
2385 件ヒット (0.012秒):

  •   臨床研究プロトコール演習 /Clinical Research Protocol: Practice  
      寳澤 篤  
      後期 ※受講者と相談の上、後日決定 /Second semester *decide after consulting with student  
      ※受講者と相談の上、後日決定 /*determined after consulting with student  


    /To draft a clinical research protocol.

  •   臨床研究プロトコール講義 /Clinical Research Protocol: Lecture  
      後藤 貴章  
      前期 ※受講者と相談の上、後日決定 /First semester *decide after consulting with student  
      ※受講者と相談の上、後日決定 /*decide after consulting with student  


    /To learn how to write standard operating procedures (SOP), how to draft a clinical protocol and regulation associated with preclinical study and clinical investigation.

  •   臨床倫理演習 Clinical Ethics and Case study  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      4月8日以降、第一学年中 After April 8th, during the first year  
      開講曜日・時期・時間は履修者と担当教員が合議の上決定する to be determined after consulting with students  

    臨床倫理に係る倫理的問題を包括的に教育する。また臨床倫理コンサルテーションに参加しコンサルテーションの実際的手続きを経験する。This course provides students with comprehensive educational regarding practical clinical ethics. Students also participate in clinical ethics consultation held in Tohoku University Hospital and other healthcare institutions.

  •   がん看護専門看護学実習III / Oncology Nursing Practice Ⅲ  
      宮下 光令  
      3セメスター / 3 semester  
      後日連絡 / To be announced  


    Clinical practice for palliative care nursing in various clinical settings.

  •   臨床腫瘍研究開発学特論 ( Advanced Clinical Oncology Research and Development )  
      亀井 尚  
      ISTU【システム年度更新作業完了後~3月まで受講可能】 e-learning through the year  
      ISTUまたはがんプロオンライン教育プラットホーム【毎日 24時間開講】 詳細については追って受講者へ連絡 e-learning through the day Details will be communicated to participants as soon as possible /  


    Learn general overview of the knowledge required for the practical application of new diagnostics and treatments.

  •   EBM演習 Evidence-Based-Medicine Seminar  
      鈴木 貴  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  
      今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  


    This course is successive to “Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine” and aimed to examine clinical research papers. Based on clinical articles, students will learn 1) evaluation of evidence level of the article, 2) examination of analysis method used in the paper (2-1: sample size design, 2-2: statistical methods and its model assumptions), 3) examination of interpretation of the results. The articles used in the course will be assigned in the lecture. First half of the course is applied to auditing “Medical Statistics Seminar(医学統計勉強会)”hosted by the department of cardiovascular medicine and Clinical Research, Innovation and Education Center (CRIETO).

  •   臨床研究実習Ⅰ Clinical Research Training Ⅰ  
      通年 Throughout a year  
      各指導教授の指示による。 As directed by each supervisor /  

    臨床研究に参加し、その実際について学ぶ。Participate in clinical research and learn about its practice.

  •   疫学 Epidemiology 疫学研究方法の理解と主要疾患の疫学的知見 Understanding health statistics and application of health statistical data  
      松永 篤志, 岩本 萌, 原 ゆかり  
      後日通知 TBA  
      後日通知 TBA  


    To understand epidemiological concept and methodology by learning about epidemiology of major prevalent diseases

  •   行動科学入門/Introduction to Behavioral Science  
      富田 博秋  
      2024年10月3日~2024年11月21日 /October 1st, 2024-November 21st, 2024  
      毎週木曜日 Every Thursday 18:00~19:30  


    Basics and applications of behavioral science are discussed step by step.

  •   医学AIセミナー Medical AI seminar  
      岩﨑 淳也  
      令和6年4月~令和7年3月 2024/Apr – 2025/Mar.  
      毎月1~2回 1~2 days per Month  


    This course plays a central role in education of graduate students belong to Medical AI course.

    In addition to the presentations and discussions on their own themes, students will attend the lectures from instructors, who conducts research related to the student’s own themes, from RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Artificial Intelligence Research Center, Japanese Association for Medical Artificial Intelligence, etc, and obtain latest knowledge.
