
353 件ヒット (0.019秒):

  •   循環生理学及び呼吸生理学の研究への応用 Basic Research in Circulatory and Respiratory Physiology  
      三浦 昌人  
      2024年4月8日(月)~2025年1月31日(金) Monday, April 8, 2024~ Friday, January 31, 2025  
      毎週月曜日 18:00~19:30 Every Monday 18:00~19:30  


    This course covers the field of clinical physiology, especially, circulatory physiology and helps students understand its fundamental mechanisms in more details.

  •   研究遂行のために必要な循環生理学・呼吸生理学領域における文献資料や研究課題に関して授業時間に発表する。 Basic Research in Circulatory and Respiratory Physiology  
      三浦 昌人  
      2024年4月8日(月)~2025年1月31日(金) Monday, April 8, 2024 ~ Friday, January 31, 2025  
      毎週月曜日 16:30~19:30 Every Monday 16:30~19:30  


    The performance of the research will be reviewed by faculty members in the area of clinical physiology and laboratory medicine, and the students will receive group guidance from a broad perspective on their research projects.

  •   循環生理学及び呼吸生理学領域の研究への応用 Basic Research in Circulatory and Respiratory Physiology  
      三浦 昌人  
      2024年4月8日(月)~2025年1月31日(金) Monday, April 8, 2024 ~ Friday, January 31, 2025  
      毎週月曜日 18:00~19:30 Every Monday 18:00~19:30  


    This course covers the field of clinical physiology, especially, circulatory physiology and helps students understand its fundamental mechanisms in more details. This course is carried out jointly with SeminarⅠ on Clinical Physiology.

  •   基礎医学/Fundamental Medicine  
      武田 賢  
      1. 病理学 令和6年4月~令和6年9月/Pathology, April, 2024~September, 2024 2. 解剖学 令和6年4月~令和7年1月/Anatomy, April, 2024~January, 2025 3. 生理学 令和6年4月~令和7年1月/Physiology, April, 2024~January, 2025  
      1 / 病理学 毎週月曜日 10:30~12:00/Pathology, Every Monday, 10:30~12:00 2 / 解剖学 1セメ: 金曜日(13:00~14:30), 2セメ: 水曜日(13:00~14:30)/ Anatomy, 1Sem / Friday 13:00~14:30, 2Sem / Wednesday 13:00~14:30 3 / 生理学 1セメ:水曜日(13:00~14:30), 2セメ:月曜日(14:40~16:10)/Physiology, 1 Sem / Wednesday, 13:00~14:30, 2 Sem / Monday 14:40~16:10  

    1. 病理学 病理学とはどの様なものかを理解した後に、代表的かつ重要な疾患に関し、その原因、発生機序、進行過程、終末像等を理解する。/Pathology is very important to obtain better understanding of human disease. In this course, I will summarize pathogenesis and histopathology of various diseases.

    2. 解剖学 解剖学は、正常な身体の構造と身体相互の関連について学ぶことを目的とする。/The purpose of this class is to understand the basis of anatomy including normal functional relationship in multiple organs.

    3. 生体機能学(生理学)は、身体とそれを構成している細胞、組織、器官、臓器の営む正常機能を学ぶことを目的とする。/The purpose of this class is to understand the basis of physiology including normal function of several cells, tissues, and organs.

  •   生体機能学Ⅰ(放射線)  
      菅野 恵美, 佐藤 佑樹, 丹野 寛大  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 保健学科大講義室  


    The purpose of this class is to understand the basis of physiology including normal function of several cells, tissues, and organs.

  •   生体機能学Ⅰ(看護)  
      菅野 恵美, 佐藤 佑樹, 丹野 寛大  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 保健学科大講義室  


    The purpose of this class is to understand the basis of physiology including normal function of several cells, tissues, and organs.

  •   生体のメカニズムを理解する Understanding the mechanism of human body  
      武田 賢  
      博士前期課程(前期2年の課程) 第1年次  


    The purpose of this class is to understand the basis of physiology including normal function of several cells, tissues, and organs.

  •   臨床生理学Ⅰ  
      三浦 昌人, 佐藤 遥  
      後期 月曜日 3講時 保健学科第6講義室  



    Electrocardiograms, phonocardiograms, and other cardiovascular tests used in clinical practice are designed to capture various signals emitted by the body. Thus, learning these tests is important for a correct understanding of the circulatory dynamics of the body. The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the circulatory physiology in normal humans and its examination methods and further understand the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases.

    Electromyography is an examination method to detect functional abnormalities including those of skeletal muscles, peripheral nerves, and spinal cord. Based on knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology, students will gain an understanding of typical muscle diseases and electromyography and evoked potential testing.

  •   臨床検査医科学セミナーII Seminar II on laboratory medicine and clinical science  
      鈴木 貴  
      2024年10月~2025年3月 October, 2024 ~ March, 2025  
      未定(各指導教授に問い合わせること) Asking your professor  


    Following "Seminar I on laboratory medicine and clinical science", this course aims to improve students' ability to develop skill to present your original data obtained from experiments. This course centered presentation by students themselves.

  •   生体のメカニズムを理解する Understanding the mechanism of human body  
      武田 賢  
      博士前期課程(前期2年の課程) 第1年次  


    The purpose of this class is to understand the basis of physiology including normal function of several cells, tissues, and organs.
