
1184 件ヒット (0.043秒):

  •   Study Design for Researches on Medical Sciences (医学研究方法論)  
      押谷 仁  
      April 11 - July 11, 2024  
      Every Thursday 16:20-17:50 (Apr 11, May 16, 23, 30, Jun 6, 13, 20, 27, Jul 4), 17:30-19:00 (Apr 18, 25, May 9), 16:20-17:50 & 18:00-19:30 (Jul 11)  

    This is a course designed for beginners in human medical research and those seeking to strengthen their academic writing skills in the field. Throughout this course, students will study the basic concepts of research in medical science, systematic reviews, and how to formulate research questions. By becoming familiar with study design in epidemiology, statistical methods, and academic writing, students will be able to present a study proposal at the end of the course. This course focuses on quantitative research involving human subjects. However, it is open to students conducting basic science or qualitative studies. Additionally, we welcome Japanese students who wish to engage in scientific discourse with international students.

  •   Study Design for Researches on Medical Sciences (医学研究方法論)  
      押谷 仁  
      April 11 - July 11, 2024  
      Every Thursday 16:20-17:50 (Apr 11, May 16, 23, 30, Jun 6, 13, 20, 27, Jul 4), 17:30-19:00 (Apr 18, 25, May 9), 16:20-17:50 & 18:00-19:30 (Jul 11)  

    This is a course designed for beginners in human medical research and those seeking to strengthen their academic writing skills in the field. Throughout this course, students will study the basic concepts of research in medical science, systematic reviews, and how to formulate research questions. By becoming familiar with study design in epidemiology, statistical methods, and academic writing, students will be able to present a study proposal at the end of the course. This course focuses on quantitative research involving human subjects. However, it is open to students conducting basic science or qualitative studies. Additionally, we welcome Japanese students who wish to engage in scientific discourse with international students.

  •   ヒューマンセキュリティとグローバルヘルス / Human Security and Global Health  
      江川 新一  
      令和6年4月12日(金)~令和6年7月26日(金) / From Apr. 12 (Fri), 2024 to Jul. 26 (Fri), 2024  
      下記に指定された金曜日 16:20~17:50 / Designated Friday 16:20-17:50  



    To realize Human Security, i.e., freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom to live with dignity, students will learn its general concept, history, the current situation, and related frameworks and understand the current situation of global health, the role of health cluster and discuss on the problem solution.

  •   法医学/Forensic medicine  
      美作 宗太郎  
      2024年4月17日(水)~2024年7月10日(水)/ April 17, 2024 to July 10, 2024  
      対面の場合:毎週水曜日 13:00~14:30/ face-to face lecture: every Wednesday, 13:00~14:30  

    法医学の基本概論ならびに最新の話題を提供する。/ Provides fundamental concepts and hot topics in the fields of forensic science.

  •   ヒューマンセキュリティとグローバルヘルス / Human Security and Global Health  
      江川 新一  
      令和6年4月12日(金)~令和6年7月26日(金) / From Apr. 12 (Fri), 2024 to Jul. 26 (Fri), 2024  
      下記に指定された金曜日 16:20~17:50 / Designated Friday 16:20-17:50  



    To realize Human Security, i.e., freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom to live with dignity, students will learn its general concept, history, the current situation, and related frameworks and understand the current situation of global health, the role of health cluster and discuss on the problem solution.

  •   ヒューマンセキュリティとグローバルヘルス / Human Security and Global Health  
      江川 新一  
      令和6年4月12日(金)~令和6年7月26日(金) / From Apr. 12 (Fri), 2024 to Jul. 26 (Fri), 2024  
      下記に指定された金曜日 16:20~17:50 / Designated Friday 16:20-17:50  



    To realize Human Security, i.e., freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom to live with dignity, students will learn its general concept, history, the current situation, and related frameworks and understand the current situation of global health, the role of health cluster and discuss on the problem solution.

  •   医学統計学入門 Introduction to Medical Statistics  
      山口 拓洋  
      令和6年4月10日~8月7日 Apr. 10 – Aug. 7  
      毎週水曜日 18:00~19:30 終了時間は前後する可能性あり 8月7日のみ20時まで Every Wednesday 18:00 – 19:30 It may finish earlier or later depending on the situation / Until 20:00 on August 7 only /  


    To learn medical research methodology from a statistical perspective with examples of clinical and epidemiological research. No prior knowledge is required; hence, the contents are somewhat overlapped with other related lecture.

  •   統計学 Introduction to Medical Statistics  
      山口 拓洋  
      令和6年4月10日~8月7日 Apr. 10 – Aug. 7  
      毎週水曜日 18:00~19:30 終了時間は前後する可能性あり 8月7日のみ20時まで Every Wednesday 18:00 – 19:30 It may finish earlier or later depending on the situation / Until 20:00 on August 7 only /  


    To learn medical research methodology from a statistical perspective with examples of clinical and epidemiological research. No prior knowledge is required; hence, the contents are somewhat overlapped with other related lecture.

  •   TR特論Ⅲ Translational Research 3  
      山口 拓洋  
      令和6年4月10日~8月7日 Apr. 10 – Aug. 7  
      毎週水曜日 18:00~19:30 終了時間は前後する可能性あり 8月7日のみ20時まで Every Wednesday 18:00 – 19:30 It may finish earlier or later depending on the situation / Until 20:00 on August 7 only /  


    To learn medical research methodology from a statistical perspective with examples of clinical and epidemiological research. No prior knowledge is required; hence, the contents are somewhat overlapped with other related lecture.

  •   医学統計学入門 Introduction to Medical Statistics  
      山口 拓洋  
      令和6年4月10日~8月7日 Apr. 10 – Aug. 7  
      毎週水曜日 18:00~19:30 終了時間は前後する可能性あり 8月7日のみ20時まで Every Wednesday 18:00 – 19:30 It may finish earlier or later depending on the situation / Until 20:00 on August 7 only /  


    To learn medical research methodology from a statistical perspective with examples of clinical and epidemiological research. No prior knowledge is required; hence, the contents are somewhat overlapped with other related lecture.
