
高分子化学Ⅱ(AMC) / Polymer Chemsitry II

後期後半 水曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor : 和田 健彦. 学期/Semester: 後期後半. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SCH-OCH302E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Laboratory of Nanobio Functional Materials/Chemical Biology & Supramolecular Photochirogenesis


Polymer Chemsitry II

Course Title

Polymer Chemsitry II


The category of polymeric (or macromolecular) materials is so broad as to include, for example, the familiar fibers (or textiles), rubbers, plastics, and photo-resists used to make semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs). Protein and nucleic acid are also a type of polymer, called biopolymers.
This lecture will first introduce the synthesis, structure, and properties of polymers, which are quite different from ordinary low molecular weight organic compounds. Next, high performance and functional polymers and hybrid polymer materials will be explained in detail. Finally, biopolymers are summarised from a biophysical point of view.


The category of polymeric (or macromolecular) materials is so broad as to include, for example, the familiar fibers (or textiles), rubbers, plastics, and photo-resists used to make semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs). Protein and nucleic acid are also a type of polymer, called biopolymers.
This lecture will first introduce the synthesis, structure, and properties of polymers, which are quite different from ordinary low molecular weight organic compounds. Next, high performance and functional polymers and hybrid polymer materials will be explained in detail. Finally, biopolymers are summarised from a biophysical point of view.


The aim is to provide the backbone for the specific areas of advanced materials science in nanoscience and nanotechnology through a fundamental understanding of polymer materials chemistry.


The aim is to provide the backbone for the specific areas of advanced materials science in nanoscience and nanotechnology through a fundamental understanding of polymer materials chemistry.


(1) Free Radical Polymerization
(2) Ionic Polymerization
(3) Vinyl Polymerization with Complex Coordination Catalysts
(4) Step-reaction and Ring-opening Polymerization

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

(1) Free Radical Polymerization
(2) Ionic Polymerization
(3) Vinyl Polymerization with Complex Coordination Catalysts
(4) Step-reaction and Ring-opening Polymerization


Attendance, report, and regular examination


Attendance, report, and regular examination


Reference Book: "Polymer Chemistry: International" (3rd Student Edition.) by Timothy P. Lodge and Paul C. Hiemenz, CRC Press, 2020.
ISBN-13: 978-1466581647

Books required/referenced

Reference Book: "Polymer Chemistry: International" (3rd Student Edition.) by Timothy P. Lodge and Paul C. Hiemenz, CRC Press, 2020.
ISBN-13: 978-1466581647


The session time is limited and self-directed learning is important. Students will be required to review for each class.

Preparation and review

The session time is limited and self-directed learning is important. Students will be required to review for each class.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness


The office hours are basically from 10 am to 5 pm, from Monday to Friday


The office hours are basically from 10 am to 5 pm, from Monday to Friday

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