducing recent topics in various areas of science including quantum mechanics and quantum technology. Lectures are given by 13 faculty members from all the departments (Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Geophysics, Chemistry, and Earth Science) in Graduate School of Science. Each faculty member discusses up-to-date topics in his/her specialty. The lectures are prepared for non-experts and thus this course is an outstanding opportunity to obtain familiarity with areas other than the students' specialties. The class meets every Wednesday, 4:20-5:50 pm.


This is a course introducing recent topics in various areas of science including quantum mechanics and quantum technology. Lectures are given by 13 faculty members from all the departments (Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Geophysics, Chemistry, and Earth Science) in Graduate School of Science. Each faculty member discusses up-to-date topics in his/her specialty. The lectures are prepared for non-experts and thus this course is an outstanding opportunity to obtain familiarity with areas other than the students' specialties. The class meets every Wednesday, 4:20-5:50 pm.


Learning recent topics in various areas of science.


Learning recent topics in various areas of science.


### Schedule ###
The faculty members below will take turn for each topic. Specific schedule tba at the guidance on 2 Oct.

### Contents ###
-Tsukasa Iwabuchi, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Distributions and delta function: Two lectures provide an introduction to the theory of distributions, a powerful tool for studying generalized functions and their applications in various fields of mathematics and physics. The first lecture will introduce the basic concepts of distributions, including the definition, properties, and examples of important distributions such as the delta function. The second lecture will focus on the Fourier series representation of distributions.

-Yuta Mizukami, Associate Professor of Physics
Majorana fermions in magnets: Majorana fermions are particles that are their own antiparticles. One of the most promising candidates is the neutrino in particle physics. In solid state physics, on the other hand, Kitaev recently proposed a spin model where elementary excitations can be described as Majorana fermions, which is important to make non-Abelian anyons for topological quantum computations. This lecture introduces recent thermodynamic measurements of Majorana fermions in Kitaev magnets.

-Itaru Shimizu, Associate Professor of Physics
Elementary Particles and the Universe: Neutrino is an elementary particle attracting physicists’ attention. Unlike other elementary particles, neutrinos are neutral without any charges, so matter and antimatter might be identical. It is a key to generate matter through a slight imbalance between matter and antimatter in the early universe. The only viable experimental probe for this neutrino nature is the “neutrinoless double-beta decay.” In this lecture, I will present a brief introduction of neutrinos and an overview of a double-beta decay experiment promoted by Tohoku University.

-Shinichiro Iwai, Professor of Physics
Femtosecond to attosecond dynamics of correlated electron system By the development of the ultrashort-pulse laser and the nonlinear optics, charge motions driven by the oscillating light field are able to be captured on the time scales shorter than 10 femtosecond. In this lecture, strong light field effects such as dynamical localization and charge synchronization, and unconventional harmonic generation etc... which are driven by the non-scattering charge motions in strongly correlated superconductors and ferroelectrics.

-Tadayuki Kodama, Professor of Astronomy
Frontiers in extragalactic astronomy: The frontier of our observable Universe is expanding rapidly due to the advent of large ground-based and space telescopes. There are ~100 Billion galaxies (large collection of stars such as our Milky Way Galaxy where the solar system belongs) in the Universe. In this lecture, I will describe the current understanding of the history of galaxy formation and evolution across 13.8 Billion years of cosmic times based on recent observational data with current facilities including Subaru and JWST, and future prospects with next generation 30m telescope (TMT).

-Kazumi Kashiyama, Associate Professor of Astronomy
How to capture black holes : I will explore observational and theoretical approaches to capturing black holes in the universe, emphasizing the use of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger technologies in astronomical observations. These encompass X-ray timing, radio and optical imaging, as well as gravitational wave interferometers.

-Toshio Suga, Professor of Geophysics
Ocean and Climate: The ocean plays essential roles in the climate system by storing, redistributing, and releasing various properties such as heat, freshwater, and carbon. Through these processes, the ocean often affects the interaction among various components of Earth's climate system on a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, and therefore is essentially involved in global warming. In order to monitor and understand these processes, in-situ global ocean observing system (GOOS) has been developed in the last couple of decades. Recent advances in GOOS and its future direction will be discussed.

-Junshi Ito, Associate Professor of Geophysics
Fine-resolution numerical weather prediction: State-of-the-art supercomputers enable finer resolution numerical weather predictions. The increase in resolution is expected to improve weather forecasting. Various extreme weather events and disasters have occurred in Japan, and further improvements in prediction are desired. I will give an overview of research and development to fully utilize fine-resolution numerical weather prediction.

-Seiichi Nishizawa, Professor of Chemistry
Design and synthesis of fluorescent molecular probes for RNA sensing: In this lecture, I will present a new class of RNA-binding fluorescent probes including small organic ligands for nucleolar RNA imaging in living cells, peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-based probes for intracellular delivery analysis of small interfering RNA (siRNA), and triplex-forming PNA probes for double-stranded RNA sensing. Promising functions of these probes will be discussed as a basis for the advanced design of molecular probes for RNA sensing.

-Kazumasa Ohashi, Professor of Chemistry
Biochemistry・Cell biology (Inter- and intra-cellular signal transduction): The biological activities of the cells composed our bodies are maintained by the various proteins. This lecture will introduce the major molecular mechanisms of intercellular and intracellular signaling in the regulation of various cell responses such as cell proliferation, cell motility, cell death, and cell motility. This lecture will also focus on the regulation of actin cytoskeleton remodeling by intracellular signal transduction.

-Yukiyoshi Ohtsuki, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Quantum optimal control: Quantum optimal control provides a powerful and flexible tool for designing external fields such as laser pulses to best manipulate quantum systems. The control objectives cover a wide range of applications from quantum information processing to photochemistry/biomolecules. The basic idea of quantum optimal control is explained through a simple case study and some of typical experimental applications are also introduced.

-Dhar Sambuddha, Assistant Professor of Geology
Illuminating rheology of northeastern Japan by postseismic deformation of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake: The Mw9 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, which occurred off the Pacific coast of Tohoku district, is one of the most disastrous earthquakes in recent history. The GPS measurements around northeastern Japan reveal a substantial ground motion (i.e., postseismic deformation), continuing even after the ten years following the earthquake. Such postseismic deformation is caused by earthquake-related processes in the viscoelastic mantle and interface of the subducting Pacific plate. In this class, I will discuss the recent developments on how the GPS observations are used to infer the properties (i.e., rheology) of the Japanese mantle and plate interface, tens or hundreds of kilometers beneath the earth's surface.

-Hiroaki Ohfuji, Professor of Geology
Theory of crystal growth and its application to mineral/material sciences : The growth form of crystals depends on the shape of the structural units (blocks) that make up the solid, but it also varies with surrounding environmental factors such as supersaturation and supercooling, producing various unique microtextures. In this lecture, students will learn about the physics and chemistry behind crystal growth and understand how they affect the growth forms/textures. Then, I will introduce how the knowledge and findings are applied to research and material synthesis, based on an example of diamond synthesis under high pressure and high temperature.

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

### Schedule ###
The faculty members below will take turn for each topic. Specific schedule tba at the guidance on 2 Oct.

### Contents ###
-Tsukasa Iwabuchi, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Distributions and delta function: Two lectures provide an introduction to the theory of distributions, a powerful tool for studying generalized functions and their applications in various fields of mathematics and physics. The first lecture will introduce the basic concepts of distributions, including the definition, properties, and examples of important distributions such as the delta function. The second lecture will focus on the Fourier series representation of distributions.

-Yuta Mizukami, Associate Professor of Physics
Majorana fermions in magnets: Majorana fermions are particles that are their own antiparticles. One of the most promising candidates is the neutrino in particle physics. In solid state physics, on the other hand, Kitaev recently proposed a spin model where elementary excitations can be described as Majorana fermions, which is important to make non-Abelian anyons for topological quantum computations. This lecture introduces recent thermodynamic measurements of Majorana fermions in Kitaev magnets.

-Itaru Shimizu, Associate Professor of Physics
Elementary Particles and the Universe: Neutrino is an elementary particle attracting physicists’ attention. Unlike other elementary particles, neutrinos are neutral without any charges, so matter and antimatter might be identical. It is a key to generate matter through a slight imbalance between matter and antimatter in the early universe. The only viable experimental probe for this neutrino nature is the “neutrinoless double-beta decay.” In this lecture, I will present a brief introduction of neutrinos and an overview of a double-beta decay experiment promoted by Tohoku University.

-Shinichiro Iwai, Professor of Physics
Femtosecond to attosecond dynamics of correlated electron system By the development of the ultrashort-pulse laser and the nonlinear optics, charge motions driven by the oscillating light field are able to be captured on the time scales shorter than 10 femtosecond. In this lecture, strong light field effects such as dynamical localization and charge synchronization, and unconventional harmonic generation etc... which are driven by the non-scattering charge motions in strongly correlated superconductors and ferroelectrics.

-Tadayuki Kodama, Professor of Astronomy
Frontiers in extragalactic astronomy: The frontier of our observable Universe is expanding rapidly due to the advent of large ground-based and space telescopes. There are ~100 Billion galaxies (large collection of stars such as our Milky Way Galaxy where the solar system belongs) in the Universe. In this lecture, I will describe the current understanding of the history of galaxy formation and evolution across 13.8 Billion years of cosmic times based on recent observational data with current facilities including Subaru and JWST, and future prospects with next generation 30m telescope (TMT).

-Kazumi Kashiyama, Associate Professor of Astronomy
How to capture black holes : I will explore observational and theoretical approaches to capturing black holes in the universe, emphasizing the use of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger technologies in astronomical observations. These encompass X-ray timing, radio and optical imaging, as well as gravitational wave interferometers.

-Toshio Suga, Professor of Geophysics
Ocean and Climate: The ocean plays essential roles in the climate system by storing, redistributing, and releasing various properties such as heat, freshwater, and carbon. Through these processes, the ocean often affects the interaction among various components of Earth's climate system on a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, and therefore is essentially involved in global warming. In order to monitor and understand these processes, in-situ global ocean observing system (GOOS) has been developed in the last couple of decades. Recent advances in GOOS and its future direction will be discussed.

-Junshi Ito, Associate Professor of Geophysics
Fine-resolution numerical weather prediction: State-of-the-art supercomputers enable finer resolution numerical weather predictions. The increase in resolution is expected to improve weather forecasting. Various extreme weather events and disasters have occurred in Japan, and further improvements in prediction are desired. I will give an overview of research and development to fully utilize fine-resolution numerical weather prediction.

-Seiichi Nishizawa, Professor of Chemistry
Design and synthesis of fluorescent molecular probes for RNA sensing: In this lecture, I will present a new class of RNA-binding fluorescent probes including small organic ligands for nucleolar RNA imaging in living cells, peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-based probes for intracellular delivery analysis of small interfering RNA (siRNA), and triplex-forming PNA probes for double-stranded RNA sensing. Promising functions of these probes will be discussed as a basis for the advanced design of molecular probes for RNA sensing.

-Kazumasa Ohashi, Professor of Chemistry
Biochemistry・Cell biology (Inter- and intra-cellular signal transduction): The biological activities of the cells composed our bodies are maintained by the various proteins. This lecture will introduce the major molecular mechanisms of intercellular and intracellular signaling in the regulation of various cell responses such as cell proliferation, cell motility, cell death, and cell motility. This lecture will also focus on the regulation of actin cytoskeleton remodeling by intracellular signal transduction.

-Yukiyoshi Ohtsuki, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Quantum optimal control: Quantum optimal control provides a powerful and flexible tool for designing external fields such as laser pulses to best manipulate quantum systems. The control objectives cover a wide range of applications from quantum information processing to photochemistry/biomolecules. The basic idea of quantum optimal control is explained through a simple case study and some of typical experimental applications are also introduced.

-Dhar Sambuddha, Assistant Professor of Geology
Illuminating rheology of northeastern Japan by postseismic deformation of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake: The Mw9 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, which occurred off the Pacific coast of Tohoku district, is one of the most disastrous earthquakes in recent history. The GPS measurements around northeastern Japan reveal a substantial ground motion (i.e., postseismic deformation), continuing even after the ten years following the earthquake. Such postseismic deformation is caused by earthquake-related processes in the viscoelastic mantle and interface of the subducting Pacific plate. In this class, I will discuss the recent developments on how the GPS observations are used to infer the properties (i.e., rheology) of the Japanese mantle and plate interface, tens or hundreds of kilometers beneath the earth's surface.

-Hiroaki Ohfuji, Professor of Geology
Theory of crystal growth and its application to mineral/material sciences : The growth form of crystals depends on the shape of the structural units (blocks) that make up the solid, but it also varies with surrounding environmental factors such as supersaturation and supercooling, producing various unique microtextures. In this lecture, students will learn about the physics and chemistry behind crystal growth and understand how they affect the growth forms/textures. Then, I will introduce how the knowledge and findings are applied to research and material synthesis, based on an example of diamond synthesis under high pressure and high temperature.


Each faculty member decides his part of the grade by either taking the attendance or assigning homework. The grade for the course will be determined at the end of the semester by adding grades from all 13 faculty members. Your letter grade will be evaluated in the following manner.
90-100 % for the course guarantees AA.
80-89 % for the course guarantees A.
70-79 % for the course guarantees B.
60-69 % for the course guarantees C.
(There are no passing grades below C.)


Each faculty member decides his part of the grade by either taking the attendance or assigning homework. The grade for the course will be determined at the end of the semester by adding grades from all 13 faculty members. Your letter grade will be evaluated in the following manner.
90-100 % for the course guarantees AA.
80-89 % for the course guarantees A.
70-79 % for the course guarantees B.
60-69 % for the course guarantees C.
(There are no passing grades below C.)



Books required/referenced



Instructed in the lecture.

Preparation and review

Instructed in the lecture.


Location of the classroom: Science Complex A 203

Class code: g25fbus


Location of the classroom: Science Complex A 203

Class code: g25fbus

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