
専門基礎化学Ⅱ(AMC) / Special Class in Basic Chemistry II (AMC)

前期 金曜日 3講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : BREEDLOVE BRIAN. 学期/Semester: 前期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SCH-INO211E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Laboratory of Nanomaterials


専門基礎化学II (AMC)

Course Title

Special Class in Basic Chemistry II (AMC)


This course builds from the basic electronic structure of atoms and molecules to bonding in compounds to structure and finally to the relationship between the structure and properties of compounds.It is my aim that students will develop tools needed to predict the properties from the electronic and physical structures of relatively simple compounds.


This course builds from the basic electronic structure of atoms and molecules to bonding in compounds to structure and finally to the relationship between the structure and properties of compounds.It is my aim that students will develop tools needed to predict the properties from the electronic and physical structures of relatively simple compounds.


The goal of this course is to learn the basics of electronic structures of atoms and molecules and bonding. In addition, students will be able to understand the relationship among those topics and the properties of compounds.


The goal of this course is to learn the basics of electronic structures of atoms and molecules and bonding. In addition, students will be able to understand the relationship among those topics and the properties of compounds.


Below is a tentative schedule and content for the course. The schedule may be changed due to time constraints or at the discretion of the professor.
1. Elemental Origin and Atomic Composition
2. Quantum Mechanics,
3. Periodic Table General Properties and Periodicity, Magnetic Properties
4. Covalent Bonding, Lewis Structure, Molecular Orbital Method
5. Atoms, Molecule, polyatomic molecules
6. Valence bonding method, hybrid orbital, π bond
7. Molecular structure and polarity
8. Symmetry and group theory
9. Group theory molecular orbital, application to molecular vibration
10. Crystal structure (1)
11. Crystal structure (2)
12. Ionic solids
13. Metal and metal like
14. Electric conduction, semiconductor, superconductivity

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

Below is a tentative schedule and content for the course. The schedule may be changed due to time constraints or at the discretion of the professor.
1. Elemental Origin and Atomic Composition
2. Quantum Mechanics,
3. Periodic Table General Properties and Periodicity, Magnetic Properties
4. Covalent Bonding, Lewis Structure, Molecular Orbital Method
5. Atoms, Molecule, polyatomic molecules
6. Valence bonding method, hybrid orbital, π bond
7. Molecular structure and polarity
8. Symmetry and group theory
9. Group theory molecular orbital, application to molecular vibration
10. Crystal structure (1)
11. Crystal structure (2)
12. Ionic solids
13. Metal and metal like
14. Electric conduction, semiconductor, superconductivity


Class attendance, homework and two exams


Class attendance, homework and two exams


Primary text: Inorganic Chemistry 6th Ed,
General Chemistry 9th Ed. by Ebbing and Gammon
and other texts

Books required/referenced

Primary text: Inorganic Chemistry 6th Ed,
General Chemistry 9th Ed. by Ebbing and Gammon
and other texts


You should be reading the chapters and trying problems not assigned by the professor.

Preparation and review

You should be reading the chapters and trying problems not assigned by the professor.


email: breedlove.brian.b1@tohoku.ac.jp


email: breedlove.brian.b1@tohoku.ac.jp

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