
フィールドサイエンスⅠ / Field Science I

通年集中 その他 連講. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor : 掛川 武. 学期/Semester: 通年集中. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SES-EAS570E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.


Graduate School of Science


Field Science I

Course Title

Field Science I


This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details. We use 2 or 3 weekends during October to December. We will visit geothermal areas in Iwate and Akita Prefectures. In addition, we will visit oil fields in Akita prefecture. We stay at Japanese style Ryokan and costs will be charged to each.


This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details.


Understanding basic geological fetaures


Understanding basic geological fetaures


This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details.

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

This is the field excersise course for IGPAS students. There is no reguraly or officially scheduled field excursion. Please consutl your supervisor or Prof. Kakegawa for more details.

(1) Nature of vVolcanic lava flows at Mt. Iwate and Hachimantai in Iwate Prefecture.
(2) Geothermal energy: observation of geological characteristics and visiting Matsukawa geothermal plant
(3) Deep ancient geothermal activities: visiting Osarizawa Au-Cu mine and Ainai Kuroko Mine in Akita.
(4) Visiting oil filed near Oga Peninsula in Akita.


attending point and reports


attending point and reports


handout is provided


no special request

Preparation and review

no special request


Please contact to Prof. Kakegawa, if this course is open in this semester. The most likely this course (with II) will open in October and November. This field science I is combined with field science II. Please register both at the same time.

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