
140 件ヒット (0.022秒):

  •   内科学概論 Internal Medicine  
      正宗 淳  
      ISTU視聴登録完了後~随時 ISTU.  



    Aim and outline:

    Professors of internal medicine in tohoku university hospital will give lectures regarding pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.

  •   内科学概論 Internal Medicine  
      正宗 淳  
      ISTU視聴登録完了後~随時 ISTU.  



    Aim and outline:

    Professors of internal medicine in tohoku university hospital will give lectures regarding pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.

  •   子供の病態と治療に関する知識に基づいたアセスメント Assessment based on knowledge about child's pathophysiology and treatment  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年10月3日(木)-2025年1月16日(木) October 3 2024 - January 16 2025  
      毎週木曜日 14:40-16:10 Thursday, 14:40-16:10  


    In this course, students will understand the children's diseases and treatment and learn about pathophysiology, examination, approach to treatment and symptom management.

  •   臨床生理学Ⅱ  
      三浦 昌人, 佐藤 遥  
      前期 木曜日 1講時 保健学科第1講義室  




    Respiratory examinations are clinically performed as lung function tests for diagnosis of respiratory diseases and preoperative tests. It also occupies an important position as the basis of respiratory management. The purpose of this class is not only to familiarize yourself with this test method, but also to deepen your understanding of the pathophysiology of respiratory diseases (Department of respiratory medicine).

    Lectures of equilibrium function tests, fundus tests, thermal imaging tests, and hearing/ smell/ taste tests are scheduled (Department of otorhinolaryngology). Lecture of MRI examination is also scheduled (Professor Ueda).

    Electroencephalogram test is a test method for detecting consciousness changes, pathological functional changes (disturbance of consciousness), and pathological nerve cell hyperexcitability (epileptic abnormalities) associated with arousal / sleep states. The purpose is to deepen the understanding of the theory and examination technique of EEG (Department of epileptology).

    This class covers the field of clinical physiology and helps students understand its fundamental mechanisms in more details.

  •   臨床医学総論Ⅰ  
      佐藤 遥, 三浦 昌人  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 保健学科第1演習室 / 後期 月曜日 4講時 保健学科第6講義室  



    In 3 semester, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatments of cardiovascular and respiratory disease are lectured. In 4 semester, pathophysiology and diagnosis of digestive disease are lectured.

  •   臨床医学概論  
      髙橋 信行  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 薬学部C棟講義室  


    This course provides students with basic knowledge necessary for diagnosis, pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and pharmacotherapy on various diseases. Faculty staff members of the Graduate School of Medicine provide lectures, in an "omnibus" style.

  •   疾病学総論  
      髙橋 信行  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 薬学部C棟講義室  


    This course provides students with basic knowledge necessary for diagnosis, pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and pharmacotherapy on various diseases. Faculty staff members of the Graduate School of Medicine provide lectures, in an "omnibus" style.

  •   学問論演習  
      正宗 淳、粂 潔、井上 淳、宇野 要、志賀 永嗣、滝川 哲也、内藤 健夫  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 その他  

    おなかの病気には様々な臓器の病気が含まれるが、代表的なものは食べ物の消化・吸収に関わる臓器である「消化器」の病気である。消化器には腫瘍性(がんやポリープなど)、炎症性(膵炎や腸炎など)、機能性(過敏性腸症候群など)の病気が存在している。これらの診断と治療に活用される技術は急速に発展を続けており、画質の向上に留まらず、AI診断も実用化されている。さらに、分子生物学や遺伝子研究は、病因や病態(消化器の病気になるメカニズム)の解析や、Precision Medicine(患者一人ひとりに有効かつ安全な治療を選択する個別化医療)の実現に寄与している。


    Abdominal diseases include diseases of various organs, however, typical diseases are those of the "digestive organs," which are the organs involved in the digestion and absorption of food. There are neoplastic (e.g., cancer and polyps), inflammatory (e.g., pancreatitis and enteritis), and functional (e.g., irritable bowel syndrome) diseases of the digestive organs. The technology utilized in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases continues to develop rapidly, not only improving image quality, but also commercializing AI diagnosis. Furthermore, molecular biology and genetic research are contributing to the analysis of etiology and pathology (mechanisms that lead to digestive organ diseases) and to the realization of Precision Medicine (personalized medicine that selects effective and safe treatment for each patient).

    This class encourages you to know how the latest technology contributes to the improvement of medical care through diseases of the digestive organs.

  •   臨床医学総論Ⅱ  
      菅原 明  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 保健学科第2講義室 / 後期 月曜日 2講時 保健学科大講義室  

    臨床検査技師もチーム医療の一員として、積極的に患者の診療にかかわっていく必要がある。そのためには、各疾患について、診断法だけでなく、病態や治療法についても学ぶ必要がある。本授業では下記の腎、神経、生殖器、内分泌代謝疾患、自己免疫疾患・アレルギーの中で頻度の多いもの、重要なものをとりあげ解説し、病態、診断、治療法について理解することを目的とする。積極的に授業に参加することを原則とする。/ To study the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of Nephrology, Neurology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Autoimmune/Allergic Disorders.

  •   成人看護学Ⅰ(慢性期)  
      宮下 光令, 青山 真帆, 升川 研人  
      前期 金曜日 3講時 保健学科第1講義室 / 前期 金曜日 4講時 保健学科第1講義室  


    The object of this course is to gain a multifaceted view of the internal and external environment surrounding people in adulthood, and to develop the ability to practice nursing approaches to the client based on theory and evidence. In more specific, systematically learn the characteristics of chronic health problems and nursing methods for adjusting and rebuilding the lives of people in adulthood in order to rebuild an/or maintain their health.
