
827 件ヒット (0.015秒):

  •   人体の構造と機能及び疾病  
      本多 奈美  
      後期 金曜日 1講時 総合研究棟306教室  


  •   小児看護学  
      塩飽 仁, 入江 亘, 菅原 明子  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 保健学科第2講義室 / 後期 金曜日 1講時 保健学科第2講義室 / 後期 金曜日 2講時 保健学科第2講義室  


    2.子供の健康に関する動向と保健対策,疾病や障害を持つ子供と健康な子供に共通した日常生活の援助方法について具体的に学ぶ。また,子供のQuality of Life(QOL)を支援する原理となる子供の権利条約について学び,子供の人権擁護の具体的方法について学習する。


    1.This course covers the characteristics of child growth and development to help students understand the child health nursing subject and philosophy with a children's health and illness.

    2.The purpose of this course is to learn about child health, children's quality of life (QOL), and children's illnesses.

    3.The purpose of this course is to learn about principles and methodology of care for children with illness and disability and healthy children.

  •   成人看護学Ⅱ(急性期)  
      宮下 光令, 佐々木 康之輔, 吉田 詩織  
      後期 金曜日 3講時 保健学科大講義室 / 後期 金曜日 4講時 保健学科大講義室  


    To understand the adults in acute and life-threatening situations, and systematically learn the nursing care not to avoid major complications and necessary to restore health.

  •   工学者のための医学概論 / Outline of Medicine Engineers  
      西條 芳文  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。




    Google Classroomのクラスコード:

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    In this course, history of medicine is introduced. Structure and function of human body, cause, diagnosis and treatment of diseases are explained for engineering students. Medical systems in Japan in comparison with other countries, problems of medicine in 21st century, medical ethics, health and safety, mental health are also educated.

    This is a lecture-centered course but in some classes, students discuss on medical systems or medical ethics.

    Class code of Google Classroom:

  •   臨床生理学Ⅰ  
      三浦 昌人, 佐藤 遥  
      後期 月曜日 3講時 保健学科第6講義室  



    Electrocardiograms, phonocardiograms, and other cardiovascular tests used in clinical practice are designed to capture various signals emitted by the body. Thus, learning these tests is important for a correct understanding of the circulatory dynamics of the body. The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the circulatory physiology in normal humans and its examination methods and further understand the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases.

    Electromyography is an examination method to detect functional abnormalities including those of skeletal muscles, peripheral nerves, and spinal cord. Based on knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology, students will gain an understanding of typical muscle diseases and electromyography and evoked potential testing.

  •   神経・生理心理学  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 総合研究棟201教室  


  •   神経解剖学 Neuroanatomy  
      鈴木 匡子  
      2024年9月3日~9月25日 Sep 3rd, 2024 to Sep 25th, 2024  
      毎週火・水曜4-6時限 4th~6th period on Tue and Wed  



    Various sensory stimuli from inside and/or outside the human body are transmitted to spinal cord and/or brain (central nervous system, CNS). Input information are calculated in CNS and then changed into the output information to exercise skeletal muscles and control functions of visceral organs. A neuron is a unit for performing arithmetic processing. Neurons make cell populations such as nuclei or layers histologically/anatomically, and those neuronal cell populations create functional networks with each other through local neuronal circuits and fiber connections between cell populations.

     The names of structures in brain and spinal cord and their fiber communication and function are explained in lectures. Observation of structures in brain (three dimensional arrangement of neuronal population, their neuronal fiber connections, blood vessels, and membrane tissues) is carried out in practical training. The aims of this class are acquiring anatomical knowledge about CNS and understanding the structure and function of CNS.

  •   基礎医学I (Basic Medicine 1)  
      大和田 祐二  
      April 12, 2024; April 26, 2024; May 10, 2024; May 17, 2024  
      4月~5月 金曜日、8:50-12:00 April~May Friday、8:50-12:00  


    To learn basic human anatomy and embryology

  •   生物の構造と機能 / Structure and Function of Living System  
      芳賀 洋一, 石川 拓司, 太田 信  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ









    本講義は、Google Classroomを利用する場合がある。クラスコードは「jhgtsiy」である。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    It is important to understand the structure and function of living systems for developing new technologies in bioengineering, medical engineering, and human healthcare. In this lecture, we mainly explain the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Especially, we discuss physiological phenomena in terms of biomechanics.

    This lecture might be offered using Google Classroom. Class code is "jhgtsiy".

  •   人体の構造を理解する Understanding the structure of human body  
      武田 賢  
      博士前期課程(前期2年の課程) 第1年次  


    The purpose of this class is to understand the basis of anatomy including normal functional relationship in multiple organs.
