
225 件ヒット (0.047秒):

  •   火山ダイナミクス / Dynamics and Material Sciences of Volcanic Eruption  
      奥村 聡  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  


    Volcanoes show a wide variety of eruptions styles. In this lecture, we discuss factors controlling eruption style in term of material science.

  •   岩石学Ⅰ / Origin and classification of Igneous rocks  
      中村 美千彦  
      後期前半 火曜日 2講時 / 後期前半 木曜日 2講時  


    Petrographic and genetical classifications, occurrences, and formation processes of igneous rocks.

  •   地球物質移動学特論Ⅰ / Seminar on igneous and metamorphic petrology and geochemical kinetics  
      中村 美千彦, 奥村 聡  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  

    広い意味での岩石学・マグマ学について、物質科学としての体系な理解と、地球惑星科学における応用方法について身につけます。前半は、Geochemical Kinetics (Zhang)を読み、系統的な知識を身につける。後半は、各受講者の研究課題に応じて、速度論に関係した一般性のある論文を選定するので、その論文紹介を行ってもらいます。研究の位置づけや他の研究との関連などについて解説を加えます。

    Students will acquire a systematic understanding of petrology and magmalogy in its broadest sense as material science and how it is applied in earth and planetary science. In the first half of the course, students will read Geochemical Kinetics (Zhang) to acquire systematic knowledge. In the second half of the course, each student will be asked to introduce a paper related to kinetics, which will be selected according to his/her research topic. Explanations will be given on the position of the research and its relation to other studies.

  •   地球惑星物質科学特殊講義Ⅰ / Magmatic processes of Caldera eruptions  
      中村 美千彦, 理学部非常勤講師  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    Magma generation and volcanic eruption are one of the primary forms of heat transport from the Earth's interior to outer space. Gigantic caldera eruptions form subduction zone crusts, and the supervolcanic eruptions are phenomena that can affect the survival of nations and human civilization. In this lecture, the processes of generation, accumulation, and eruption of large amounts of magma will be explained. The use of thermodynamic calculation software (Rhyolite-MELTS) to quantitatively estimate the conditions for magma differentiation and accumulation will be explained, and hands-on training in data processing methods will be provided.

  •   野外調査演習(測量学を含む) / Methodology of field survey  
      掛川 武, 石田 章純, 奥村 聡, 後藤 章夫, 長瀬 敏郎, 宮本 毅  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 / 前期 月曜日 2講時 / 前期 月曜日 3講時 / 前期 月曜日 4講時  


    This is practice course of geological survey.

    This is the field training cause for undergraduate students.

  •   火山学・地質流体論特選講義Ⅰ / Computational Magma Thermodynamics  
      中村 美千彦, 奥村 聡  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    Owing to many years of research results from high-temperature and high-pressure experiments, phase relations in multicomponent multiphase magmas can now be calculated numerically with considerable accuracy using thermodynamic calculation software (various MELTS programs). Using Rhyolite-MELTS as an example, this course will explain how to quantitatively estimate the crystallization differentiation processes and accumulation conditions of voluminous siliciclastic magmas and provide hands-on training in data processing methods.

  •   固体地球物理学特殊講義Ⅰ / Solid earth physics  
      西村 太志, 中原 恒, 理学部非常勤講師  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  


    This lecuture introducs the seismic wave propagation processes and volcano dynamics.

  •   地殻力学特論Ⅰ / Dynamics and evolution of crust and lithosphere  
      武藤 潤  
      前期 水曜日 3講時  


    The movement of plates covering the earth is very subtle in our daily life, but causes mountain building of Himalayas and creating a monsoon climate in East Asia through geologic ages. Geological disasters such as the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and subsequent gigantic tsunamis are the consequence of this tiny plate movement accumulating as hundreds and thousands of years. From the megathrust event and induced inland earthquakes and volcanic eruption, we recognize the necessity to understand the teconic process through geological time scaels. Therefore, in this lecture we will learn the fundamental theory of the continuum mechanics which is the basis of the research on solid earth, tracing the evolution history of the plate tectonics. Then we will also learn that plate movement is the surface expression of mantle convection representing mechanical properties and cooling histories earth. Through this lecture, we will consider how we should understand the dynamics and evolution of our dynamic Earth.

  •   地球・生命起源学Ⅱ / Introduction to Earth and Planetary Material Sciences  
      奥村 聡, MC DONOUGH WILLI, 大藤 弘明, 栗林 貴弘, 中嶋 大輔  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  

    本講議は全て英語で行われ、短期留学生プログラムの "Dynamics of the Earth"と共通で開講する。


    学部で開講された地球惑星物質科学入門  (Introduction to Earth and Planetary Material Sciences)を受講し、単位認定を受けた者は、単位認定されない。




    This class is an introductory geology program to understand fundamental issues of Earth Sciences. The basics of Solar system, Volcanology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry will be taught, and each part will introduce recent topics.

  •   環境地球科学 / Environmental Geosciences  
      宇野 正起  








    クラスコード 4ofrxku


    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認できます。


    1. Purpose

    Geoscience is a discipline which explores universal laws governing various kinds of natural phenomena in the Earth, including geology, geochemistry and geophysics.

    2. Outline

    Environmental geoscience includes classification of rocks and formation mechanisms, structural geology, kinematics of the

    Earth's crust, formation of natural resources, and geochronology.

    3. Achievement

    This course is designed to understand classification of rocks and geological structure, and to discuss on formation of geosphere environments.

    Class code: 4ofrxku
