
179 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   Disaster Medicine (災害医学概論)  
      石井 正  


    Medical staff who treated sufferers from The Great East Japan Earthquake in the

    hospitals attacked by the disaster, specialists for disaster/emergency medicine, and professors in the International Research Institute of Disaster Science will give lectures regarding Disaster Medicine. The aim of this subject is to develop the medical staff who can manage and respond to the medical problem caused by disaster

  •   Disaster Medicine (災害医学特論)  
      石井 正  


    Medical staff who treated sufferers from The Great East Japan Earthquake in the

    hospitals attacked by the disaster, specialists for disaster/emergency medicine, and professors in the International Research Institute of Disaster Science will give lectures regarding Disaster Medicine. The aim of this subject is to develop the medical staff who can manage and respond to the medical problem caused by disaster

  •   Disaster Medicine (災害医学概論)  
      石井 正  


    Medical staff who treated sufferers from The Great East Japan Earthquake in the

    hospitals attacked by the disaster, specialists for disaster/emergency medicine, and professors in the International Research Institute of Disaster Science will give lectures regarding Disaster Medicine. The aim of this subject is to develop the medical staff who can manage and respond to the medical problem caused by disaster

  •   災害医学特論 / Disaster Medicine  
      石井 正  
      オンデマンド、随時 On demand, anytime  
      オンデマンド、随時 On demand, anytime  


    The class is provided only in Japanese.

    Medical staff who treated sufferers from The Great East Japan Earthquake in the

    hospitals attacked by the disaster, specialists for disaster/emergency medicine, and professors in the International Research Institute of Disaster Science will give lectures regarding Disaster Medicine. The aim of this subject is to develop the medical staff who can manage and respond to the medical problem caused by disaster.

  •   災害医学特論 / Disaster Medicine  
      石井 正  
      オンデマンド、随時 On demand, anytime  
      オンデマンド、随時 On demand, anytime  


    The class is provided only in Japanese.

    Medical staff who treated sufferers from The Great East Japan Earthquake in the

    hospitals attacked by the disaster, specialists for disaster/emergency medicine, and professors in the International Research Institute of Disaster Science will give lectures regarding Disaster Medicine. The aim of this subject is to develop the medical staff who can manage and respond to the medical problem caused by disaster.

  •   社会・環境医学 Public Health and Environmental Health Science  
      寳澤 篤  


    Provides fundamental concepts and hot topics in various fields of public health and environmental health science.

  •   社会・環境医学 Public Health and Environmental Health Science  
      寳澤 篤  


    Provides fundamental concepts and hot topics in various fields of public health and environmental health science.

  •   社会・環境医学 Public Health and Environmental Health Science  
      寳澤 篤  


    Provides fundamental concepts and hot topics in various fields of public health and environmental health science.

  •   東日本大震災の教訓を活かした実践的防災学  
      中島 平(教育学研究科)、八木 秀文(オープンオンライン教育開発推進センター)、今村 文彦(災害科学国際研究所)、佐藤 翔輔(災害科学国際研究所)  
      後期集中 その他 連講 オンライン  



  •   復興・IT農学  
      北柴 大泰  
      前期集中 その他 連講  



    1) 座学では、大規模災害による農林水産業、食産業および私たちの暮らしへの影響、ならびに復興に関する課題や必要な技術について理解を深める。

    2) 農学研究科附属川渡フィールドセンターを中心として、フィールドにおける生産システムの理解、および先端農学技術の応用について,体験を通して学ぶ。また、グループディスカッションにより農業・農村の復興プランを作成し、提案・議論を行う。

    3) 被災地エクステンション:被災地を訪れ、震災の被害内容状況、今後の復興に向けての必要知識を、体験を通して学ぶ。

    4) ITを活用できる農業、農業に直結するIT技術を学習することで、東日本大震災による農林水産業や農漁村の被害からの農林水産業や農漁村の復興や、将来の災害に対する備えや予防につながる科学および技術を学ぶ。

    To understand the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake to agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and fishing villages, and to learn about research and technological development that will lead to the reconstruction of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and fishing villages, and to preparedness and prevention for future disasters in a field-oriented manner.

    1) In classroom lectures, students will deepen their understanding of the impact of large-scale disasters on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, the food industry, and our daily lives, as well as the issues and necessary technologies related to reconstruction.

    2) Students will learn the production system in the field and the application of advanced agricultural technology, through experiences mainly at the Kawatabi Field Science Center of the Graduate School of Agricultural Science. In addition, through group discussions, participants will create, propose, and discuss reconstruction plans for agriculture and farming villages.

    3) Extension to disaster-stricken areas: Students will visit disaster-stricken areas to learn through experience the damage caused by the earthquake and the knowledge necessary for future reconstruction.

    4) Learn science and technology that will lead to the recovery of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and fishing villages from the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and to prepare for and prevent future disasters by learning about agriculture that can utilize IT and IT technology directly related to agriculture.
