
85 件ヒット (0.03秒):

  •   医学AIセミナー Medical AI seminar  
      岩﨑 淳也  
      令和6年4月~令和7年3月 2024/Apr – 2025/Mar.  
      毎月1~2回 1~2 days per Month  


    This course plays a central role in education of graduate students belong to Medical AI course.

    In addition to the presentations and discussions on their own themes, students will attend the lectures from instructors, who conducts research related to the student’s own themes, from RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Artificial Intelligence Research Center, Japanese Association for Medical Artificial Intelligence, etc, and obtain latest knowledge.

  •   医学AI特論Ⅱ Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2  
      岩﨑 淳也  
      令和6年4月~令和7年3月 2024/Apr. – 2025/Mar.  
      毎日 24時間開講 / Anytime  


    In this course, students will learn about the role of artificial intelligence in the medical fields and fundamental concepts and skills of machine learning.

    To deepen own understanding of clustering, deep learning and reinforcement learning, etc, which are the fundamental components of machine learning, by hands-on programming.

    To learn about programming language Python and how to use a numerical calculation library which has the important role of machine learning.

  •   医学AI特論Ⅱ Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2  
      岩﨑 淳也  
      令和6年4月~令和7年3月 2024/Apr. – 2025/Mar.  
      毎日 24時間開講 / Anytime  


    In this course, students will learn about the role of artificial intelligence in the medical fields and fundamental concepts and skills of machine learning.

    To deepen own understanding of clustering, deep learning and reinforcement learning, etc, which are the fundamental components of machine learning, by hands-on programming.

    To learn about programming language Python and how to use a numerical calculation library which has the important role of machine learning.

  •   医学AI特論I / Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 1  
      岩﨑 淳也  
      令和6年4月~令和7年3月/ 2024/Apr. – 2025/Mar.  
      毎日 24時間開講 / Anytime  

    医療分野における人工知能の役割とその基盤技術である機械学習の基本概念・技術について学ぶ。機械学習の代表的な分析手法である回帰、分類などについて、手を動かしながらシステムを作成し、実データを処理する過程で医療分野における機械学習について理解を深める。プログラミング言語pythonの基礎と機械学習で重要な役割を持つ数値計算ライブラリの使い方を習得する。/ In this course, students will learn about the role of artificial intelligence in the medical fields and fundamental concepts and skills of machine learning.

    To deepen own understanding of regression and classification, etc, which are the fundamental components of machine learning, by hands-on programming.

    To learn about programming language Python and how to use a numerical calculation library which has the important role of machine learning.

  •   医学AI特論I / Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 1  
      岩﨑 淳也  
      令和6年4月~令和7年3月/ 2024/Apr. – 2025/Mar.  
      毎日 24時間開講 / Anytime  

    医療分野における人工知能の役割とその基盤技術である機械学習の基本概念・技術について学ぶ。機械学習の代表的な分析手法である回帰、分類などについて、手を動かしながらシステムを作成し、実データを処理する過程で医療分野における機械学習について理解を深める。プログラミング言語pythonの基礎と機械学習で重要な役割を持つ数値計算ライブラリの使い方を習得する。/ In this course, students will learn about the role of artificial intelligence in the medical fields and fundamental concepts and skills of machine learning.

    To deepen own understanding of regression and classification, etc, which are the fundamental components of machine learning, by hands-on programming.

    To learn about programming language Python and how to use a numerical calculation library which has the important role of machine learning.

  •   現代経済学特別演習Ba  
      前期集中 その他 その他  



    The purpose of this course is to expose graduate students to the latest intelligent research in modern economics. The main focus is on presentations by external speakers. Additionally, when attending seminars, students are expected to provide oral or written comments and feedback either during or after the seminar.


    Graduate students who will submit their master's thesis in this semester will give an interim presentation of their research paper.

  •   現代経済学特別演習Bb  
      後期集中 その他 その他  



    The purpose of this course is to expose graduate students to the latest intelligent research in modern economics. The main focus is on presentations by external speakers. Additionally, when attending seminars, students are expected to provide oral or written comments and feedback either during or after the seminar.


    Graduate students who will submit their master's thesis in this semester will give an interim presentation of their research paper.

  •   検査医科学特論 Special lectures on laboratory medicine and science  
      高橋 和広  
      座学:2024年4月~2025年2月 April 2024 ~ February 2025  
      毎月1回(原則として第1月曜日)16:30~18:45 Once a month (the first Monday, basically)  


    Series of lectures on laboratory medicine, molecular biology, hematology, pathology, immunology, endocrinology etc. and presentation by graduate students themselves.

  •   医学AIトレーニングⅢ Medical AI training III  
      園部 真也  
      決定次第メールで通知 Indicated dates informed by E-mail  
      決定次第メールで通知 Indicated dates informed by E-mail  


    Thoroughly read literature on medical AI, summarize its content, and make presentations. Additionally, evaluate presentations by others. Through these activities, aim to develop skills in paper comprehension, public speaking, and question-and-answer sessions.

  •   応用生化学 / Applied Biochemistry  
      梅津 光央  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ



    農学研究科大講義室などで毎週水曜日午前に行われている大学院生化学合同講義を受講し、評価に合格すれば本講義の単位が取得できる(状況によっては、オンライン講義で行われる)。各教官による生物化学、分子生物学、細胞生物学、分子遺伝学など、医・薬・理・農・工分野の最先端生物分野関連研究を紹介し、生物化学・分子生物学・細胞生物学 ・ 分子遺伝学、分子神経生理学等への理解を深めることに主眼をおく。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    The credits of this lecture will be obtained by attending Tohoku University Joint Lectures on Biochemistry which will be held in every Wednesday morning in the Faculty of Agriculture (or online), and fulfilling the requirements. The biological field-related research in the fields of medicine, medicine, science, agriculture, and engineering, such as biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, and molecular genetics, is lectured in omnibus format.
