
208 件ヒット (0.029秒):

  •   高分子化学Ⅰ(AMC) / Polymer Chemsitry I  
      和田 健彦  
      後期前半 水曜日 2講時  

    The category of polymeric (or macromolecular) materials is so broad as to include, for example, the familiar fibers (or textiles), rubbers, plastics, and photo-resists used to make semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs). Protein and nucleic acid are also a type of polymer, called biopolymers.

    This lecture will first introduce the synthesis, structure, and properties of polymers, which are quite different from ordinary low molecular weight organic compounds. Next, high performance and functional polymers and hybrid polymer materials will be explained in detail. Finally, biopolymers are summarised from a biophysical point of view.

    The category of polymeric (or macromolecular) materials is so broad as to include, for example, the familiar fibers (or textiles), rubbers, plastics, and photo-resists used to make semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs). Protein and nucleic acid are also a type of polymer, called biopolymers.

    This lecture will first introduce the synthesis, structure, and properties of polymers, which are quite different from ordinary low molecular weight organic compounds. Next, high performance and functional polymers and hybrid polymer materials will be explained in detail. Finally, biopolymers are summarised from a biophysical point of view.

  •   高分子化学Ⅱ(AMC) / Polymer Chemsitry II  
      和田 健彦  
      後期後半 水曜日 2講時  

    The category of polymeric (or macromolecular) materials is so broad as to include, for example, the familiar fibers (or textiles), rubbers, plastics, and photo-resists used to make semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs). Protein and nucleic acid are also a type of polymer, called biopolymers.

    This lecture will first introduce the synthesis, structure, and properties of polymers, which are quite different from ordinary low molecular weight organic compounds. Next, high performance and functional polymers and hybrid polymer materials will be explained in detail. Finally, biopolymers are summarised from a biophysical point of view.

    The category of polymeric (or macromolecular) materials is so broad as to include, for example, the familiar fibers (or textiles), rubbers, plastics, and photo-resists used to make semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs). Protein and nucleic acid are also a type of polymer, called biopolymers.

    This lecture will first introduce the synthesis, structure, and properties of polymers, which are quite different from ordinary low molecular weight organic compounds. Next, high performance and functional polymers and hybrid polymer materials will be explained in detail. Finally, biopolymers are summarised from a biophysical point of view.

  •   自己組織化高分子化学 / Chemistry of Self-Assembling Polymeric Materials  
      陣内 浩司, 宮田 智衆  

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    This course explains the self-assemblies of polymer aggregates, such as phase separation and crystallization. First, we start with the history of macromolecules (as an introduction to polymer science) and outline the chemical structure, molecular weight, chain dimensions of polymers, etc. Subsequently, we focus on the phase-separation phenomena of polymers and the structures/properties of composite materials. In addition, polymer crystallization and the resulting hierarchical structures are explained. The latest topics related to the lecture content would be shown.

  •   生体機能化学特論ⅢA / Molecular interaction and chemical reaction in the life science  
      永次 史  
      通年集中 その他 連講  


    The molecular interaction and chemical reaction plays the important roles in life science. In this class, I will present about these molecular interactions in the nucleic acid and protein and the function in vivo. In addition, I would like to talk about the chemical reactions for control of the life phenomena. The objective of this class is the understanding that the life phenomena are controlled by the simple chemical reaction and precise molecular recognition.

  •   生物化学概論(AMC) / General Biochemistry(生物化学概論)  
      髙橋 聡, 永次 史, 南後 恵理子  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  

    To study the basic knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry and structural biology and to understand biological phenomena at the molecular level, students will learn the following contents.

    1) Structures and chemical properties of nucleic acids

    2) Structures and chemical properties of amino acids and proteins

    3) Biochemical methods for analyzing DNA sequence, amino acid sequence, protein structures and functions

    4) Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis

    To study the basic knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry and structural biology and to understand biological phenomena at the molecular level, students will learn the following contents.

    1) Structures and chemical properties of nucleic acids

    2) Structures and chemical properties of amino acids and proteins

    3) Biochemical methods for analyzing DNA sequence, amino acid sequence, protein structures and functions

    4) Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis

  •   専門基礎化学Ⅱ(AMC) / Special Class in Basic Chemistry II (AMC)  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  

    This course builds from the basic electronic structure of atoms and molecules to bonding in compounds to structure and finally to the relationship between the structure and properties of compounds.It is my aim that students will develop tools needed to predict the properties from the electronic and physical structures of relatively simple compounds.

    This course builds from the basic electronic structure of atoms and molecules to bonding in compounds to structure and finally to the relationship between the structure and properties of compounds.It is my aim that students will develop tools needed to predict the properties from the electronic and physical structures of relatively simple compounds.

  •   生物化学ⅡA(AMC) / Biochemistry of nucleic acid and protein synthesis.  
      後期前半 金曜日 2講時  

    To learn the biological phenomena at the molecular level and to gain a deeper understanding of biochemsity, molecular biology and biophysics.

    To learn the biological phenomena at the molecular level and to gain a deeper understanding of biochemsity, molecular biology and biophysics.

    It is desirable to consistently attend the discussions in Biochemistry IIB concerning the photosynthesis, protein turnover and protein trafficking.

  •   化学反応解析特論ⅢA / Interaction and Chemical Reactions in Life Science  
      和田 健彦  
      通年集中 その他 連講  


    In recent years, the understanding of life science at the molecular level has advanced and it has become clear in detail that various chemical reactions work to maintain life. Although many of these chemical reactions only induce changes at the molecular level, they play an important role in controlling gene expression and various protein-protein interactions. In this special lecture, we will focus on "Chemical Reactions in Life Science" and aim to understand the interaction and function of biological components such as nucleic acids and proteins at the molecular level. In particular, the properties and synergetic effects of weak interactions, such as hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions, will be explained in detail. The rules of entropy and enthalpy compensation are also described.

  •   有機化学概論D(AMC) / General Organic Chemistry D  
      永次 史  
      前期後半 火曜日 2講時 / 前期後半 金曜日 1講時  

    Objective and Summary of Class:

       This class is part of series of organic chemistry classes, including General Organic Chemistry A, C, and D.

    This lecture will concersn the following topics:

    (1) Basic chemistry of amines and helelocycles

    (2) Chemistry of biomolecules

      2-1 Carbohydrates

      2-2 Aminoacids, Peptides and Proteins

      2-3 Lipids

      2-4 Nucleic acids

    (3) The organic chemistry of metabolic pathway

    (4) Pericyclic reactions : electrocyclic reactions, cyclo additions and sigmatropic rearrangements

    Objective and Summary of Class:

       This class is part of series of organic chemistry classes, including General Organic Chemistry A, C, and D.

    This lecture will concersn the following topics:

    (1) Basic chemistry of amines and helelocycles

    (2) Chemistry of biomolecules

      2-1 Carbohydrates

      2-2 Aminoacids, Peptides and Proteins

      2-3 Lipids

      2-4 Nucleic acids

    (3) The organic chemistry of metabolic pathway

    (4) Pericyclic reactions : electrocyclic reactions, cyclo additions and sigmatropic rearrangements

  •   化学C  
      Mott Derrick  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 その他  

    Organic compounds represent the building blocks of life, are essential to survival and compose a wide range of materials used in our everyday lives. Understanding the fundamental properties and behavior of organic compounds has led to several advancements in medicine, energy production, functional materials, environmental control, and in general has greatly improved technology and quality of life. In this course, the objective will be to build a solid understanding of the fundamentals of organic chemistry, learn about structure and reactions of organic compounds and observe where organic chemistry is being used to enhance current technology and improve the quality of human life.
